The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 713 The Scheme Of The Evil Cultivation Master

Chapter 713 The Scheme Of The Evil Cultivation Master

Outside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, in the Abyssal Maelstrom Sea.

A few days earlier at the Great Desolate Divine Palace;

Along a quiet hallway.

The Evil Cultivation Master was talking quietly to the Sagess Alyssa, "We mustn't allow anyone to know that the Great Demon God is injured."

The Sagess Alyssa expressed a startling shock, "The Great Demon God is injured? Is it even possible? How?"

The Evil Cultivation Master sighed softly, "I don't know the exact reason as well but it seems to be a backlash on his cultivation core. I can feel the minute backlash of the profound energies even in the Great Desolate Divine Palace. Therefore, it must be quite severe on our Great Demon God. Why do you think we are halting our attacks on the Eon Firmament Mountains until further notice?"

He paused to say slowly, "That is because our Great Demon God requires the desolate profound strength of everyone that is in the Great Desolate Divine Palace to maintain the immortal array that seals the passage to the Immortal Realm as he could no longer maintain it with his own profound strength anymore." 

The Sagess Alyssa nodded slowly, "Now this makes sense. I wondering why we are not avenging the demise of the Desolate Dragon God and the Dragon Faction is quite upset about this. I sense almost a revolt in our Great Desolate Divine Palace."

The Evil Cultivation Master whispered to the Sagess Alyssa, "No one must know that our Great Demon God is injured, especially the Saintess Fang Zhenfei."

He pretended to sigh, "Number 1 has gone missing. Number 2 is injured. Number 4 is killed. We only have just a few top cultivation exponents to defend the Great Desolate Divine Palace now. Let's hope that the Saintess Fang Zhenfei would not choose to attack us at this time. You won't tell anyone, right?"

The Sagess Alyssa giggled, "Of course not. My lips are tight."

This was only an act.

It was because they had purposely said it to a female attendant who was hiding in the corridor. 

This female attendant was actually a close aide of Zhao Songjin who used to be from the Evil Cultivation Palace.

Naturally the Evil Cultivation Master knows who the aides of Zhao Songjin are since he had been secretly monitoring Zhao Songjin for years. 

Today, the two of them were purposely leaking this 'news' to Zhao Songjin and to Saintess Fang Zhenfei.

This female attendant quietly left the corridor, unwary that this was actually a purposely leak. 

The Sagess Alyssa then asked the Evil Cultivation Master, "I wonder if the Saintess Fang Zhenfei would take this bait and really attack the Great Desolate Divine Palace?"

The Evil Cultivation Master smiled coldly, "Maybe yes. Maybe no."

The Sagess Alyssa asked, "What if she dares to come?"

The Evil Cultivation Master smiled, "Then we can activate our trap on her. She will fall into our hands and not the Great Demon God."

The Sagess Alyssa said warily, "But she can kill the Desolate Dragon God. Are we able to trap her? We have failed the last time when she comes, do you remember?"

The Evil Cultivation Master began to smile wryly, "I am more afraid that she won't dare to come. Don't worry. My spies that are at the Eon Firmament Mountains have told me that Saintess Fang Zhenfei is injured and she is cultivating behind close door. The battle with the Desolate Dragon God must have sapped her profound strength severely. This is the best time to trick her to come to the Great Desolate Divine Palace."

The Sagess Alyssa began to smile, "That is because she can't afford to wait for the Great Demon God to recover his profound strength. Brilliant."

The Evil Cultivation Master began to smile coldly, "While the Great Demon God and the Saintess Fang Zhenfei are fighting each other, we will be just behind them to ambush them."

The Sagess Alyssa smiled, "I think Number 2 will play an important role."

The Evil Cultivation Master nodded, "Number 2 is now my plaything to be manipulate. It is a lucky thing that Number 1 isn't around at this time. I am actually a little afraid of her."


The Sagess Alyssa asked curiously, "I wonder where did Number 1 goes to?"

The Evil Cultivation Master began to grin, "That stupid Goddess Mel has tried to trick Number 1 to go to the Eons Firmament Mountains to confront Sword Saint Ji Yuan. She was hoping that Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao would capture Saintess Fang Zhenfei for the Great Demon God. She did go there but she has since changed her destination to the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth now because Sword Saint Ji Yuan is there."

  The Sagess Alyssa was now giggling, "It is no wonder why the Great Demon God had been so angry with the Goddess Mel a few days ago and I had heard that she was even beaten up quite badly by him. Now I know." 

The Evil Cultivation Master was also smiling, "That Goddess Mel is just a stupid whore that only knows how to spread her legs. She has now caused the Great Demon God to lose a most formidable fighter." 

The Sagess Alyssa grinned as she nodded, "I hate this Whore Mel a lot. How dare she forgets that she is a Desolate Immortal and betrays our own kind. She has completely side with the demonic race." 

She paused to ask, "So what is our next step now? Wait for Saintess Fang Zhenfei to come?"

The Evil Cultivation Master grinned, "We are going to continue our dual cultivation. With you and Number 2 of course."




Present time at the Eons Firmament Mountains;

Jiajia and Zhao Songjin were now alone in a cultivation study room.

Zhao Songjin said to Jiajia, "Saintess Fang Zhenfei, this is what my ex-aide has told me and she has smuggled this piece of news out at her own personal risk. But do you think that this news is reliable?"

Jiajia sighed softly, "This may be true. When the Desolate Dragon God had met with his demise, I can sense the weakening of the immortal sea above. Something had happened to the Desolate Dragon God and he was suddenly weakened. I suspect the same thing had happened to the Great Demon God and the Death God Mingwang as well."

Zhao Songjin slowly nodded, "It is a lucky thing that the Death God Mingwang isn't here in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity and is inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. But we have only less than 1 month before he is back."

Jiajia sighed, "We have only got less than 1 month to do action now. If I am not wrong, the other plan of the Great Demon God is to prevent the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth from returning to the Immortal Realm, rather than capturing the artefact core of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. We have all been misled by the Great Demon God."

Zhao Songjin slowly nodded, "I am more worried about Ji Yuan. Do you think that he is able to fulfill his mission?"

Jiajia shook her head, "I've lied to him on the importance of obtaining the artefact core of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. No one knows where the artefact core of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth is obtained. The only clue is inside the final trial of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. I had been there before and I did not find any clues."

Zhao Songjin smiled weakly, "So you are only sending him away because you do not want him to be in this mess, right?"

Jiajia slowly nodded, "He is not strong enough to help me yet. I don't want him to die."

Zhao Songjin heaved a deep sigh, "Actually I have heard your secret conversation with Little Princess too. You have asked her to enter the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth so that she won't be caught by the Evil Cultivation Palace. At least you think that she would be safer inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth than the outside."

Jiajia was quiet for a while before she slowly nodded, "So you know."

Zhao Songjin asked another question, "You believe that the words of Fairy Qiu Xiuyu? That she is now with child by Ji Yuan inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and that she is from the realm?" 

Jiajia nodded, "I do believe her. She doesn't look like the type that can lie. It is entirely possible that Ji Yuan has a trial that sent him to the lower mortal realm. At least we know that Ji Yuan is still alive inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, so that is actually good news."

Zhao Songjin smiled coldly, "I think this Ji Yuan is just enjoying himself inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. Fairy Qiu Xiuyu has also mentioned that Ji Yuan also has another lover by the name of Yun Chi."

But Jiajia did not seem to mind and she was smiling gently, "Isn't this good? He is learning to be a romantic cultivator now."

Then she said to Zhao Songjin, "Thanks for the information. I would like to be alone for a while."

Zhao Songjin nodded as she left the room. 

Hua Wuwu and Hua Baiyue who were standing at the entrance were about to come inside the door when Jiajia told them, "Close the door. I would like to be alone…"

Hua Wuwu blinked her golden eyes, "Alright mistress…"

Hua Baiyue took a queer look at Hua Wuwu; it was because they had heard the conversations between their mistress and Zhao Songjin. So, they were quite eager to hear about their mistress' next plan of action.

However, their mistress was not willing to share her plans with them which was something that rarely happens. 

So they began to sigh as they closed the door before leaving.

When the Hua Sisters had left, Jiajia had suddenly coughed out a bout of golden blood…

She did not want anyone to know that during the fateful battle with the Desolate Dragon God, she too, had been severely injured.

She began to look weakly at her dyed long blue hair, which was original a rich golden blonde…

Blue was her favorite color and she likes blue because blue is also the color of her close divine pet Xiao Ruan, a blue phoenix. 

She said weakly, "I don't have much time left. Ji Yuan, I won't be able to see you anymore…" 

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