The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 751 The Flying Swords Domain

Chapter 751 The Flying Swords Domain

Ji Yuan was now returning to the tavern with Divine Consort Tang Manni and far behind, were her female followers. 

It was quite late at night now and the streets were mostly empty. 

It was surprising peaceful to say the least and Ji Yuan was actually expecting for Divine Consort Tang Manni to be upset with him. After all he had abused her with his ugly words.

This reminded him of the days when he had abused his beloved second core protégé Shangguan Yan with his constant badmouthing…

I'm gonna kick my badmouthing habit…

Even though Ji Yuan was in his own thoughts and did not hear Xiang Li, she continued to giggle out: Big Brother, you are not going to kick your badmouthing habit because you talk too much.

But the thing was, he had not expected for her to be a divine consort and he did not want to hurt her by flirting with her. 

Although he was constantly flirting with his eyes at the other maidens but he was just sight-seeing in this new place and he was not serious about any new relationships except for the divine consorts in this place.josei

He had to admit that he was only looking for 'Maiden Han Muyuan' simply because he had learnt from Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei that her sister Tang Manni is a divine consort.

This shocked him and that was why he was trying to pay her a secret visit and he did not want to let Xiao Muhan knows about her identity.

But he did not expect that he would actually meet all four of the divine consorts in a single day; in the morning he had got rejected by all of them and at night, he was being asked to choose any 1 of them. 

He was completely speechless by this strange twist of event and no one is going to believe him even if he tells them so. 

Divine Consort Tang Manni had suddenly said quietly to him, "I'm sorry for lying to you about my true name."

Ji Yuan was startled: She is saying sorry to me?! 

He quickly said, "Um no. It is my fault. I have such a bad mouth. I admit that I've said those ugly words on purpose to you…"

He had decided to come clean as he said awkwardly, "You are right to be angry with me. I've actually come to look for you because your sister told me that you are the Divine Consort Tang Manni…"

"You are right. I am just a despicable celestial." Ji Yuan forced himself to admit it. He had no idea why he had decided to come clean with Divine Consort Tang Manni as though she was his friend.

He was now waiting for Divine Consort Tang Manni to slap him again and he would not dodge it as the wrong was on him first. 

Divine Consort Tang Manni lowered her eyes to say quietly, "It is alright. It is over now."

Ji Yuan was startled by her nonchalant look, "Erm, you are not angry with me? You should. Anyone will be upset too."

Divine Consort Tang Manni quietly said, "I call you Master Ji Yuan because you deserve to be called a Master. But not the other men. Do you know why?"

Ji Yuan slowly shook his head…

She continued with a soft sigh, "You are my benefactor and you have helped my sister. Do you know that my sister is the one that have helped me to cultivate into a divine consort? Without her help, I won't be a divine consort. She is very important to me."

Ji Yuan muttered weakly, "Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei is indeed very kind. When I was almost dead, she had also tried to save me."

This time round, Divine Consort Tang Manni was startled. "You are almost dead? When?"

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, "Just recently. I got punched by Xiao Muhan and I was knocked out cold. Haha… but it isn't his fault actually. Your sister told me that there is something in my soul sea that is causing this. But don't worry, she had left the tavern this morning to find a cure for me. Haha…"

Divine Consort Tang Manni was truly startled, "My sister will rarely leave the tavern and she has left the tavern to find a cure for you? Do you know where she is going?"

Ji Yuan shook his head, "I don't know. Maiden Flower Ju says that this may take her some days."

Divine Consort Tang Manni had actually thought of going to the tavern to look for her sister. 

She was suddenly looking melancholy; it had suddenly occurred to her that her sister was serious when she had asked Ji Yuan if he got a cultivation partner that day. She may really be interested in him since she had asked him this question. If her sister really likes Ji Yuan then she will gladly give up on him…

Ji Yuan had suddenly whispered to her, "We have been followed for quite some time now. It seems that they are getting quite impatient with me because you are still around me. Haha…"

Divine Consort Tang Manni was truly startled as she whispered back, "We are being followed? Are you sure? With my spirit divine sense, it is hard for anyone to follow us."

Ji Yuan said quietly, "They definitely know the range of your divine sense. Also, they are not following you but they are actually following me since I have left the tavern. I am sure you got a stronger divine sense than me since you are a spirit cultivator but I can definitely sense their killing intentions."

Divine Consort Tang Manni was in disbelief, "Are you really sure about this?"

Ji Yuan said to her, "Watch me then as I flush them out."

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had displayed a sword spirit on his right hand.

Divine Consort Tang Manni gasped softly, "You have a sword spirit? You are a Sword Saint?"

Even her female followers at the back were greatly startled…

"He has a sword spirit?!"

Ji Yuan had suddenly displayed a second sword spirt on his left hand and he was grinning, "Actually I have two."

Divine Consort Tang Manni was so startled that she took a step back, "You actually have 2 sword spirits?!"

And her female followers were gasping with more shock especially when they did not know why Ji Yuan was suddenly displaying his sword spirits. 

Some of them were even worried that Ji Yuan might attack their divine consort.

"Your Divine Consort, please be careful! He has 2 sword spirits and he is probably a sword saint. He is a nemesis to our spirit profound arts, be careful!"

Ji Yuan did not have his wooden box now since he had given it away to a young cultivator by the name of Shen Lie while he was in the Demonic Divine Realm. 

He had suddenly placed 9 divine swords in front of him with a flash of his fingers, startling everyone.

1 half-step emperor divine sword.

1 immortal-step divine sword.

1 celestial-step sword.

5 heaven-step divine swords.

This however did not stop him from using his Flying Swords Domain as Ji Yuan exercised his sword intentions and immediately all 9 divine swords were wavering violently on the spot.

Then he shouted loudly, "Go!"

Immediately all 9 of his divine swords had uproot itself and were flying in 9 different directions like a flash of light!

These divine swords pierced through the walls of the streets with a thunderous piercing sound as it sought out its targets. 

Almost immediately, there were loud screaming sounds. 

It was only then did the 20 female followers of Divine Consort Tang Manni were shocked that they were being followed. 

"We are being followed?"

"By the other divine consorts?"

"These are the screams of men. Maybe they are the rebels?"

"Why are they following us?"

Divine Consort Tang Manni was gasping with shock, "This is a sword art that requires the mastery of a sword domain. Master Ji Yuan, you are a Sword Immortal?!"

When she had said that, the 9 divine swords had already returned next to Ji Yuan and he had kept them away.

Ji Yuan coolly said, "This will teach them a lesson for trying to have murderous intentions against me."

Divine Consort Tang Manni curiously asked him, "How did you get back your profound strength so quickly. I'm sure that using a sword domain requires plenty of your profound strength, am I right?"

It was only then did Ji Yuan returned a most sheepish look at her, "I have spent 1000 million high grade spirit stones to replenish back some of my profound strength…"

Divine Consort Tang Manni was stunned…

It was because while spirit stones can replenish the inner spiritual sea of a cultivator but there is a limit on how much it can restore. Usually for a great saint like Ji Yuan, 100 000 high grade spirit stones can replenish roughly 10% of the spiritual sea until it hit a blocker. To replenish beyond this, every 1% will require twice as much more spirit stones of the highest quality.

So 10% needs 100 000 spirit stones.

11% requires 200 000 more spirit stones. 

12% requires 400 000 more spirit stones.

13% requires 800 000 more spirit stones.

14% requires 1.6 million more spirit stones.

15% requires 3.2 million more spirit stones.

16% requires 6.4 million more spirit stones.

17% requires 12.8 million more spirit stones.

18% requires 25.6 million more spirit stones.

19% requires 51.2 million more spirit stones.

20% requires 102.4 million more spirit stones.

And so on. 

Divine Consort Tang Manni asked with great disbelief in her eyes, "Why don't you use a replenishing profound pill instead? Do you know how much is 1000 million high grade spirit stones and how many replenishing profound pills that you can buy? You can save it to prepare for a 100% breakthrough and you have wasted it just like this?"

Ji Yuan bitterly said with a sheepish look, "Consuming too many profound pills are bad for my cultivation..."

Divine Consort Tang Manni said coldly, "Tell me the truth. Your heart is beating very fast."

Ji Yuan laughed weakly before he said with great awkwardness, "I've found out that I don't have any replenishing profound pills anymore. If I know, I should have accepted the 5 superior Iron Tendons profound pills from my last trial."

Divine Consort Tang Manni said with great disbelief, "Even so, do you really have to use 1000 million high grade spirit stones to replenish your profound strength?!"

Ji Yuan weakly answered, "I was expecting a fight with the 4 divine consorts. And a sword saint never comes unprepared."

Divine Consort Tang Manni: …

Divine Consort Tang Manni: …

Divine Consort Tang Manni: …


Author Note:

1. I'd really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. This could also mean more releases and means alot to me/ story. Many thanks! 

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