The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 272 Anyone but him

Chapter 272 Anyone but him

Chapter 272 Anyone but him

Upon hearing his soft plea, Lexi's frustration slightly reduced and her heart softened along with her sigh. Turning around, Lexi clicked her tongue before slowly closing her eyes then opened them once again.

"Inside— let's talk inside." When her gaze landed on his guilty front, she uttered. Ethan Lu only nodded in agreement and followed her inside their room.

As the two of them sat— opposite each other— neither of them talked for the first two minutes. They only stared at each other as if scrutinizing their countenance and what to say.

After their brief silence, Ethan Lu let out another heavy sigh as he broke the stifling silence. "Baby, love, what did that woman say to you?" Frustration loitering in his tone.

Although Ethan Lu had the urge to send his men to drag Mia Chen to him, he couldn't because this misunderstanding was his priority. He could just say that he tried telling her a few months back or just guide her with every detail. However, for some reason, Ethan Lu wanted to make sure what it was exactly that Mia Chen told her.

"Not to me but to Kevin Woo— I just overheard it." Lexi shortly explained for clarification. "She said, there's no Mia and Morris— that they were just bound by a contract to deceive everyone... including me— his lo—" Just as Lexi was about to repeat the same exact words of Mia Chen, Lexi could not bring herself to repeat that 'love of his life' part.

Lexi pinched the bridge of her nose to relieve the slight headache making her brain throb. Although she didn't see Chris Yu's expression earlier, Lexi saw how Kevin Woo's expression changed. Hence, Lexi only acted that she bought their lies.

However, as she pretend that everything was fine, her mind could not shrug off Mia Chen's words— leading her to recall the time that she and Ethan Lu became officially together, and then, to the day that they first visited Morris Liu in the hospital.

The more she thought about it, the more she saw that all of Ethan Lu's actions finally made sense.

"Is this the thing you wanted to say to me months ago?" Raising her gaze, Lexi peered at him who was looking down with his arms on his knees.

"Yes..." In a low, hoarse voice, Ethan Lu responded. He didn't want to look at her, afraid that the Lexi who looked at him with loving eyes in the past months would change.

To him, Ethan Lu already speculated that Lexi knew everything including Kong Shuren and how Morris Liu was pushed into a corner— unable to move or stop himself from hurting her. Maybe, this was and always has been his fear; Lexi knowing the truth and that she would waver.

Although he trusted in their strong relationship, however, right now, however, Ethan Lu could not help but feel the terrifying 'what ifs'. For some reason, he mentally prepared his heart for whatever heartbreaking words she would utter. Alas, now no matter how he convinced himself not to overthink— he couldn't stop his mind from working!

"Since when?" A scoff of disbelief escapes her mouth before her words followed.

"Uh... the night you and I... the night we became official— yeah, that night..." Answering in the same tone without looking at her, Ethan Lu mustered his courage to respond in the most accurate answer he could remember.

Her heavy scoff and sigh, every single one that escaped her mouth— Ethan Lu could feel her frustrations and disappointment. Understandably, as it was the reason why she attempted suicide in the first place. Hence, after knowing that the cause that almost led her to her death was nothing but a big lie that she had believed in.

"Then, why did you have to lie to me as well? You could have told me that there was a reason and just ask brother Mo about it instead of saying they broke up."

"Huh?" Her last remarks tossed Ethan Lu into a tub of question marks. Therefore, he unconsciously raised his head to see her hurt and disappointed front which pricked his heart.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Part of him was expecting questions such as: why did they want to deceive everyone? And any questions that begins with a why. But, what she said just now, it was far from what he expected as it was rather vague to him at the moment.

"You knew everyone was lying to me— I don't care but you, you can't do that to me, Ethan. Don't lie to me... not you too." As Lexi worded her sentence, her voice broke almost choking her.

She could feel her eyes sweating and then begin to blur her vision— liquid forming on the side of her eyes. She was enraged, dismayed, and disappointed at the same time. She felt played and cheated... most of all, she felt like a fool for being oblivious about something that everyone knew.

Therefore, she could not contain her tears that at any second could let loose from her eyes.

"I don't care whatever reason he had— I wanted to hear it from him. But, you... don't lie to me just to divert my attention— at least not you." This time, a tear finally broke free from her resilience, followed by more salty liquid tainting her cheeks.

"Love..." Seeing her slowly breakdown, appearing fragile and vulnerable, Ethan Lu stood from his seat and headed to her— perching on the armrest while pulling her to his embrace. "I'm sorry, love. Please don't cry— I won't do it again. I promise." He hushed as he rubbed her trembling back.

He could feel her frustrations about being lied to all this time. Even him, when he first stumbled onto the truth about Morris Liu's real dilemma, a lot of emotions surfaced inside him.

Aside from the fear of Morris Liu trying to get her back, he too felt dismayed and mad about being played with the fact of what he thought was real. What more if the involved party knew the truth? Of course, she would feel double the emotions that he felt.

Not to mention, Ethan Lu concealing the truth to her instead of just telling her that they should just wait for Morris Liu to wake up so he could explain why he had such a cold treatment towards Mia Chen. josei

"Shh... I'm sorry, my baby." Kissing the top of her head, he continued to rub her shaking back and let her vent her frustrations.

"I hate you," In between her hiccups, Lexi weakly assaulted a light punch to wherever it could land.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't lie,"

"Mhmm... I won't. I learned my lesson." His eyes softened as he coaxed the little baby crying, soaking and creasing his suit. He didn't mind whatever she said as he was wrong on that part.

Well, not just in that but also for thinking that she might waver. Alas, Lexi proved him wrong once again. Surely, her heart had solely belonged to him and he just needed to not disappoint this love.

Lexi cried until she felt a little better. The truth is, she was just frustrated that Ethan Lu had to lie to her instead of just saying a blunt truth. After all, she was patient enough to wait for Morris Liu to wake up.

Moreover, after knowing about Mia Chen and Morris Liu's contract, Lexi could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of dismay. Hence, she could not take it if Ethan Lu, the person whom she entrusted her heart to, would also deceive her.

Anyone but him.

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