The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 938 Ji Yuan Vs. Rey Pugpatine (2)

Chapter 938 Ji Yuan Vs. Rey Pugpatine (2)

Ji Yuan had already positioned his two divine swords as he prepared for an attack but he was a little panicky; it was because none of his melee attacks actually worked on this Destroyer that called herself Rey Pugpatine; she was simply too fast.

He was already suspecting that he would not even hit her with his grand cross profound sword art and he was totally depending on this sword profound art to work as he lifted his two divine swords diagonally together.

He was now musing by the words of Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao who had once warned him not to depend too much on his life destructive sword domains because it could only be used only once.

His only repeatable sword domain was his Flying Swords but it was also his weakest sword domain hence the reason why he could use it repeatable. 

Against this Rey Pugpatine that could move her sword so insanely fast, he was not going to hit her and even if he could, she would be protected by her formidable 9th cultivation realm profound aura. 

Although he had raised his profound power to the peak of the 8th cultivation realm with his desolate cherubim, it was not a real 8th cultivation realm state of divinity and it could only be used to empower his offensive profound arts. 

Also, there was still a huge disparity between them even though it may only seem to be a power disparity of just one cultivation realm. 

In an exchange of profound strength between them, Ji Yuan's desolate cherubim was almost certain to be dispelled and he would be weakened instantly. 

That was the reason why he had to maintain a distance with this Rey Pugpatine as he wished to avoid losing his profound strength rapidly. 

Rey Pugpatine mocked him, "What are you waiting for?"

Ji Yuan purposely displayed a grin as he looked at her and the 7 Destroyers that had formed a circle around him, "Hahaha… I am just thinking of your silly face when you have discovered that I've destroyed your invincibility." 

As he said that, he had already flashed his 9 divine swords in front of him. 

Rey Pugpatine laughed hideously, "Your flying swords are useless against me…"

When she had said that, Ji Yuan had suddenly interrupted her by sending two of his flying swords against her and also the rest of his 7 other flying swords in a different direction. 

"Life and Death Flying Swords!"

Ji Yuan had once again mustered his life destructive flying swords; he only got one time to enhance the profound power of his flying swords. 

Rey Pugpatine quickly deflected the two flying swords away without any effort. 

Although Rey Pugpatine was capable, but the 7 Destroyers were not so fortunate and they were instantly killed by Ji Yuan's flying swords.

A profound transmission echoed in Ji Yuan's ears: You have gained 45 Points from killing 7 Destroyers. 

Ji Yuan did not rejoice in obtaining the points and he instantly took the opportunity to muster his Thousand Sacred Swords profound art as he displayed hundreds of profound swords once again.

Rey Pugpatine realized what Ji Yuan was trying to do as she swung her sword to interrupt him, and a powerful black profound sword began to form from her black sword.

"This is my sword domain! The Woke Pugpatine Reigns! My sword art that severs all the past to bring glory to only me the Woke Empress! Ugly man, perish and go to the abyss!"

Black lightning began to form around her gigantic black sword that and it actually covered the skies above Ji Yuan, dwarfing his profound sword art. 

Ji Yuan was stunned; he had not expected for this opponent to be capable of using a sword domain of this insane power. 

But he quickly composed himself as he displayed his 4th sword domain, the Thousands Flying Swords which was a combination of his Flying Sword Domain and Million Swords Field.

Instantly, his flying swords were among the hundreds of profound swords as it flew to intercept the gigantic dark sword of the Woke Pugpatine Reigns.

Ji Yuan had previously used his Thousands Flying Swords sword domain to fight against Number 1's Sword Dao of the Universe Border which was her supposedly most powerful sword domain. At that time, he had lost already lost his desolate cherubim.

Now he was using it again, but with the peak 8th cultivation realm profound power pf his desolate cherubim profound power and also the profound strength of his 81 purple lightning tempering. 

Although his Thousands Flying Swords were formidable but under the intense sundering pressure of the dark sword that was crushing upon him, all his profound swords began to scatter like tofu pieces! 

Rey Pugpatine was at the 9th cultivation realm and naturally her sword domain was also at the 9th cultivation realm. 

This was totally different from Number 1 Ding Xiaoxiao when she was using her Sword Dao of the Universe Border where she had restricted herself to the 8th cultivation realm.

Ji Yuan had broken into cold sweat and he was perspiring heavily; in just a few more blinks of an eye, he would be completely be crushed by the dark sword that was exerting its formidable profound pressure onto him.

All his profound strength was now being used to maintain his Thousands Flying Swords and he could not even move from where he was standing as he was being crushed by the gigantic dark sword that was pushing down upon him like a huge palm that was crushing at an ant.

Ji Yuan had only one thing to say for his last words as he exerted all his profound strength. 

Jiajia, farewell… 

Rey Pugpatine laughed hideous when it was cleared to her that Ji Yuan's doom was near. "I say before. No man can defeat me! Die!" 

But as the shadow of the dark sword was upon Ji Yuan, a gigantic silver dragon had suddenly appeared from nowhere and shattered both the sword domains, startling and shocking both Ji Yuan and Rey Pugpatine at the same time!

This silver dragon was a god beast and it was so huge that they were like ants in front of it and the silver looming size of its feathered wings covered the entire heaven above them.

The profound rank of this god beast monster was incalculable! 

And it had literally appeared from nowhere! 

Rey Pugpatine gasped with shock, "This is no ordinary god-beast… this is a True Divinity God Beast…" 

It was not only the Rey Pugpatine who was shocked but Ji Yuan as well who was shockingly staring at this monstrous silver dragon god beast.

He gasped with shock: Crap! An epic god beast?! This looks even stronger than Sisi's 9th rank phoenix god beast... I know that I am going to ask Sisi for help with her god beast but not this god beast...I think you should take a look at

This was Ji Yuan's dismaying reaction.

Did he just jump from one burning pan to another?

Before Rey Pugpatine could even react, the gigantic claws of this silver dragon god beast were upon her in an instant and her shadow form was ripped part! 

When she had died, she simply could not believe it and did not even know what had happened!

Ji Yuan reacted immediately as he did not want to die by jumping upon the silver dragon god beast in the next instant with another sword domain of his, the Ultimate Grand Cross! 

He slashed his profound sword art on the body of the monstrous silver dragon with a brilliant tearing white light but barely had he made his profound attack against the silver dragon god beast, he was sent flying backward by a giant smack and was sent crashing thunderously at the nearest towering iron tree.

In that instant, his desolate cherubim was also demolished by the attack. 

The silver dragon god beast took a look Ji Yuan who had coughing out golden blood and was silently saying: Uh…huh… this is an accident…

After Ji Yuan had coughed out blood, he had panicky forced himself to stand up to fight again. But to his utter disbelief, the silver dragon god beast had completely disappeared from the scene!  josei

It was as though what he had just seen was just an illusion. 

He looked around him with great disbelief, "What did that silver dragon god beast gone to? It can't have disappeared just like this?!" 

All of a sudden, a dark profound energy from the remnants of the dematerialized Rey Pugpatine that was only visible to him and not the spectators had sped into Ji Yuan's body, startling him.

Ji Yuan was shocked, "What has just happened?"

However, he could find no ill-effect on himself…

On the other hand, he could feel a surge of profound strength from within his cultivation core. 

Ji Yuan was amazed, "This is weird…"

Unknown to him, this profound darkness was swallowed up by Little Yui the demonic dark sword that was deep inside his inner spiritual sea.

He continued to look around for the silver dragon god beast for it was impossible for it to disappear just like this. 

In fact, this was actually beyond his understanding! 

Ji Yuan pondered with bewilderment, "It seems that this silver dragon god beast has saved my life instead? And it did not mean any harm to me?" 




In the Divine Temple of the Snowy Pavilion City, Destiny was quietly back to her seat again.

No one had noticed that she was gone as she had left a temporary afterimage of herself as she entered into the Spiritas Tower to aid Ji Yuan.

She had noticed the profound darkness that was after Ji Yuan and had finally found the source of the malice that was trying to kill Ji Yuan.

Therefore, she had entered the trial through the skull ring that she had given to Ji Yuan in her true form and ripped the Woke Empress Rey Pugpatine apart, permanently ending her life. 

There were actually many times throughout the trials that Destiny had almost stepped in to help Ji Yuan but she had resisted the temptation to aid him or else she would have alerted the Profound Darkness that was in the Spiritas Tower that was targeting him. 

Now that the Profound Darkness had appeared, there was no hestiation from her as she emerged to aid Ji Yuan. 

Destiny glanced at the battle imagery where Ji Yuan was and he was looking quite perplexed at his surroundings.

She silently said: No man can kill you. It is what you've said but I am a maiden.

All around her, the divine consorts Xu Yifei, Tang Manni, Dongfang Xin, Sun Dingjun and Ding Jie'Er were all shocked by the appearance of the silver dragon god beast and the appearance of a powerful Destroyer that tried to kill Ji Yuan. 

Everyone including Yang Mi and Yu Jingjing had been shocked by the events that led to the fight between Ji Yuan and a powerful Destroyer that they were all riveted to the battle imagery where Ji Yuan was. 

The sudden appearance of the silver dragon god beast had completely shocked everyone to their wits! 

Just as they all thought that Ji Yuan was going to be ripped apart by this silver dragon god beast, it was suddenly gone again.

This caused everyone to be shocked, puzzled, bewildered and confused at what was going on just now? 

Divine Consort Dongfang Xin said unconvincingly to the others, "Maybe the trial has made a mistake with the strength of that Destroyer and so it has sent a god beast to destroy it instead?"

Tang Manni was muttering instead, "Is the Goddess Ai Tina trying to kill Ji Yuan…"

Xu Yifei could only smile most bitterly. 


Author Note:

1. I'd really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Also, it means alot me/ story, Many love and thanks! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

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