The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 680 - A Monster Living In A Young Man’s Body

Chapter 680 - A Monster Living In A Young Man’s Body





Quickly, blades and other forms of energy attacks cut through the air of that street, sometimes hitting their targets, but in many others heading off into the surrounding area.

As such, it wasn't long before many explosions and the sounds of smaller houses and buildings being slowly destroyed spread throughout that central part of Yellow City.

A fight between Spiritual Kings at the middle and the final part of the 6th stage was not simple, so when several of these experts were fighting, places like that would suffer greatly.

The attacks from Spiritual Kings of this strength range were powerful enough to cut through buildings and make them collapse. Therefore, the small and abandoned Yellow City suffered the most from this battle!

But in any case, the material damage here was not so relevant since this place had long been abandoned, and any plan Minos had for such a place did not take these buildings into consideration.

As a result, despite the fact that several craters had already formed on that street and many buildings had collapsed by this point, the only thing that mattered here was the life and death of those Spiritual Kings.

With that in mind, Minos was fighting bravely against 4 of these individuals right now while constantly moving, dodging, attacking his opponents in a battle of high speed and power.

Of the initial six Spiritual Kings in that group, one of them had fainted after nearly going insane due to Minos' mental technique.

Young Stuart had put him into an illusion where that person could hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing, and so on. In other words, he couldn't use any of his five senses in such a dream, and he gradually became delirious until he collapsed before losing his reason!

On the other hand, the individual who had been hit in the gut earlier had died shortly afterward due to another of young Stuart's relentless attacks.

Minos was not concerned about such a person when he had done this. Still, since he was moving close to such a person, he had taken the opportunity to slit that man's throat with one of his swords!

In this way, one of those six had died, while the other was unconscious, unable to influence the battle.

With that, Minos was in the current situation. He was constantly exchanging blows with the three strongest in that group while trying to dodge the long-range attacks of the man who had lost an arm earlier in the fight.



Another batch of attacks rushed towards their targets. At the same time, those four men were in different positions, slowly trying to surround young Stuart.

However, even if they had the advantage in numbers, their opponent's techniques were far more challenging than they could handle.

Young Stuart's speed was far greater than theirs. His support technique kept sucking up their energies. And his defenses were, well, impenetrable to these people.

As a result, aside from making young Stuart sweat profusely and experience some discomfort around his own body, these individuals had failed to injure him, creating opportunities for them.

The opposite of that, as the fight progressed, these people felt the sensation of fatigue slowly increasing. But meanwhile, their opponent seemed not to change as much as they did.

'What's wrong with this person? Why did his energies stop decreasing?' So, one of these Spiritual Kings thought to himself as he launched a powerful attack towards Minos.


Quickly a sizeable black palm slashed through the air towards Minos, at the same time, as a long red whip tried to reach one of Minos' arms.

'It won't work!' Another of them thought as he saw young Stuart spin 180 degrees to the right while having one of his legs raised in the air as if he was catching momentum to kick.

As he did so, Minos compressed much of the air around one of his feet and kicked with great force toward that black palm coming toward him.

Simultaneously with this, the golden blade of one of his swords gently cut the thread of spiritual energy that was trying to bind one of his arms.

'That rascal is a damned monster! How could such a freak exist in our region?'

As Minos circulated the energies he had stolen from these people and launched more attacks, another Spiritual King briefly thought about it, trembling with fear.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

"Why is this happening? Why is this damn brat so powerful?" Wallace shouted in anger, his voice slowly becoming hoarse, while his exhaustion made him feel less and less capable.

But besides his voice, only sounds of battles could be heard in that place, while none of them stopped to answer his questions.



"Ahhhhhhhh!" Finally, more cries of pain began to fill that area as Minos ran around that place, and one of his attacks hit one of those enemies of his.

"Damn it! I can't believe I'm going to die from this brat's hands!" The man missing one of his arms cried in despair, finally seeing Minos running towards him with a murderous look.

At that instant, this young man had used a little more of his strength. He broke the formation of those four opponents, immediately running towards this individual, determined to eliminate him.


And with Minos' desire to kill, it didn't take long for him to get close enough to that man and slash with his swords, shredding part of the torso of that level 55 expert.


Then, the desperate cries of pain became even louder as that man slowly began to fall to the ground.


"Attack that brat with me!" Wallace shouted in a fury, using almost everything he had to attack in Minos' direction.

But as they tried to use the opportunity generated by their companion's suffering, Minos quickly used that opponent's bloodied body as a shield!




In doing so, the attacks that had been thrown by those three Spiritual Kings quickly further destroyed the body of that man, who by now was completely unconscious.

With this, another member of the Chambers family had fallen into the darkness of death in Yellow City!

His body had become an unrecognizable lump of flesh, broken down into the main chunk that looked like meat loaf with some bone fragments, while the rest had exploded into many pieces. josei

The attacks of his own companions had killed him!

"That brat!"

"That bastard is a monster living in a young man's body!" One of them shouted in despair, realizing that there was not much hope for them.

The three remaining conscious individuals were already close to running out of energy. At the same time, Minos continued to steal what little they had and didn't seem to be as bad off as they were.

Because Minos demonstrated a combat proficiency above the level of all of them since the very beginning of the fight, they were starting to feel that this young man would kill them all!

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Supreme elder, what will we do now? I'm afraid we won't be able to escape..."

Upon hearing this, Wallace's entire body shook in hatred as blood dripped from the seven orifices in his head. "I swear to kill you, Minos!"

"If I can't live after that, I don't care! As long as I can take you with me, I'll be satisfied!" The father of the late Leroy shouted to Minos as he felt his whole body crackling in pain. At the same time, the various wounds around his vital organs made him stagger around that place.

"Let's sacrifice ourselves!" Then, he gave his last order as a supreme elder. At the same time, he was beginning the ritual, as he directed all his energies to the spiritual organ at the base of his neck.

"Trying to sacrifice yourselves, eh? I never thought jerks like you Chambers would have the guts!" Minos uttered these words while trying to counter the action of the opposing group.

'Well, I guess only that will work...' He assumed, looking steadily into Wallace's direction, as his eyes shone.

Infinite Dream: Mind Destroyer!

At the same time, Minos put more than half of his remaining energy into his mental technique. He then moved his arms horizontally, creating his last fight attack.

But as he did so, the glow in his eyes was quickly flowing toward his arms and then proceeding to his swords.

Spatial Sword: Mind Destroyer!


And then, a gigantic red blade rushed towards his targets....

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