The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: (1)

Death Match

Shoving all the troublesome matters to Omoi, Tanaka ran away. The man – who had entrusted everything, believing in the teacher this incompetent self respected and adored – arrived at a certain hut.

The ones he took along were the usual two. Suke-san and Kaku-san.

「It can be said that we’ve managed to take care of the matter of this town for the time being. I feel like I might have or might have not been begged repeatedly by Echigoya-san ‘By all means, please become the leader of this town!’, but I refused. This time, after getting involved with the government of this town, I come to see the path we ought to take, after all.」

「The path we ought to take…, degozaru?」

The path Tanaka had discovered toward political rising. He felt that it was beginning to show a good start. He had his own profound reasoning for his decision of making a brilliant change of course that seemed as though diving into the manure pit from the red-carpet-covered celebrity purveyor path.

「It can be said that from moral point of view, the idea of aiming for social status and enjoying kyakya ufufu life is a correct one. The problem is that it relies heavily on the means known as politicians to accomplish. Politicians are no good. They do gain a great deal, but at the same time, the responsibility they have to shoulder is no less as great. To put it simply, it’s a pain in the ass, so I quit. I realized that I should go for something simpler.」

「I see…. I don’t quite get it, but does that mean you are going to do something new?」

「Yup! As expected, I think the best action to take here is to head straight into becoming crazy rich and lead kyakya ufufu life.」

「I don’t quite get it-degozaru, but it’s good that you seem to have settled your thoughts-degozaru.」

「Yup! For amateurs, they’d probably want to try their luck by mass-producing Reversi here, but…. too sweet! That’s way too sweet! To be specific, it’s as sweet as the unrewarded men of equal age with no history with women who were grinning in delusion, believing in the urban legend of going on date at a café, having your girlfriend taken the tactful move and said ‘let me put some sugar into it’, thus enabled you to drink coffee with 28 sugar cubes in it! Tch, shut it damnit! I’m in the middle of envisioning my dream!」

「Reversi? What are you talking about-degozaru?」

Perhaps getting too engrossed in his fervent speech that Suke-san’s question didn’t even reach his ears. Tanaka-san’s speech continued.

「Reversi is indeed a good thing. From the standpoint of productivity, wood, the number one choice of material, is easy to obtain, the structure is simple, and there is also little concern with the manufacturing process. Moreover, the rules of the game are simple, so the likelihood for it to be popular is pretty high, that’s why it’s not like I don’t understand why no one doubts that kyakya ufufu life is already around the corner with this. However! That’s not enough. This is not a charity work, it’s a business! And economy is a war!」

The face of the man who declared this was exactly that of the man who lived to fight.

「I’m sure that Reversi will be popular. But it will not survive as a business. That’s because it’s too easy to imitate. It will only be profitable in the beginning, as soon those who sell its counterfeits will surely begin to appear. In this ‘Intellectual property? What’s that? Is it tasty?’ world, there’s no chance of stopping such an adversity, and it is inevitable that the price will have to be lowered in order to dispose of the stockpiled goods. In this way, low profits and high sales will continue endlessly, and eventually the business will become unviable.」

What followed after was a sigh. The gesture displayed by the big shot who was eliminated at the regional qualifying round of All Japan Good Grief Championship was infinitely stylish.

「I can’t stomach the shallowness of relying on cliches when you are faced with troubles in the first place. Just how much do you want to have an easy time?! You need to think for yourself! You have to be more passionate! ‘Friendship, hard work, and victory’ is still valid! Now is the time to get back to the basics!」

「No, what are you even talking about? I have no idea what you’re talking about at all, though….」

Tanaka’s overbearing rampage sent shocks on Kaku-san’s muscles. The super-vibrational waves produced by this tremor stimulated Tanaka’s parasympathetic nervous system, and seemed to succeed in bringing the man who had lost his mind in indignation back to reality, thus Tanaka regained his composure. It was by no means that as there was no such a thing as lame excuses for taking back his words as he realized the risk of receiving scolding from the people from the business world, he decided to add some random complicated explanations to cover it up.

「Ahem…. In other words, speaking of what I wanted to say. It’s that everyone’s outlook is too narrow. As far as the pro myself is concerned, using Reversi to easily make money and become popular is nothing more than a naïve idea. If it were me, I’d be able to find a way to more easily and reliably make a lot of money.」

What the hell kind of pro were you, Tanaka? Moreover, this pattern of confidently trying to show off the easy way, nothing could be felt from it but uneasiness, you know, Tanaka?

「I bet you are dying to know, aren’t you? Here is the answer.」

Tanaka entered the hut, walked up to a pile of boxes and took out a certain something from there. Simply described, it was a palm-sized board-like something. However, it was more than a mere board. With details that seemed to imply that they were particular even with the molding during the manufacturing process, the form that was bent at a right angle at the center was well balanced, as it was enshrined imposingly on the palm of his hand.

「It’s a custom-made item created from materials I had accumulated thus far. I’ve lost all my saving, but I don’t regret it at all.」

「Everything was fused into this box, huh….」

In contrast to Tanaka’s crisp demeanor, Kaku-san got his words wavering due to the excessive surprise.

「Nevertheless, how curious-degozaru. I sense something that makes my soul tremble-degozaru.」

「Right? Right? As expected, you have good intuition, Suke-san. This is a traditional game that cannot be ignored by those involved with martial arts.」

Hearing that, Suke-san became even more glued to the item on Tanaka’s palm that was giving off a never seen before presence.

「The origin of all martial arts and the original virtue that conveys the importance of etiquette. It is one of the truths that mankind has managed to unveil, the ritual of the beginning that connects God and man – SUMO. This is a quasi-ceremonial sorcery game invented to convey the grace of this ultimate sorcery to the masses, and its name is TonTON Sumo.」

「TonTON Sumo… you say….」

At the ancient knowledge that even he, an administrator of the world, himself was unaware of, Kaku-san couldn’t hide his astonishment. And at the same time, he got goosebumps. At the unfathomable depths of the vast knowledge their leader possessed…. As usual, you were so good at playing along, Kaku-san.

「Now then, how about we give it a try? First of all, let me prepare the quasi-dohyo (sumo ring) that is said to be the crystallization of blood, sweat and tears of men. Oh, Suke-san, feel free choose the rikishi (sumo wrestler) you like from the box over there.」josei

As he prepared the field of the battle, he kept Suke-san away from there. Then, taking advantage of the moment Kaku-san being captivated by the battlefield, Tanaka put the rikishi in his hand into the item box and swiftly took out another one.

Yes – the game had already begun. The one in the man’s hand was a total monster, comparable to three times the sturdiness and weight of a normal rikishi. Even though it was neither red nor had horns, for it to be three-times the normal was unfathomable.

In addition, for just in case scenario, he had even developed a strategy with utilization of three games rule later within his outlook.

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