The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 269 Good to see you back, bro.

Chapter 269 Good to see you back, bro.

Chapter 269 Good to see you back, bro.

"How are you feeling?" Softly, Lexi asked as she scrutinized Morris Liu who had his head on the side to just look at her.

After the doctors checked his vitals and removed some medical equipment that were connected to Morris Liu— leaving only the important ones intact— they left along with Ethan Lu and Chris Yu as they sent them off.

Morris Liu only nodded with the little energy he had been able to garner. Never once had he removed his gaze away from her— not even when his other friends were there including Ethan Lu.

"Thank God, you're finally awake." Heaving another large sigh in relief, Lexi muttered as the side of her lips mildly curled upward. "Right!" Remembering Mia Chen's presence, Lexi abruptly turned around to face behind her back where Mia Chen was standing wordlessly.

"Mia," Lexi marginally raised her brows as she slightly tilted her head to Morris Liu's direction. Lexi was beyond relieved when Morris Liu regained his consciousness hence, she forgot about the person who was probably the happiest right now— Mia Chen. josei

"Uh..." Seeing Lexi's obvious gesture, Mia Chen felt conflicted as she didn't know if she should continue her acting as Morris Liu's lover or not. However, watching how Lexi widened her eyes as if she was growing impatient, Mia Chen nodded once and strode to her side in a slow, nervous manner.

"Brother Mo..." She muttered as she raised her gaze to see Morris Liu's awakened state. However, the moment her eyes landed on him— Morris Liu neglected her presence as he only stared at Lexi.

At the same time, Lexi glanced at Mia Chen before looking back to Morris Liu and to her surprise, he was still looking in her direction despite hearing Mia Chen's voice.

'Are his senses still failing?' She wondered internally as Lexi only smiled at him before tilting her head to the side, instructing him that he must look to the person next to her.

Just then, the room's entrance door silently slid open— welcoming Chris Yu and Ethan Lu back inside as they were done discussing with the doctors concerning Morris Liu. The moment Ethan Lu laid his eyes on his fragile friend who had a yearning gaze as he looked at his woman— he shifted his gaze to Lexi's side profile.

'Not today.' He reminded himself not to get jealous inwardly. Although he was very open with his relationship with Lexi and trusted her, Morris Liu was probably the only person he's always wary about.

Yet, right now, he knew he should not feel jealous as he was very well-informed about Morris Liu's feelings for Lexi. Therefore, it was understandable that he would look at Lexi with a gentle gaze.

After all, Ethan Lu's faith in Lexi and their relationship was stronger than his trivial jealousy.

"Love!" Catching the two figures who just entered via her peripheral vision, Lexi called Ethan Lu over with a loving smile on her lips. Perhaps, it was the building excitement because Morris Liu's health was now stable and he was now conscious hence, she sounded a little giddy.

Ethan Lu could only smile with the same tenderness in his eyes as he nodded in agreement before taking strides towards them. Meanwhile, Chris Yu shot Mia Chen's back a glance before he shifted it to Lexi and then to Ethan Lu.

Based on his observation, Lexi and Ethan Lu were genuinely glad about Morris Liu. On the other hand, Mia Chen, although he could not see her expression, Chris Yu could tell that aside from relief, there were numerous emotions rushing inside her. Thus, he could only heavily exhale before going to the other side of the bed opposite Lexi.

"Good to see you back, bro." As Ethan Lu stood beside Lexi, he handed his fist out for a fist bump with a grin plastered across his ever dashing front.

Finally, Morris Liu, in a languid pace shifted his gaze away from Lexi and landed to Ethan Lu. Slightly chuckling, although he hasn't regained his strength yet, Morris Liu slightly raised his loose fist.

Ethan Lu stretched his arm a little as to not make him exert more effort than necessary and in a second, their knuckles lightly connected which made the atmosphere around the hospital room begin to brighten a little.

Seeing this, Lexi's heart felt moved as her smile could not help but show— making her gorgeous profile turn even more lovely. She was proud of Ethan Lu. Surely, in the past three months, he became more mature and understanding.

He never forbade her to do what she wanted to do. Instead, he supported her even if it's against his will— for example Lexi asking him to split their expenses on everything. Therefore, how could she not love him more and more with each passing day that she had spent with him?

"Hey, what about me, eh?" Chris Yu half-heartedly complained as he was neglected by his friends. "I'm also a part of this sisterhood— group hug, ladies!" And to make the atmosphere was even livelier, Chris Yu spread his arms open wide which made everyone chuckle and shake their heads, everyone aside from Mia Chen.

The four of them shared a good laugh until Morris Liu let out a series of coughs, leading to Ethan Lu sassing Chris Yu who only had good intentions in mind. Nonetheless, at that moment, all of the painful pasts, troubles, and present concerns vanished as they tried to fill in Morris Liu with the occurrences in the past three months.

Perhaps it was the atmosphere or Mia Chen's complete silence, that they didn't notice that she was gone... or rather, Lexi was the only one who didn't notice her leaving.

To Mia Chen, as she watched Morris Liu interact with his friends, laughing weakly and listened to their banter— she felt out of place. Indeed, this has always been his life, surrounded by the people he cared about.

The very few people that he protected when Kong Shuren came into the picture... and she's not one of them. Granted even though Chris Yu arrived in his life before her, he came with good intentions to be his ally, not like her. Hence, Mia Chen knew that her ending in this story and in his life that was long overdue, must be completed this time around.

As Mia Chen silently closed the door, she turned her head to the side. There, Kevin Woo was just sitting there for some reason. Sensing her fragile presence, Kevin Woo also looked in her direction.

He watched her slowly approach him before she sat beside him. Mia Chen stared at the white wall in front of them while Kevin Woo stared at her side profile.

"Why are you not joining them?" She asked with her ever soothing tone without giving him a glance.

"Why did you go out?" Ignoring her inquiry, Kevin Woo questioned with his brows furrowed. Well, he was outside because he was dismayed at his friend, Ethan Lu and he doesn't want to play pretend that they were both fine in front of Morris Liu. But, what about her?

"Brother Kevin, I will be leaving."


"Mhmm... but before that, I wanted to thank you for rooting for me. Out of Brother Mo's friends, you are the only one who supported us." Recalling all the past events where Kevin Woo strongly supported her and Morris Liu— hating the innocent Lexi for her inability to let his friend go and just be happy for them— Mia Chen gently smiled as she was moved.

After all, Chris Yu never really supported them as he disrespected her whenever he had the chance. Elliot Gong always gave her the cold shoulder, while Ethan Lu was too busy to care. Hence, the only one who she really grew fond of was Kevin Woo. Alas, that is because he admired Morris Liu and could only wish for his friend's happiness; he thought that she was his happiness.

"But, that is because you don't know the truth. Brother Kevin, I'm sorry for lying but..." Mia Chen secretly glanced to the side and saw the front point of Lexi's heels that was beginning to come out from the room. Yet, she pretended not to know. "But the truth is, there's no Morris Liu and I— there's no US. Everything was just a huge lie to deceive everyone including Lexi... the love of his life. "

'This might be the end of my role but, I will be selfish until the end brother Mo, I'm sorry.' Mia Chen muttered inwardly as she scanned Kevin Woo's stunned countenance, trying to absorb her confession.

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