The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 747 - The Great Ambush 2

Chapter 747 - The Great Ambush 2

In the blink of an eye, Eduard, Barbara, and 40 other soldiers appeared on the spot where the leaders of the enemy forces had previously been.

The place had become a heap of rubble, from which several corpses could be seen amidst the gray dust that covered the surroundings.

This dust was the remnant of what had been burned by the flames of the previous explosion.

As for the corpses, they belonged to the Spiritual Kings killed in that attack. That's because, Spiritual Generals or lower-level cultivators couldn't even leave corpses after that explosion, which targeted the Spiritual Kings of this place.

Not all explosive arrays used in this operation were the same, but the one used in this place where the enemy experts were was the highest level one. As such, those individuals below the 6th stage who were here had been completely wiped out!

So, there was a large amount of dust in the air and around the rubble of this place, which with the smoke left behind from the explosion, making it difficult to see many meters around that place.

Because of this, the 7 Spiritual Kings who had survived the previous attack could barely see Eduard's group, which had just arrived at that place.

'Oh? Only seven survived...' Barbara thought to herself, watching those people as she ran towards one of them, preparing to take that life.

The enemy group in Maritime City previously had 18 Spiritual Kings. However, two of them were not in this place during that explosion. As a result, of the 16, only 7 had survived.

And since this was quite a difference for Eduard's group to deal with, that woman couldn't help but feel relieved that the worst for them hadn't happened here.

At least they wouldn't have to fight all those experts, as would have happened if things had gone wrong and their worst nightmare had come true!

In any case, she and the people in that group were being cautious right now. After all, although their enemies were injured, most of them were at much higher levels than they were.

But that was to be expected. The weakest here would undoubtedly be the first to die in that previous situation, where survival depended on the strength of their bodies.

Of course, there could be exceptions, as one being lucky enough to be a little further away from the center of the explosion or being able to defend himself in some way would not be an impossible possibility.

But such a thing was only the exception, and as expected, it did not happen often.

In particular, in this place, only the strongest had survived!

Of these individuals, the weakest was at level 53, while the strongest was at level 56.

But even though they had survived, most of these people were severely injured, some with parts of their bodies missing, others with open fractures.

They were lying at different points of that rubble area. At the same time, their bodies were covered only by the metal parts of their armor, as all the clothing on their bodies had burned away.

And only one of them looked a little less tragic, the level 56 one.

He didn't seem to have any significant external injuries, as his whole body was just very red, irritated by the flames of the previous explosion.

And Eduard, the strongest in the Black Plain Army group in this place, did not fail to notice such a thing.

'That man will be the greatest difficulty here...' He pondered as he moved through that rubble, preparing to act specifically against that individual. 'But he probably has some internal injuries, and his energy reserves are not full!'

He then signaled to the soldiers closest to him, indicating that he would hold that person himself and that the other soldiers should eliminate the other enemies before helping him.

Realizing this, Barbara nodded in Eduard's direction and finally began to circulate her energies in an attempt to attack one of the enemies who were most injured in this place.

The other soldiers quickly followed these two individuals, dividing themselves into groups of different numbers, something they deemed necessary to deal with each surviving enemy.

The difference in levels here was genuinely significant, and even though some of these opponents were seriously wounded, they were probably capable of creating attacks strong enough to threaten the lives of Minos' soldiers.

Consequently, these people were dealing with it with caution!

And then, the attacks of those 42 soldiers from the Black Plain Army began to form in the air, thus starting the battles around Maritime City!

Blood Saber!

Flaming Fists!

Void Fists!


As those soldiers of Minos began to attack their opponents, it wasn't long before those seven survivors felt powerful attacks coming towards them!

Previously they had not noticed the presence of enemies in the surroundings, as they were still in a state of confusion, something expected after what they had suffered. josei

And as the action of Eduard's group had been very fast, these individuals, even the strongest one there, had only realized such a team in the surroundings when the powerful attacks were already rushing towards them.

"Damn it!"

"Get ready, people! The enemies are attacking us!" The strongest one there shouted, warning his companions as he felt pain all over his body and tried to get up.

He didn't look badly injured on the outside. Still, he had suffered internal damage that was causing him excruciating pain and limiting his movements.

But even in such a situation, his senses were still sharp. He managed to react while pressing his jaw, trying to endure the pain in his body and activate his techniques.

At the same time, the other six Spiritual Kings of this post of the Brown family's Counter-Revolutionary Army were wide-eyed, filled with hatred and fury.

Many of them knew that the situation was terrible and that fighting in their respective circumstances was a terrible thing. After all, injuries could be made worse. Depending on how far this went, these people could have limitations for the rest of their lives or even die.

Therefore, they couldn't help but feel hatred for the damn rebels who were trying to attack them right now. Particularly considering that such people were much weaker than them!

'Damn it. Those damned people are probably here to sacrifice themselves and thereby make our situations even worse!'

"What a move, brat Minos! You are much better than we expected!" One of them said aloud as he reasoned about the meaning of this action, while at the same time, he could barely move his body.

'Bumpkins, do you think I'm not capable of killing you in my situation?' Another individual wondered as he trembled in pain, trying to put up a defensive position and perhaps counterattack those opponents.

Unfortunately for him, although his enemies were much weaker than him in terms of levels, they were as strong as regional experts in the initial part of the 6th stage.

And as much as in other circumstances, that wouldn't be enough to scare people of the levels of those subordinates or vassals of the Brown family, that was enough to put them in danger right now!

"Invaders, you should never have come here!" One of those Sergeants said this loudly while throwing a giant ax in the air, aimed at that person's chest.

Another soldier who was attacking that person then made a series of hand gestures, causing long red chains to run towards that man's wrists and ankles.

He then looked at him coldly and commented. "The only fate of those who oppose us is death!"

"Invader, let's see what you are capable of!" Another soldier expressed while using a hammer to strike the air before him, creating a series of shockwaves toward his target.

"Damn bastards! You guys are very manly to talk that way to practically crippled people!" One of those Spiritual Kings said, finally managing to stand up and spit on the ground.

"Come on, bugs!" He said, raising his arms in a defensive position while trying to balance on one leg.

With that, it didn't take long, and the battles began to heat up, as most of the people there attacked with everything they had, and the rest tried to defend themselves, counterattacking when they could!


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