The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: (2)

Grotesque — It was a monster that could only be described as such. The body of a dragon. There was no neck in the place where it should have been, and the upper body of a giant was there in its stead. Tentacles wriggled on its back, and instead of a tail, two snake dragons were there, never ceasing to threaten.

Even the kingdom’s soldiers, who were its allies, were terrified by this grotesque creature. General Red was no exception.

On the other hand, Tanaka was also dumbfounded. Tanaka’s eyes were fixed on a certain part without wavering in the slightest. The point of his gaze was the place where the giant’s head should have been. What attached there was something that was too unnatural to be there. It was the bust of a woman. That was not it, with blade-pointed tentacles swinging in place of arms and a half-destroyed face, it was without a doubt the torso of a woman.

「Those breasts are…, the woman from that time! What a wasteful thing to do….」

The two abundant hills that swayed on the woman’s torso. The moment he saw them, Tanaka realized. The fact that they were angel Caramel’s. Flat breasts, small breasts, average breasts, and huge breasts. A man of compassion who loved all breasts indiscriminately. It could be said that exactly because the one there was Tanaka-san that it was possible to perform the miracle of identifying them.

「Kukukuku…, now then, this is the final stage of my research. Let’s make a proof. A prove that I’ve surpassed God!」

The failure of the invasion to the west – Cassius was reduced to mere kept personnel. The immediate task he received was to investigate the ruins of the fortress. And that was where he abandoned his faith. While he was walking in a daze around the border area where the fortress along with its surrounding lands had disappeared, he stumbled upon a certain remains by chance. A god he believed to be absolute. It was the deformed figure of the sword of God – Angel Caramel – who was the symbol of his power. In front of the deformed remains, Cassius’ faith was easily shattered. And without hesitation, he gave himself into madness. And the result of such an action of his was the birth of this grotesque being.

The grotesque monster attacked Tanaka. The giant’s huge fist, seated in the body of a dragon, was swung down at Tanaka. Tanaka dodged it by leaping backwards in a cool way. As if an explosion had taken place, the fist collided with the ground. In its wake, a small crater was created in the ground where Tanaka had just been.

「Could it be, everything isn’t over for me yet?!」

Completely unconcerned about the disastrous scene in front of him, Tanaka saw a glimmer of hope. If he could rescue angel caramel here, her going ‘How amazing…, embrace me…’ was already a forgone conclusion…. Her body seemed to be in pretty bad shape, but with his healing magic, he could surely do something about it. Arriving at such a conclusion, Tanaka-san’s excitement soared through the roof at once.


Tanaka soared in a cool manner and flashed his blade of light as if to gouge out the torso parts of Angel Caramel. Angel Caramel’s body parted from the grotesque monster and slowly fell to the ground. Watching the scene, Tanaka’s nostrils flared conspicuously in anticipation.

However, the world was cruel to Tanaka. Countless tentacles gushed forth from the bisected section of angel caramel. Tentacles similarly gushed forth from the bisected section of the giant, and as if seeking each other, they entwined with the ones from angel Caramel’s body, pulling each other and fusing back to their original state.

「No use! It’s impossible to defeat the ultimate life form I’ve created, the All-devouring creature – All Biter (Aru Baita = part-timer).」

「Huh, I think that name is a bit.」josei

To the remark of Cassius who was in a good mood, Tanaka instantly retorted. The darkness that existed in Tanaka’s past which he was afraid to even speak about. It was none other than the reminiscence of the tragedy that occurred back when he was still a part-time warrior in his younger days.

「Nevertheless, as expected of the Evil God, huh. A simultaneous attack of more than ten fourth-order magic or above. The body of All Biter that could withstand such an experiment without receiving even a scratch, for you to be able to cut it into two. However, against All Biter, who boats infinite regenerative power, it’s useless.」

As if Tanaka’s attack had never happened, All Biter commenced its attack on Tanaka once again. The tentacles extending from the arm parts of angel caramel split into countless pieces and swarmed in his direction. The blade-like tips of these tentacles closed in on Tanaka. At a speed that couldn’t be followed by eyes, Tanaka mowed them all down at once.

「Gee! So disgusting!」

Seeing such a figure of Tanaka, Cassius thought to himself.

「That blade of light, looks like it’s more troublesome than expected… Even if they are just tentacles, if it has to continuously regenerate them like this, that’d lead to none other than it running out of energy. I see, it’s an attack with that purpose in mind, huh…. Kukuku, as always, he’s an opponent I can’t let my guard down against. In that case, all I need to do is to replenish its energy.」

The tentacles, which were swarming on Tanaka, changed their targets. Moreover, more tentacles were generated from the monster’s whole body and were unleashed to all directions. The targets were the surrounding kingdom soldiers. The tentacles attacked both those who were still alright and those who had collapsed on the ground indiscriminately. If there was something to take note of, it was the fact that the remnants of Dlime and Dlime weren’t exempted from this onslaught.


「Heee, don’t come! Don’t come!」

「H, help me please!」

「Secily! Suzunna!」

The battlefield was in turmoil. The caught soldiers were devoured by All Biter one after another.

「What are you doing, Cassius?!」

Amidst the rising screams of the kingdom’s soldiers, General Red’s shout flew out. To such a reaction of his, Cassius responded dubiously.

「What am I doing? I’m merely doing my best in order to defeat that Evil God, as you ordered, sir. We need more power to defeat that thing. That’s why we have to let it feed more and gain more strength. Kukukuku.」

「Have you lost your mind, Cassius?! Stop that monster right now!」

Even the ruthless general couldn’t help but be taken aback by the abominable disgust he felt from the disastrous scene in front of him.

「Why are you giving me that kind of order? It’s not like you, sir, who would stop at nothing to attain victory. This is a necessary investment. In order to defeat that thing—」

At that moment, Cassius’ eyes flashed with madness.

「Ah right, I have long admired your desire to strive as well as your exceptional ability, sir. So in order to achieve an even greater heights, I would very much appreciate your cooperation, sir.」

As soon as he raised up such a suggestion, tentacles shot out toward General Red.

「You madman! Kill Cassius! Bury him along with his monster!」

General Red let out such an order. However, there were no soldiers of the Kingdom who were able to respond to it. Each of them was too busy fending off the despair that was beckoning them its way. The tentacles easily caught the superb prey that was General Red.

「Let go of me! Who do you think I am? I’m the ruler of this city! I’m the general of this country!」

「What are you hesitating for, sir? You are going to be a part of the ultimate life-form, you know? From now on, your wisdom will be continuously put into good use for eternity to come, sir.」

Completely unfazed by his angry bellows, the tentacles pulled General Red in. General Red was then thrust into All Biter’s body and was devoured as he was.

「Guh…! How dare you! Cassius! Cassiuuuuus!」

General Red was slowly being devoured. Eventually, his angry bellows vanished into All Biter’s body. In the same way, the kingdom’s soldiers were devoured one after another. It was truly the so-called picture of hell.

And then, atop the gruesome stage, a lone figure was petrified as he stood by his lonesome as if being left behind there, it was Tanaka-san.

「… Looks like everyone is busy, so I’m going to take my leave here then.」

Tanaka hurriedly departed the place. He was by no means running away. He was merely stepping back as the battle had become strategically meaningless. The disappearance of his goal that was General Red. At that point, as far as Tanaka was concerned, this battle had lost its strategic value. In other words, this battle was considered as a draw at worst. No, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was Tanaka’s complete victory. As proof of this, Tanaka-san’s gallant retreating figure as he scurried away from the scene looked like the reminiscent of the strongest arthropod.

「Not good…, that monster is not good. I can keenly sense the possibility of ‘The strongest monster I came up with’ attribute from it. If it’s really ‘The strongest monster I came up with’, it’s definitely not good. I’m sure it’s got a cheat-class trump card. Facing it alone like this is without a doubt dangerous….」

Truly, as expected of Tanaka. Based on the wisdom he’d accumulated through anime and video games, he could easily see through the danger lurking within the monster in front of him. Hence, him stepping back here was none other than for the sake of his victory later. This was a draw that would surely lead to victory. No, no, no, it could be said that his victory in his battle against All Biter was already a foregone conclusion. There was no doubt about it.

Thus, the curtain of this one battle was hereby pulled down. However, as long as Tanaka continued to vie for the supreme throne, harsh battles that could count as trials would surely await him from then on. Hang in there, Tanaka. Don’t lose, Tanaka.


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