The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 102 Baddest Bitch

Chapter 102 Baddest Bitch

Chapter 102 Baddest Bitch

Abigail Fan altered her confused gaze to Lexi's open palm and to her smiling face. "O-- okay…" Handing out her hand, Abigail Fan nodded in agreement.

"No, not like that, but like this." Lexi tilted her head and instructed that Abigail Fan lay her hand together just like her and hold it just like what she was doing.

"Oh," Puzzled on why Lexi was holding her phone like that, Abigail Fan still abided as instructed. When her palms were laid together, Lexi cautiously passed it to her as if she was afraid of injuring her phone.

Seeing this, not only Abigail Fan but also Che Diayu and the rest was confused on Lexi's stupid act. Is she on the right mind or whatever she was going through made her mind screw loose? They had already noticed her stance since the beginning, but now that she highlighted it, they could not help but focus on her.

"Thank you, please hold it like that as I needed to get into character." Lexi smiled as she finally got to rest her shoulders and arms. After analyzing Che Diayu's ploy, Lexi decided to let her be; for the sake of Che Diayu and for her.

After all, Lexi wasn't affected to whatever she was hearing right now as she was already immuned from different kind of bashing. Also, although Director Shen already told her that she got the role, she still wanted to warmed up just in case they needed her for Chang'e's lines.

"Huh, so you really think that you'd be lucky?" Che Diayu scowled as she could not believe the thickness of Lexi's face. Not only she acted righteous by shushing her, but now, she was disregarding her. Hence, Che Diayu taunted once again -- wanting to get the results she wanted. After all, Lexi had little to no patience and Che Diayu was confident that she'd break her.

"Lucky? Hmm, well, I'm quite lucky these days -- excuse me," Giving the opposite of what Che Diayu's desired, Lexi caringly smiled as she slightly tilted her head indicating that the boastful girl should step aside.

However, Che Diayu remained on her position with a mocking smirk. Arching her brows and levelling her bitchiness, she lowly muttered -- only for her, Abigail Fan, and Lexi to hear.

"Well, too bad, our family invested in this movie so… this audition was just for formality."

Upon hearing this, her two lackeys giggled in delight as if they knew it all along while Che Diayu showed a triumphant smile. She wasn't supposed to lay such information, however, for the sake of getting on Lexi's nerve, she still spilled the beans.

On the other hand, Abigail Fan seemed she was struck by a bolt of lightning the moment Che Diayu's statement processed on her mind. Considering that investors had a two cent in the film, it was possible that this audition was just for formality so Arnold Shen's unbribable reputation would remain.

Meanwhile, Lexi didn't had a change of expression. If she heard this before meeting Director Shen, she would probably feel dejected as well. However, that is not the case because based on her observation with her brief encounter with the said director, he really lived up to his reputation.

Moreover, Lexi wouldn't regard the man with his meticulous blockbuster films if his passion in his work wasn't admirable enough. After all, back when she was active in the entertainment industry, Lexi was more inclined on the people behind every successful film -- even underrated ones. Hence, this was like a checked bucket list to her if she got even a tiny role in Arnold Shen's films. josei

"Will you step aside…" Lexi inquired with a meek smile on the side of her lips as she took a step forward. However, seeing that Che Diayu and her lackeys remained adamant with their ridiculing smile and gaze, Lexi took a couple steps forward and stopped two steps away from Che Diayu.

"... or I make you?" By this time, Lexi's initial smiling face drastically changed it's aura. Though she kept the same countenance on the surface, her voice tell the three mean girls otherwise. This… it reminds them of Lexi's tyranny in the past.

Seeing the familiar reaction she always received, Lexi resumed as she slightly leaned forward. "Che Diayu… don't forget that before you became the villain, I was the baddest bitch that you wouldn't want in your story."

After relaying her warning, Lexi fixed her posture, she smiled. "Will you step aside now?"

Indeed, Lexi might have seen her old self to what Che Diayu now, however, she also had a short patience of minutes to ask as polite as possible -- and this is the nicest warning she could do to Che Diayu.

After all, if this Che Diayu would continue to run her mouth while blocking her way, Lexi was afraid that she might snap and would give her a solid slap that could lead to another lawsuit and could lose her chance of getting starred in Arnold Shen's film.

"Thank you, lets go Manager Fan. Oops, careful with the phone." Seeing that Che Diayu and her lackeys were beyond flabbergasted, Lexi resumed on her stride while the three bullies heedlessly steps aside. On the other hand, Abigail Fan heard Lexi's warning loud and clear. Even though that her words weren't for her, but she felt a cold run down her spine.

This is Lexi Yang she had known, or rather, the fragments of the Lexi Yang she used to know. In retrospect, Lexi would have slapped Che Diayu without further ado to shut her hence, Abigail Fan couldn't discern if what to be surprised about; Lexi giving a warning or Lexi's slight change?

Regardless, Abigail Fan was satisfied seeing Che Diayu's complexion turned pale. It's as if she got her revenge along with Lexi's terrifying tone that reminds her of those challenging days being her manager.

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