The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 982 Feeling Fear Again

Chapter 982 Feeling Fear Again


Hours had passed since the events perpetrated by the forces of the Black Plain, allies, and the Snow Kingdom when finally, the first crows began to arrive at the Spiritual Church camp.

At first, the first messages to arrive there had not been from the counter-revolutionary forces. That was because even before those people discovered something strange had happened on the Black Plain, Minos' forces had already sent the information to him and his allies.

So, the first in that church camp to find out about the massacre the night before had been Minos, his women, and those already on the Black Plain side.

But it was not long before more people found out about that shocking event.

Towards the end of the day, as the daylight gave way to the darkness of night, the members of the Brown and Cromwell families found out about the incident.

As was to be expected for such a situation, the moment they found out that tens of thousands of their subordinates and members had disappeared, the people from these families were furious.



"How could this have happened? How did our camps get turned over by enemies?" The supreme elder of the Cromwell family shouted in hatred as he threw things back and forth from that tent he was in.

Another person there then commented. "That can only be the doings of that damn monster!"

"He gave us a two-day deadline to think about his offer, but the wretch was just buying time!"

"His goal was to destroy our forces while we were here!"pᴀɴᴅᴀ-ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ

Hearing this, the supreme elder Cromwell turned red with anger, feeling that Minos was playing with them and that if this were not avenged, they would all end up like James, who had died at his hands.

"Ulrich!" That white-bearded old man looked at the strongest Spiritual Emperor there and continued. "You have to help us. If we don't kill the wretch, our entire family and kingdom can fall into his degenerate hands!"

That level 62 Spiritual Emperor then looked cautiously at the old man before him, understanding that this was indeed true. "Even if you say that, I can't do anything against him as long as that woman is by his side."

The other Spiritual Emperor descended from one of the families of the Cromwell Kingdom there, nodded, and said. "Besides, we can't do anything in this place, or the Spiritual Church itself may decide to act."

"We have to wait until those meetings are over. Then, maybe that woman will no longer stand by him, and then we'll have a chance."

The supreme elder then sighed in defeat, feeling that these words made sense, but the fear in his heart told him to take the chance and try everything against Minos while this young man was still in this camp.

Unfortunately, he was only a level 58 Spiritual King who could not even make young Stuart sweat!


'Damn it!'

'If this continues, this could be the end of the family!'

... pᴀɴᴅᴀ ɴoᴠᴇʟ

Meanwhile, Thomas Brown's group also found out about the sudden change on the Black Plain.



"I don't believe it!" That king cried out in frustration, feeling a terrible sensation in his body that he had only felt when he had faced Minos in the past.

But now, next to Spiritual Emperors, when he was finally overcoming the fear of that young man, he started to feel that way again.

With that, as he saw the table below his fist completely broken, Thomas' face was fuming red, feeling tremendous pressure in his head.

"Damn it!"

"Miserable! Demon! Son of a..."

"Did they attack us so decisively?" One of the Spiritual Kings there asked as King Brown cursed young Stuart with every name he could think of.

The Spiritual Emperor descended from the Silva family frowned as he finished reading the contents of the newly arrived newsletters. "That doesn't seem strange."

"This brat is already known for his unscrupulous actions, so doing something like this while deceiving us seems to fit his profile." ρꪖꪕᦔꪖꪕꪫꪣꫀ​ꪶ​

"In any case, I don't think we should rush into anything. That was an excellent move on his part, but soon the assassins of the Flaming Empire will arrive to eliminate him."

"After that, we won't have to worry about him anymore!" The Silva family member said in a tone full of certainty.

But King Brown was not so sure of that at the moment. "Is that so? But I ask you, what if the villain acts against us before these assassins get here?"

"That is impossible!"

"How would a mere Spiritual King try something while we are here?" That Silva said.

"But what about his mother?"

"His mother cannot act against you since that would be interference on her part concerning the region. And from what you've already told us, that woman shouldn't stay long in this region."

"After all, she is someone who didn't even stay here during her son's most difficult years, so why would she sacrifice herself now?"

King Brown was not convinced by this, feeling his fear for Minos increasing to the levels before these experts arrived. "Perhaps she is here because she already knows about the mission you have passed on to the sects of the empire."


One of the other two Spiritual Emperors there then sighed and said. "None of that matters now."

"If he decided to act so vigorously against our forces, he will probably try something against us."

As his eyes narrowed and he sensed danger approaching, such a person said. "Everyone here had better get ready!"

After those words were spoken, one of those people from the Brown Kingdom could not help but mention the great distrust of the counter-revolutionary forces. "I can't believe the Snows did this!"

"They have always been one of the most upright families in our region!"

They naturally were not sure if the Snow family had, in fact, acted against them. But in their reports, some parts described Snow Kingdom troops leaving the counter-revolutionary camps alongside the rebel troops.

And while this alone did not prove treason, as no member of the Snow Kingdom forces had been found to talk the night before, those people's suspicions were at an all-time high.

Hearing that, King Brown felt another wave of hatred in his being and shook with anger.

"Damn traitors, cowards!"

pᴀɴᴅᴀ-ɴoᴠᴇʟ "This region is full of these vermin!" He criticized, as he felt like leaving that place to deal with Adam Snow personally.

But he did not do that right away as soon someone there asked him something relevant. "By the way, where are those regional assassins? Since the situation has reached this point, we will need them more than ever."

Thomas then replied. "The Scourges of the Devil didn't want to risk sending their members to this negotiation. So, they are waiting for its end here to continue acting against the enemy."

"Oh? Then let's do it this way..."

They then continued to talk about what to do next, all of them fearful of Minos' plans and anxious for the arrival of the people who could finally deal with him.


Meanwhile, Minos walked towards the place where Gloria was supposed to be. He intended to find out how far this woman would go to stop him if he wanted to do something more daring in this place.

On the other hand, because of his mother, he already knew what the Spiritual Church in the Flaming Empire had done and was eager to resolve his regional issues.

He had no fear of the disciples of the Empire's sects who might come after his head since he doubted that the Silva family's wealth would be enough to attract anyone compelling.

But still, with the numbers of disciples that could come after him and the opponents already in this region, things could get a little more complicated for him if he did not hurry.

With that in mind, he entered the area where Gloria was and went to this woman, who was meditating in the middle of what looked like an ordinary cultivation room inside her tent.

"You look just as good cultivating as you do in other situations, Gloria." He commented in a low voice as he noticed the subtle movement she had made when he sat down right in front of her.


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