The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: (2)

However, Tanaka, unaware of such a situation, felt insecure and fell into the dark side instead, as he was blatantly being avoided by everyone there.

「I wonder if I got too carried away back then. I feel that for some reason, ever since coming to this world, my brake hasn’t been working properly. Personally, I don’t see any problem with that, but… have I overlooked something? I wonder if they are gossiping behind my back like ‘Look, that’s the jet black lightning – Karlheinz Tanaka who came from the chaotic hell, you know? He puts on airs way too much.’ Or something. Hmm.」

In other words, the usual Tanaka. Even while feeling insecure about such a thing, he continued to move through the hallway.

「Nevertheless, the only ones willing to talk to me here are Colonel-dono and Major-dono, huh. But still, they have yet told me their names even now. Well, I also jokingly introduced myself as a sergeant, so it’s kinda hard to ask….」

Exactly the so-called he reaped what he sowed. Tanaka was that much of an idiotic person, but there was nothing new about it.

As he was walking while worrying about such a thing, he eventually arrived at the courtyard. There was already a visitor there. It was Aisa, who had been holed up in her room ever since arriving at the pavilion.

The figure of her standing by her lonesome in the garden was truly picturesque. Her beautiful blonde hair was swaying gently in the wind. When Tanaka had met her previously, she had been dressed in a dull robe, but now she was dressed in a mature yet feminine outfit.

Tanaka’s excitement was at an all-time high. In his mind, he screamed, ‘Finally, a romantic event appeared!’. He slowly walked up to Aisa, showing none of such thoughts on his face. When he moved next to her, she turned around toward him and said.

「Why did you drag me out of the abyss of death?」

Aisa asked quite spontaneously. Shade of gloom could be seen on her face.

「Having reaped the lives of not only my parents, but also numerous fellow countrymen with these two hand, do I even have the rights to continue living?」

Aisa slightly casted her eyes down. After being released from the brainwashing of the magic tool, she had been blaming herself ever since.

As expected, even Tanaka was able to notice that as well. Also, he was perplexed by the flow of the conversation, which was different from what he had expected. Tanaka was normally no more than a wimp, but this time he was determined to obtain a wife. Thus, he decided to face the wall that stood in front of him heads on.

「No one could give you the answer to that question, even Gods. However, if you want to look for the answer, it should be right inside of you.」

「Inside of me?」

Aisa reacted slightly to Tanaka’s words. However, that was still not enough to move Aisa’s heart. Tanaka mobilized all the knowledge he had in him.

「I know several people who were burdened by great sins, similar as you are now. Some were younger than you, some were weaker than you. There were also some who shouldered heavier sins than yours.」

Aisa listened intently to Tanaka’s words.

「Everyone was distressed, regretful, brokenhearted and hurting themselves. My words couldn’t reach them, and they never took my outstretched hand either.」

That was only a matter of course, since they were all characters in anime and games, after all.

「They all chose the way of life where they could obtain the answer on their own. But their paths weren’t over even when they had arrived at their answers. Their sins continued to weigh on them and torment them. And yet, they all chose the path to continue to live.」

Tanaka recalled about his favorite character he used to watch. He vowed in his heart to hold a review of the nostalgic anime next time.

「Have you ever thought about the ones whose lives you had taken? What did they wish for? What did they die for? Did they wish you to die? Did they fight to kill you? I bet they didn’t.」

Aisa didn’t say anything. She simply listened to Tanaka’s words.

「They fought for their dearest ones. Parents, spouses and children. They risked their lives to create a world where their dearest ones could live happily ever after. Then, there’s only a single path available for you, live on. In place of those who had died, you have to create a world for the ones who were left behind to live in. You are a ruler, after all!」

Tanaka stared at Aisa. He felt a strong will begin to swirl in her eyes. Sensing her reaction, Tanaka thought that he could pull it off now. He slowly stepped forward. He then struck a cool pose, facing the setting sun.

「And only when you have created the world dreamed by those departed people would you be allowed to die. No, that’s when your life would truly begin. That’s when—」

At this point, Tanaka was certain of his victory. He turned around with a crisp, cool face and unleashed the deciding lines.

「– you’d devote yourself to reciprocate my love! Let’s walk together toward the kyakya ufufu future.」

And once again Tanaka was reminded of something. That the world was never kind to him.


Before he knew it, he was already the only one left at this place. After a while, Tanaka rebooted and trudged back into the pavilion. On his way back to his room, Tanaka noticed that for some reason there was a crowd of people ahead of him. At the center of the crowd was Aisa, who was full of vigor unlike how she was until just a moment ago.

Aisa was embracing both Taisa and Shosa. They were excitedly looking forward to working together to rebuild the Western region of the continent. After that, a typical touching drama-like scene continued to unfold in front of Tanaka.

「Umm… I’d like you to listen to what I have to say until the end….」

Tanaka protested with a trembling voice, but his quiet voice failed to reach anyone’s ears.


Name: Tanaka

Level: 30             Experience: 720/3000     Guild Rank: E

Vitality: 4.4e13/4.4e13     Magical energy: 6.6e13/6.6e13

Strength: 4.4e12         Dexterity: 4.6e12         Agility: 4.9e12

Intelligence: 5.9e12         Spirit: 6.2e12

Skills: Sword (2.33) Magic (2.38) Believed One (6.68) Dragon Slayer (5.69) Spirit Master (0.20)

Equipment: Sword, Cool clothes, Black cloak

Money: 4548,000G


Name: Suke

Level: 21             Experience: 13/2100         Guild Rank: E

Vitality: 246.00/246.00     Magical energy: 311.00/311.00

Strength: 131.00         Dexterity: 129.00         Agility: 180.00

Intelligence: 154.00         Spirit: 158.00

Skills: Lance (1.32) Magic (1.36) Dragon Slayer (5.36) Believed One (3.21)

Equipment: Scythe, Black robes

Money: 100,000G


Name: Kaku

Vitality: 4096.00/4096.00     Magical energy: 4096.00/4096.00

Skills: Personification (10.00) Magic (10.00) Grand Magic (1.03) Apostle (0.20) Believed One (2.43)

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