The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: (1)

You Have The Power In You. The Power To Save The Slipping Lives

「So, what do we do with these guys?」

Kaku-san, who had received reverence from the muscles and turned into a VIP muscle, proceeded with the talk. In his line of sight, there were the three demons who were buried waist-deep in the ground. Even now they were still struggling to crawl out of the ground in order to attack Tanaka. They were still faithfully trying to follow Nawasuki’s orders, despite the fact that they had been abandoned. Having been turned into puppets, such a behavior of theirs was terribly hilarious and above all else miserable.

「Kaku-san, please bring them back to their senses.」

Tanaka made the decision to save the three of them. The reason as to why he showed kindness to the three demons, despite the fact that they were kind of handsome, was probably because their mad appearance overlapped with the figure of his friend. A friend whom he failed to save in the past–.

「Ou, leave it to me! Beauty form! Make-up!」

Kaku-san soared high into the sky and struck an Oliver pose with a halo behind him. The muscles all lost sight of themselves and were fascinated by that overly divine figure of his. Tanaka was about to retort, ‘No, nothing has changed in the least,’ but couldn’t help but to swallow his words back down. It was because he noticed the forbidden magic tool in Kaku-san’s hand.

「Abdominal~a~nd~saa~y! Muscle touch will bring you back to your senses…」

Satisfied with the brilliant posing he was displaying, he held the rhythmic gymnastics ribbon high in the air and started twirling it around. The ribbon stretched out in a twirl and wrapped around the three demons.


The muscles were mesmerized by what looked like a magical girl’s special move. Before long, words of admiration leaked out of their mouth. The gaps between the continuously twirling ribbon. It was probably because the state of demons who were visible through it were visibly changing. Just as the snake tattoos that had been wriggling about on their bodies were moving as though in agony, they disappeared one by one. As if to match that, the demons themselves ceased their struggles to crawl out of the ground and became quiet. Seeing this, Tanaka dispelled his magic, but there was no response from them, as they were simply standing there in a daze.

「I don’t really get what is going on, but it seems to have worked.」

Curryman was impressed by the mysterious power that had saved the demons. At the same time, he thought that as expected his eyes weren’t deceiving him, and floated a smile. At the end of his smile was Kaku-san, who had finished his task and was floating down to the ground. The muscles warmly welcomed the VIP muscle in a side-chest pose. For some reason, even Suke-san joined them and struck the side chest pose as well.

In the face of the overly lukewarm drama interweaved by the muscles, Tanaka’s nausea finally reached the apex. Just as Tanaka began to search for a shady spot to refresh himself with a serious look on his face, there were others who were in despair with more serious looks on their face. They were the demons in question.

「We’ve committed an irredeemable sin….」

What had happened to them while they were under Nawaskui’s control? There was no way the people around them would’ve known about it.

However, considering the prejudice against demons in this country, it wasn’t hard to imagine that they had gone through all sorts of horrible experiences. Above all, until just a few moments ago, they were trying to attack the muscles there, as well as Tanaka-san as an additional order. The remorse they felt would surely be extraordinary.

「We’re truly sorry, everyone. We’re well aware that this is not something that can be resolved with mere apology. We’re prepared to receive whatever punishment you will enact. But for the time being, please let us offer you our apologies.」

Saying that, the three of them got down on their knees. In response, however, speaking of the people who were being apologized to, they looked somewhat perplexed instead. It was true that they did try to attack them, but the matter at hand was that in the end none of them was harmed as a result. So being shown such distressed and apologetic figures, it was hard for them, who were originally a kind-hearted bunch, to be angry even if they wanted to.

And speaking of Tanaka-san, he had already refreshed himself and looked refreshed. He had recovered to the point where he could afford to calmly snicker to himself and think, ‘I didn’t know there was a dogeza culture even in another world’.

「Well, you guys were being controlled, after all. Don’t worry too much about it.」

「He’s right-degozaru. It seems that there was no casualties this time, so I think an apology should be plenty enough-degozaru.」josei

In the midst of this all, the sensible Curryman and Suke-san were trying to wrap things up. It could be said to be inevitable that Tanaka-san’s paltry pride was stirred here. As he deemed unacceptable for the conversation to progress without him.

「Well, wait a sec. Sometimes kindness can instead be a burden for those who bear sins. Let me–, ME, the leader of Team Tanaka, as the representative of everyone here, hereby enact your punishment.」

Tanaka-san casually solidified his position. Tanaka, who had already established a solid position as the leader of Team Tanaka, could be said to hold a higher position than Suke-san and Kaku-san in the pecking order. Then there were Kaku-san’s followers, the Muscles, and Curryman, whose position he had ascertained in the past. Hence, position-wise Tanaka’s was definitely the highest. What he just said could be said to be a clever move to subtly establish the pecking order from a superior situation. That was quite sly, Tanaka. That was truly sly, Tanaka.

「I was prepared for this from the beginning. I’d like to lay down my life to apologize to you all. It’s just, I’d like to ask you to please not take my little brothers’ lives as well. I’m well aware that it’s selfish of me. But I humbly ask you to by all means consider it, please.」

The demon who seemed to be the eldest brother got into dogeza once again. The younger brothers followed their elder brother’s lead and got into dogeza as well, but their eyes were covered with tears.

「Live on, you two. Follow these people, live on and atone for your sins.」

「Big bro….」

The little brothers were lost of words. However, perhaps intending to burn the final moment of their elder brother into their eyes, their tears-smeared eyes were staring fixedly at him.

The eldest demon brother held out a spear hand. Perhaps it was a special ability of his, some sort of black aura covered the tip of his hand. As the situation had somehow arbitrarily progressed on its own, Tanaka-san, who could do nothing but watch in daze, couldn’t help but get his chuunibyou soul stirred seeing this. Read the air! Tanaka!

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