The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: (2)

At that moment, an intense bloodlust was released by the beautiful woman. It might have been partly due to how sudden it was, but the man stiffened at this overly intense bloodlust. He wasn’t the only one. The men at the table also ceased moving. And the guests who had been paying attention to this beautiful woman also instantly fell into silence.

It was different from the silence of earlier. A cold silence prevailed in the area. It was unknown how much time had passed. Everyone wished someone could do something about this unbearably tense mood. And then, the long awaited one finally appeared. The man who would tear down this rigid world–.

「You’d better stop there. Any more than that, and you’ll end up incurring the imperial wrath–.」

The man stood coolly at the counter. The beautiful woman sensed that the man who spoke over his back was no ordinary person.

「Mine, the emperor of the tavern.」

The man was of course our protagonist, Tanaka-san. As he’d temporarily upped his dandy factor, he showed no opening.

「No, who the hell are you…?」

The tavern old man, who had been shown the man’s myriads of unsightly behavior, couldn’t help but make a retort about such transformation of his. Truly, his hard work was something to be appreciated.

However, what was truly fearsome was the latent fighting sense of the man named Tanaka. Displaying the quality of a dense protagonist, he played the fool as though he didn’t even notice her bloodlust. Thanks to this high level technique, he was able to splendidly avoid the abnormal condition of freezing. This was an outrageous, might even be forbidden, use of a character setting. The fact that he was able to do it unconsciously showed how much of an extraordinary man he was.

Then, after a seemingly calculated pause, Tanaka-san moved into action. Of course, everything was carried out according to his meticulous plan, which he had created in an instant. In this delicious situation of saving a beautiful woman from the drunkards. There was no way that he, a man who referred to himself as a man who was well-versed in the ins and outs of both men and women, would have ever missed this. Although in fact it was the drunkards who were saved by him, it ought to be nothing but a trivial matter in his meticulous plan. No doubt, it had to be the case.

Tanaka looked back moderately. From his crisp face, an aura of a hopeless person worthy of being the king of little men was drifting about. A thick aura of defeat suddenly drifted around from the very beginning. However, maybe the mysterious beauty didn’t notice such suspiciousness of Tanaka. Or maybe she was simply dense. All in all, she ceased her bloodlust and walked toward Tanaka’s side.

「I’m sorry. I’ve never been in a place like this before.」

「Hmm, it’s alright. Everyone is confused at first.」

As he spoke, Tanaka repeatedly sent flirtatious glances at the beautiful woman. It was inevitable that the tavern old man, who noticed this, became annoyed.

「I’d like to look for certain information, but I don’t know how to conduct myself in a place like this. Is there some kind of rule here?」

「Let’s see. This place is originally a place to enjoy eating and drinking. I suppose asking for a drink first is how you show courtesy to master.」josei

Tanaka ceased his flirtatious glances and turned to the tavern old man. No matter how you looked at it, his figure was cool to a fault.

「Master, the same one for her. Of course, it’s on me.」

Tanaka acted in a fluid manner. One could feel his enthusiasm that dominated the place. ‘What the hell is this master thing…?’, even with such a doubt floating in his mind, the way the tavern old man moved into property arranging the order showed that he really was an outstanding man.

「For the time being, let’s hear your story.」

Tanaka urged the beautiful woman to sit next to him. And then, the tavern old man placed a glass of milk on the table there. Talk about superb timing. The beautiful woman took a seat as Tanaka urged her to.

What fearsome wisdom. He had finally accomplished his mission of sitting next to a beautiful woman. The him of the day was unlike the usual him… maybe.

「My name is Tanaka. A kind of well-known man around here.」

Unusually, Tanaka revealed his real name. His enthusiasm in betting on this chance could be sensed from this fact alone. And the kindness of the tavern old man, who kept his retort, ‘No, no one knows you,’ to himself in the face of the confidently speaking Tanaka, was also apparent there.

「My name is Eclair. I am a maid in the service of a certain personage. I’m here to look for certain information.」

「Oh…, so what is the information you are looking for?」

Without any hesitation, Éclair replied.

「It’s about the Demon Lord.」

「The Demon Lord, huh….」

It was a familiar existence to Tanaka. Of course, however, we were talking about anime and video games…. And then, with great confidence, Tanaka replied to Eclair.

「Honestly speaking, there’s no one who knows of the Demon Lord more than I do.」

「Is that true?!」

That was the first human-like reaction that Eclair had ever shown. Satisfied with her reaction, Tanaka continued with his speech.

「However, even if you say about the Demon Lord, I’m not sure where to even start. Is it about the location of the castle deep in a certain mountain range where a certain Demon Lord is said to reside. Or is it about the method of dispelling the darkness power that is said to be clad by a certain Great Demon Lord. No, as expected, it has to be about the capture method of that so-called invincible Great Demon Lord who excels at counter technique….」

Tanaka felt nostalgic about his own collection as he recalled about the Demon Lords in his memories. However, sadly, there was nothing he could do about it in this other world. Most likely, he would never be able to enjoy his My Favorite Collection again. Tanaka assailed with sadness as he thought about it. Eclair interrupted him, it was unknown whether she was aware of this sadness of his or not.

「it’s about the Demon Lord that has been rumored recently–, the Demon Lord that has been sighted in Purin Kingdom.」

「That guy, huh….」

With a solemn face, Tanaka stared into the distance. ‘Somehow a specific question has come! Well crap! I don’t know him at all!’ No one would have imagined that he was inwardly screaming as such.

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