The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 739 The Heavenly Fragrance Brothel (1)

Chapter 739 The Heavenly Fragrance Brothel (1)

When Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan had reached the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel, it was already night and they could see a lot of carriages that were being pulled by the many different spirit divine beasts.

There were many men that were streaming into the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel.

It was actually the second time that Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan had seen more men than maidens in a single place.

The first time was of course when they had accidentally stumbled into the rebel's hideout. 

Ji Yuan had suddenly turned to Xiao Muhan and he was gasping, "I know that I have forgotten something. I am supposed to go to the rebel hideout for a meeting with all the rebel leaders for a new strategy against the divine consorts in the Snowy Pavilion City. Why didn't you remind me about it?"

Xiao Muhan turned to look at Ji Yuan with a weak look, "I have forgotten about this as well. Anyway, it is you that is supposed to go and not me. What have you been doing on that day to have caused you to forget about something this important?"

Ji Yuan smiled weakly, "It was the same day that you have killed me."

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan quickly pulled Ji Yuan to the entrance of the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel and he was looking a little sheepish for 'killing' Ji Yuan that day, "Let's have some fun first instead of brooding over such a small matter. Just tell the rebel resistance that you are erm… busy on that day and I'm sure that everything will be alright. I am sure that they are not so petty as to kill you over such a small matter, right?"

As soon as the two of them had walked to the entrance, the same 2 maidens could be seen and there were 4 other maidens as well.

The same 2 maidens had of course recognized Xiao Muhan that they had met this afternoon but this time they were smiling, "Masters, you have come again. Do you want a bronze tally, a silver tally, or a gold tally?"

Xiao Muhan asked with a chuckle, "Haha. Naturally, we are rich patrons and we want a gold tally."

The maiden on the left smiled, "That will be 10 million high grade spirit stones."

Xiao Muhan: …

"How much for the bronze tally then?"

The maiden on the left answered, "That will be 500 000 high grade spirit stones."

Xiao Muhan muttered weakly, "This is a little expensive. For 500 000 high grade spirit stones, I can play with five beautiful maidens…"

The maiden on the right was beginning to stare coldly at him, "It isn't even enough for a meal in this place and you can only toast a maiden only…"

"I'll take the gold tally." Ji Yuan had suddenly interrupted her and had tossed her 10 million worth of high grade spirit stones. 

The maiden on the right quickly used her spirit divine sense to do a quick gauge before she smiled broadly, "Please enter and welcome to the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel!"

Ji Yuan grinned as he walked into the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel; 10 million high grade spirit stones were now nothing to him! 

Xiao Muhan quickly said to the 2 maidens as he followed Ji Yuan into the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel, "I am with him, Hahahaha… I have a contribution in this gold tally as well…"

Before the 2 maidens could stop Xiao Muhan, he was already inside with Ji Yuan.

The maiden on the left said weakly, "Well?"

The maiden on the right answered coolly, "Don't worry. That is only the entrance fee. Things inside the golden patron seats are expensive. I am sure that we will earn back another 10 million spirit stones quickly. And that beautiful man there looks like a generous person that can spend big."

The maiden on the left nodded weakly, "Let's hope so. I mean, we do have some cases of the men running away after they screwed for free."

The maiden on the right said, "The valuation of that beautiful man's toga is at least 10 million with discount or 100 million valuations in the open market for a man. He is definitely a wealthy man."

The maiden on the left nodded but she said, "But the man that is with him, looks like a poor pauper."

The maiden on the right: …




The inside of the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel was indeed exquisite.

There were many men and maidens in this place.

The maidens in this place were really beautiful and enticing. 

The minute that Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan had entered this place, they were immediately enthralled by the beauty of this place. 

As they had the golden tally, they were showed to a seat that was high up that from the main hall and facing the main stage. 

There, they had a bird eye view of all the great beauties in the Heavenly Fragrance Brothel that were scantily dressed and laughing enticing to the men that were below.

Ji Yuan had noticed that the female entertainers were all dressed colorfully while the female attendants were all dressed in white. 

He could scarcely use the word dressing for them since they were all too scantily dressed. Maybe having more colorful jewelries on them were the more fitting words to describe the differences. 

The 4 female serving attendants that were with them asked, "Masters, do you want some female entertainers to accompany you for the night?"

Xiao Muhan grinned immediately, "Sure. Bring as many as you can!"

1 of the female serving attendants said with a look of disbelief, "That will be 1 spirit jade or 1 million high level spirit stone here."

Xiao Muhan was stunned, "This is daylight robbery…"

But Ji Yuan turned to the female attendants to smile casually, "Bring us 10 of these beautiful entertainers. I want the best in this place…."

With that he had tossed them 10 million high grade spirit stones and another 10 million grade spirit stones. 

He laughed, "The rest are tips for the 4 of you. Haha…"

The 4 female attendants were shocked; it was because this master had just paid them more tips than even the female entertainers themselves. 

The first question that was on the minds of these 4 female attendants and Xiao Muhan was actually: He doesn't know how to count?

Ji Yuan naturally had a purpose; it was because he had wanted these maidens to loosen their tongues so that he could have more information about this place and also their Divine Consort Dongfang Xin.

And also, because he knows that they would be trying to give him a better service in exchange for more tips.

1 of the 4 female attendants immediately smiled and said with great delight, "I will go and get the 10 most beautiful entertainers that are available for this master now."

With that she had exited the golden patron room. 

Ji Yuan peeped at the white curtains that were in front him to the stage below, "So when can I have the honor to grace the noble appearance of Divine Consort Dongfang Xin and the most beautiful maiden in Snowy Pavilion City?"

1 of the female attendants giggled softly, "Our divine consort is already here and she is in that golden patron seat over there."

With that she had pointed at a golden patron seat that also had white curtains that concealed the golden patron room that was inside. 

Ji Yuan's first thought was: So that is where the Divine Consort Dongfang Xin is…"

Xiao Muhan was also thinking: So that is where my target is... I need to find a way to impress Divine Consort Dongfang Xin and to get her attention…

The same female attendant continued with more smiles, "As for the most beautiful maiden in Snowy Pavilion City, she will be here very soon now…"

Then she whispered with a soft giggle, "I have seen her before. She is really the most beautiful maiden in Snowy Pavilion City."

Ji Yuan was gasping with great delight, "Haha. Then I must definitely have a look at how she looks like."

Xiang Li was also delighted: Me too, Big Brother! I really love this place. Why don't we make this our new home?

But of course Ji Yuan was not paying attention to Xiang Li for some time already and he was now asking the remaining 3 female attendants, "You know. Can I change my spirit stones to spirit jades here? Erm, what is the exchange rate again? Is there a limit?"

Another female attendant took the opportunity to say with smiles, "Master, of course you can. There is no limit as long as you can afford it. The rate will be 1 million high grade spirit stones for 1 spirit jade."

Ji Yuan laughed jovially as he hastily took out 1 billion high grade spirit stones, stunning all 3 of the female attendants with his great show of wealth. "You don't mind exchanging 1000 spirit jades for me, right?"

Even Xiao Muhan was stunned, "You rascal! You have 1 billion high grade spirit stones and you have only given me 50 million high grade spirit stones?!"

Ji Yuan said with a straight face to Xiao Muhan, "I have actually more spirit stones than you think. Haha…"josei

Xiao Muhan: …

The reason why Ji Yuan was exchanging his spirit stones for spirit jades were because in the Celestial Realm, spirit jades are much more precious and have an exchange rate of 100 million high grade spirit stones to 1 spirit jade. And most of the cultivators that could exchange for one will save it for their breakthroughs or ascension as it has a more efficient rate than the high-grade spirit stones.

Another attendant said to Ji Yuan, "Master, why do you need spirit jades for? It is a little too common for the likes of you. Why not exchange for more immortal jades instead?"

Ji Yuan was startled, "There are immortal jades in this place? What is the exchange rate?"

The same attendant smiled, "That will be 100 million high grade spirit stones to one immortal jade."

Ji Yuan immediately took out another 3000 gold coins that were worth 3 billion high grade spirit stones and chuckled, "I am a little poor now. Can you exchange 30 immortal jades for me?"

When the 3 female attendants saw that Ji Yuan had so much gold on him and he was wealthy enough to exchange for 30 immortal jades, they almost fainted on the spot.

One of the female attendants that did not speak earlier but was also the prettiest began to giggle, "I wonder if master already has a cultivation partner?"

Xiao Muhan in the meantime was now staring blankly at Ji Yuan; he really regretted the fact that he did not have any of the low value gold coins with him for this trial or else he would have banged all the maidens in Snowy Pavilion City with his great wealth. 

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