The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Luo Chengshu brought Huang Ya far away. Seeing that Zhou Ziyu didn't chase after them, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked at her face and said guiltily, "Miss Huang, your face ??"

Huang Ya raised her hand to cover her face and shook her head. "It's fine, but Mr. Luo should understand by now why I insisted on having you act out with me."

Luo Chengshu sighed and said, "I never thought that I would bring you so much trouble. If I knew earlier, I would have avoided the issue."

Just a moment ago when I went to find you, you quickly realized that you might be watched and want to avoid trouble. But Mr. Luo, do you really want to continue like this? Could it be that talking to someone of the opposite sex is also a heinous crime?

Why did he have to let his glorious life end in such a pathetic ma

er? You're already standing on the edge of a cliff, if you don't change, you'll be driven mad by her. It's not worth it to end a relationship like this. "

Luo Chengshu didn't say anything.

Huang Ya continued, "Don't worry, I voluntarily asked you to act with me in this show. No matter what the outcome will be, I will bear the consequences myself. You don't have to feel too much pressure. "I don't want to be with you. As long as Zhou Ziyu gives up on her attachment to you, you can ask me to leave anytime. I won't have any complaints."

After she finished speaking, she raised her wrist to look at the time: "It's time for me to go back to work. Mr. Luo, take care."

She turned and ran toward the west gate.

Luo Chengshu looked at Huang Ya's back as she left. He didn't know whether his decision just now was right or wrong.

What he was worried about was ?? He would pull her into the water.

However, things had already gotten to this point. It was already too late to take back what he had just said. He could only take one step and wait to see what happened next.

When Huang Ya returned to her office, she still felt a lingering fear.

When Wen Qing asked how she was doing, she pulled Wen Qing out of the office and told her what had happened.

Surprised by Huang Ya's explosive strength, Wen Qing gave her a thumbs up. "Teacher Huang, I underestimated you.

Huang Ya placed her hand on her heart. "Actually, I was so embarrassed just now that I was rejected by others and even shamelessly asked someone to act with me, that's really ??" Teacher Wen, don't you think it's too embarrassing for me to do this? "

"It can't be, I think he looks like a heroine."

As she spoke, she saw the five-fingered mark on the left side of Huang Ya's face.

She frowned. "What's going on?"

Huang Ya hurriedly raised her hand to cover her face. She didn't mention that she was slapped by Zhou Ziyu just now.

Wen Qing said angrily, "Did Zhou Ziyu hit him?"

"It's nothing, she just hit him once, Mr. Luo was there too, she stopped him in time."

Wen Qing was convinced. Could there really be something wrong with this Zhou Ziyu's brain?

Because they hadn't finished venting their anger at noon, after work in the afternoon, when Wen Qing and Huang Ya had just arrived at the school gates, Zhou Ziyu came to block Huang Ya's way.

Wen Qing's expression was cold. "Zhou Ziyu, you're really pla

ing to go on and on, aren't you?"

Zhou Ziyu ignored Wen Qing and said to Huang Ya, "I accompanied Luo Chengshu through the most difficult four years. He promised to only marry me in this life."

Huang Ya said rationally, "When you're in a relationship, you can make any promise."

"If you don't show up, as long as I can hold on for a while longer, he will change his mind."

Huang Ya looked at her and frowned. "The way you changed his mind was by using this method to force him?"

Wen Qing also said, "Zhou Ziyu, you used the wrong method, because the way you said it, you really look like a madman. Which man do you think would be willing to marry someone who knows that person is crazy? Unless he's crazy too. "

Zhou Ziyu glared at Wen Qing, "Wen Qing, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're Master San's woman. This is a problem between Luo Chengshu, Huang Ya and I. Huang Ya takes my love, I let her lose her job, what's wrong with that? "

"One thing you can say is right, I am Huo Tingshen's woman, so no matter how much more trouble you cause, I have the ability to protect my job in Teacher Huang, and in the end, the one who looks bad is only you."

Zhou Ziyu raised her chin. "Don't push me too far."

Wen Qing said coldly, "How can you call me a thief?"

Huang Ya pulled Wen Qing along. "Forget about Teacher Wen, don't argue with her. This kind of person doesn't make sense." josei

Wen Qing pulled Huang Ya into her own car, and had Mr. Chen take her back home first before returning to the Huo Family.

Huo Tingshen had already returned. Seeing that she came back late, he pretended to be angry: "Where did you go? Why did you come back just now?"

Wen Qing looked at the time. "It's not too late."

"Who said it wasn't too late? It was forty minutes later than usual. It seems like our family will also have to set a ban in the future."

Wen Qing pouted. "Set it to five in the afternoon?" Are you kidding me? If it's summer, it's not dark outside yet. "

As she spoke, she went upstairs to change.

Huo Tingshen followed him.

As soon as she was in the cloakroom, he pushed open the door and came in.

Wen Qing stopped what she was doing and looked back at him. "I want to change."

He leaned against the door and looked at her. "You change, I didn't stop you."

"You stay here and watch, how am I supposed to change?"

"How is it that I have not seen you from top to bottom? I don't mind switching. "

Wen Qing walked up to him and pushed him away while saying with a blush, "I don't mind."

She closed the door, locked it, and quickly changed into her housedress.

Huo Tingshen leaned against the wall beside the door.

As soon as she came out, he grabbed her.

He firmly locked Wen Qing in his arms as she fell to the ground.

It had been a while since he'd had this kind of conversation with her.

Suddenly, Wen Qing felt a little uncomfortable. She blushed and said, "What are you doing? Let go of me."

Huo Tingshen lowered his head and looked at the person in his arms. He smelled the fragrance off her body and whispered into her ear, "It's so fragrant."

"Huo Tingshen," she patted his heart, "do you still have a proper form? Let me go."

Of course he didn't. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He put her down and leaned forward.

Seeing this, she anxiously said, "I'm still pregnant."

Huo Tingshen knew that this woman had already used her child as a shield.

Recently, in order to not lose control of himself, he had been restraining himself all the time. He didn't even have the courage to kiss her, for fear that he would go overboard.

Until today, when he got off work. He stayed in the basement, but due to forgetting to bring his documents, he asked the Old Qin to help him run errands. He waited in the car for a while.

A few employees passed by the car. He heard a female employee say, "My husband insisted on doing it last night, so I didn't agree at first for fear of hurting the child in my belly. Later, when my husband couldn't bear it anymore, I followed suit and found out that it was actually fine."

Another woman beside her said, "When I was pregnant, I did not control myself. The doctor said that it was a good thing to control yourself, but if you don't want to do it, just don't do it too fast."

As those people walked away, the evil in his heart was drawn out.

He called the doctor, and after asking, he did.

So on the way back today, his mind was full of ?? Push her down.

Moreover, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't help himself ??

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