The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: (1)

With this the voices of envy won’t stop for a while, huh…. Good grief.

Year 5954 of the creation calendar, new year–.

Northern wasteland several days away from the northern border of the Haru Empire. In the midst of the cold season, Nanashi town was displaying liveliness that heat was still lingering there. As a town that had begun to be developed recently, it might only be natural that it was bustling with activity. However, the reason why this town was becoming unusually busy actually lay somewhere else.

At some point in time, the number of demons coming from the Purin Kingdom had increased rapidly. It was a mysterious phenomenon that surprised even Tanaka-san, but due to this unexpected increase in population, the assumption that the growth of the town was going to gradually slow down was overturned. There were many who were delighted about this, but there were also those who had to shoulder the burden in the shadow. One of them was the merchant Echigoya, who had become the semi-ruler of the town, who had been having a hectic daily life.

In the midst of all this, a great news that shook the town to its core dropped.

The arrival of newcomers with more than a thousand in number–.

For Echigoya, who had been in the midst of a hectic period with sustained peak fatigue, it was the kind of news that made him want to faint. However, he was still a merchant with recognized abilities to adapt. Perhaps it was his nature or pride. Echigoya decided to stand as the vanguard himself in order to discuss with this group.

What awaited such him was the never seen before smug face of our protagonist, Tanaka-san. Who could blame Echigoya for involuntarily letting out words that could not be called words? Rather, we ought to show appreciation to the person who brought forth the smug face that made the merchant, who was renowned for his ability to hide his thoughts, bare his emotions. Call the chef, Echigoya.

With such a trivial scene, the group of demons led by Tanaka safely entered Nanashi town. This might be a rather abbreviated explanation, but during the period of Tanaka and the other crossing the mountain until arriving at the town, there was also a tale that couldn’t be told without tears. It was the tale of a certain man who harbored fearsome ambitions of holding hands with Hero-chan. After various great adventures, the ambition ended up not being achieved, but as expected it didn’t seem to be something that should be talked about too deeply.

Then, Echigoya’s hectic life, where he didn’t even have time to ask Tanaka about the merchant in the kingdom who had the same name as him, continued.

「Hmm, the time has finally come for me to experience this event, huh.」

Tanaka stood there with an emotional look on his face.

The location was the center of Nanashi town. It was a street with stores of various sizes lined up. In front of a job agency, namely the guild, Tanaka crossed his arms and soaked himself in self-satisfaction.

What Tanaka was aiming for was the cliche of otherworldly works. The event of ‘With my amazing latent potential being known, the attention from everyone was intense. Even though I didn’t actually want to stand out, being unable to stop the gazes of envy from everyone was truly troubling. Keenly sensing the aura of ‘So cool, embrace me’ from beautiful women, I could only lament on how manly I was’.

「Each of my stat values is still as miniscule as usual, but the guild won’t be able to tell the details about it anyway. I bet the guild staff will involuntarily let out a scream in surprise at how amazing my level is. Kukuku, I can clearly see the unfolding future after this.」josei

Having succeeded in achieving an beyond common sense level up in the sealed land, Tanaka was intending to play this powerful card here and move onto the protagonist path at once.

「But still, the plan is originally to have Suke-san update his here as well and stir the world with the news of ‘The emergence of a powerful duo. Are they going to raid the showbiz?!’, though.」

There was no sign of his partner, Suke-san, there. This was because there was an incident that put a setback to this plan that Tanaka had arranged to be carried out in Nanashi town.

According to the plan, he was supposed to be hailed as a hero for bringing over a thousand demons safely to their new home.

After building a solid status in the town in such a way, he would debut Suke-san as his duo’s partner. The important point was, after making sure to reveal to everyone that Tanaka was the superior one, he would promote Suke-san’s name as well. Thus, Tanaka’s pride would be satisfied, and Team Tanaka would also become stable.

This was the rising scenario that Tanaka had planned to implement after arriving in this town.

However, upon their arrival at this town, the one who became the topic wasn’t Tanaka. Everyone’s attention was focused on hero Mikoto, who had come along, and the other amazing powerful beings who seemed to have arrived at the same time as them. For a while, Nanashi town was abuzz with these kinds of topics.

Having suffered another setback, Tanaka secluded himself in distress for a while. However, Tanaka was also a self-proclaimed man of fortitude. He couldn’t afford to just lay down and accept everything. Even while secluding himself, he continued to formulate a plan to overcome this setback, and now was exactly the moment for him to take the first step toward his comeback.

「Leaving Hero-chan aside, what a bunch with bad timing, geez. Because of them, my harem life became a slightly more distant.」

Tanaka whined in mumble. After deluding the convenient development that there might be the possibility of the development where they became some sort of official couple after getting himself and Hero-chan turned into a topic together, he was arbitrarily overcome with anger. The more he thought about it, the more he inevitably felt that he had lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

「Damn it! How irritating. Just who the hell are they? Well, not that I want to know, though!」

As Tanaka happened to stumble upon this nothing but an unpleasant topic, he immediately left while cursing in anger, so he still didn’t know much about the rumored powerful beings. And he was not in the least interested in knowing these perpetrators from then on either.

This was because the sovereign of the little man world, Tanaka-san, couldn’t afford to ever stand against these renowned powerful beings, after all. Should they meet, the one standing there was the overly honest man, Tanaka-san. Even if he had no intention to, it wasn’t impossible for him to end up sparking a fire between them.

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