The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

After an unknown period of time, Tong Hao's cell phone rang.

She opened it and saw that it was a WeChat from Huo Tingren.

Huo Tingren told her that Huo Huaien had been pushed out of the operating room and that she was fine.

Tong Hao replied, "It's not over yet. Take care of Huaien. I'll let you know if there's any news."

After that, she put away her phone and said to Wen Qing who was beside her, "Xiao Qing, Huaien is fine. She has been sent to the ward. You can be at ease now."

Wen Qing glanced at her and nodded.

Tong Hao reached out to hold her hand and said, "Are you hungry? I'll go buy it for you."

Wen Qing shook her head.

Tong Hao asked again, "Then do you want to drink some water? I'll buy it for you. "

Wen Qing still shook her head.

Tong Hao couldn't help but to be worried as she turned around and glanced at Gao Moran.

Gao Moran said, "Then I'll go buy some water."

Tong Hao stood up and said flatly, "I know what she likes to drink. I'll go then. I'll have to trouble you to come and take a look at her."

Gao Moran thought indifferently. He knew what Wen Qing liked to drink.

However, he didn't know if Wen Qing's taste had changed in the past two years.

Tong Hao stood up and left.

Gao Moran stared at Wen Qing.

At this moment, with no one disturbing him, he was able to unrestrainedly look at the face he missed day and night.

After two minutes, Gao Moran walked up to Wen Qing and squatted down to face her.

"Little Qing ??"

Wen Qing raised her eyes.

Gao Moran smiled at her, "He will be fine."

After a long while, Wen Qing finally said, "Thank you."

The two of them were very close, it seemed like Gao Moran could still smell the fragrance of Wen Qing's body.

Tong Hao returned with three bottles of drinks. One of the bottles was given to Gao Moran, while the other was opened and passed to Wen Qing.

Wen Qing took it and was about to drink it when the operating room door opened.

She immediately handed the drink to Tong Hao, turned around, and ran to the doctor who opened the door, looking at him anxiously.

"Doctor, doctor ??"

She was so excited that she couldn't speak.

It was still Tong Hao who asked in her place: "Doctor, how's Third Young Master Huo's condition?"

The doctor took off his mask and said to Wen Qing: "Third Mrs. Huo, don't worry. Lord Third is out of danger, his leg is fractured, and he has several burns on his body. We have already dealt with them.

After the doctor finished speaking, Wen Qing's tense nerves seemed to have finally relaxed. She suddenly lost all strength as her body fell backwards.

Tong Hao reached out to support her, but because she was completely out of strength, her body was too heavy and she didn't pull.

It was Gao Moran who silently came up from behind and helped her up.

As if she didn't realize it, she didn't even bother to thank Tong Hao. Instead, she turned around and squeezed Tong Hao's hand tightly.

"Alright, alright. Tingshen isn't dead, he's still alive."

After saying this, Wen Qing cried and hugged Tong Hao tightly.

Tong Hao also cried. She was relieved for Wen Qing.

She was actually quite scared just now. If something really happened to San Ye, what would happen to Xiao Qing and Tingren?

Both of them were the most important people in her life, and she really didn't want either of them to get hurt.

After the anesthetic effect on Huo Tingshen was over, he slowly woke up to see Wen Qing staring at him with a worried expression.

She held Huo Tingshen's hand tightly and said with a trembling voice, "Tingshen, you're finally awake. Look at me, who am I?"

Huo Tingshen closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he said with some difficulty, "You are ??" "Who?"

Hearing that, Wen Qing was scared, "Tingshen, you don't recognize me anymore? "I'm Wen Qing, your wife."

As Wen Qing spoke, tears fell down her cheeks. She shook her hand, preparing to ring the bell.

How could Huo Tingshen not know her?

Did he hurt his head when he fell?

What should she do now that the person who loved her the most did not know her? What should she do?

Wen Qing's hand hadn't even touched the bell yet.

Her other hand, which was holding Huo Tingshen's hand, was grabbed by him.

Huo Tingshen used some strength and said, "Little Qing, don't cry."

Wen Qing was stu

ed for a moment as she lowered her head to look at him.

He gri


Seeing this smile, Wen Qing's first reaction was that this bastard was actually lying to her.

She lowered her head and hugged him, crying loudly: "Huo Tingshen, you bastard, you liar."

Huo Tingshen hissed a few times due to the wounds on his body.

Wen Qing immediately let go.

She felt a pang as she saw herself pressed against the burn on his shoulder.

"Sorry, sorry. I hurt you, right?"

Seeing her guilty face, Huo Tingshen smiled at her in consolation.

"It's okay, your husband isn't made of paper. Besides, as long as you give it to me, it'll be sweet even if it hurts. I'm willing to die from the pain."

"Don't talk nonsense," Wen Qing said as she covered his mouth with her hand.

Huo Tingshen pursed his lips, "Alright, don't cry, I will feel sorry for you."

Wen Qing pursed her lips and cried in grievance.

"Why did you do that? Do you know that if you didn't happen to be blocked by the awning and fall into a spot where the fire wasn't too big, you would have died without a doubt? "Just how scared am I? I was even thinking that it would be better if I were to die than to hear some bad news from the doctor."

Huo Tingshen looked at her. "So, there is no bad news?"

Wen Qing sniffed and pointed at his leg. "His leg is fractured and needs recovery. There are also a lot of burns on his body."

"It looks like I won't be able to see anyone for some time. I won't be able to work, so I'll have to stay at home with my wife and children."

Wen Qing curled her lips. "In a situation like this, you can't even accompany a child. The child's hand is too light or too light. What if he grabs your wound ??"

"Then I'll stay in the hospital, and you'll stay here with me, huh?"

Wen Qing wiped away her tears. "I don't want to accompany you. You're going to die with Ye Wanluo." josei

"Woman, you're still angering me even at a time like this. Was that not for ??" Huo Tingshen said and hesitated to speak.

That was because Wen Qing's gaze was filled with worry.

Huo Tingshen smiled at her: "I was wrong, eh?"

Wen Qing looked at him and lowered her head to kiss him on his lips, feeling wronged.

"In the future, you are not allowed to do such foolish things again. If you can't live without me, then how can I live without you? Could it be that my heart is made of iron? "

Huo Tingshen nodded: "It's my fault. If there isn't a next time, then there can't be a next time."

Wen Qing nodded, "Yes, there won't be a next time. The culprit, Ye Wanluo, has already left for another world and no one will bother us anymore."

Speaking of Ye Wanluo, Huo Tingshen frowned: "Is she really dead?"

"When the firemen rescued her, she was already... It's completely unrecognizable, and there's no longer any signs of life. "

Wen Qing choked with sobs, "Why? Aren't you willing to part with it?"

"No, I was just thinking that in the end, I wasn't able to pull her to my elder brother's grave to repent. I let her off easy."

As he spoke, his face couldn't help but turn serious. However, thinking about it, his elder brother must be feeling somewhat gratified now that he was alive.

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