The Royal Deal

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Because I know best how Barden feels… how it feels to be in love. A love that cannot be fulfilled. Such a pity.

On the other hand, Alexcent observed Amethyst. He wanted to bring up the subject of adjustment of the contract date since Gen had suggested it can be prolonged if both parties agree to it.

It looks like she is in a good mood today, thought Alexcent. I must tell her.

Alexcent thought today was best to talk about it since Amethyst looked happier. She was smiling more today.

“Ash.,” he called.

“Yes?” she said. She turned to Alexcent.

“Regarding the contract…,” he said hesitantly, “I have something to say.”

“The contract?”

“Yes…” Amethyst felt her heart drop. Why is he mentioning it now? Did he notice that I love him? Is that why he… When it came to love, she realized she was no different from Barden. Her chest constricted. She was worried and confused by her feelings for Alexcent and how it might complicate matters. I better say something before he does…

“The contract period can be—”

“Don’t worry,” interrupted Amethyst.

“What?” asked Alexcent.

“I will make sure I follow the deadline,” she said, “So don’t worry about it.”

Alexcent was silent. He looked her in the eye gauging her emotions.

“Alec?” she stammered.

“Fine,” said Alexcent and strode out of her room. Amethyst knew whenever he got cold and distant.

“How heartless!” she mumbled, “He didn’t need to remind me of it.” Amethyst felt sad and desolate. “I should make sure that he doesn’t know it in the future,” she resolved.


“Gen!” roared Alexcent.

“Yes, My Lord,” said Gen appearing at his side. He wondered what the matter was. The duke sounded very menacing at that moment which worried him

“Go and find out again,” ordered Alexcent.

“What?” said Gen, “My Lord.”

“Find out how to annul the contract!” shouted Alexcent. “Just figure out a way. No matter what it takes, even if it means changing the law. Just find a way!”

Gen looked at him puzzled. Did the negotiation with Madam go badly? Gen wondered. That’s odd. From what I have seen so far, they both seemed so in love with each other. Did she refuse? I really can’t understand what might have happened to anger him so.

“Understood,” he said and took his leave.

Alexcent, alone in his office, seethed in anger. Weren’t we both fond of each other? Alexcent wondered. Maybe she wasn’t! You knew it already. Alexcent recalled her in his arms at night. She had never given herself fully to him Maybe she never wanted me. Maybe she only wanted me for a fixed period of time.

Alexcent slammed his fist on the table. This is driving me crazy!


In the last few days, Amethyst and Barden had become close. One of the reasons was that he taught her swordsmanship when the other knights were on vacation, but the major reason was because she knew how he felt.

They had formed a bond from loving the same person. They both understood the unrequited love and the pain of it, where one lived in agony to never reveal how one felt.

“Lord Barden is this okay?” asked Amethyst, hefting the sword and standing in the posture he had taught her.

“Yes,” said Lord Barden, “Your posture improved every day, My Lady.”

“I think that is because you are a very good teacher,” said Amethyst.

“You flatter me,” Lord Barden chuckled, “Besides, you have a better mentor than me, don’t you?”

“Who? Alec?” asked Amethyst.

“Yes. I heard you learnt swordsmanship from His Excellency.”

“Oh please! Alec only ever criticizes me! He thinks everyone is as good as him so when I don’t do well, he is surprised.”

“Haha, is that so?” said Lord Barden, “It is still a dream of mine to train under him. For someone as ordinary as me, he is an idol, a legend.”

Ah… Why am I talking about Alec when I know how Barden feels about him? Idiot! Amethyst chastised herself inwardly.

“I’m so sorry. I just…” trailed off Amethyst.

“No, no, don’t be!”

“Barden,” said Amethyst, “Maybe I can put in a word about you to Alec.”


“Would a duel be okay? If you want, of course.”

“What? No! It’s alright, really.”

Yes! Amethyst thought. Maybe I can make them meet like this. Even if they can’t share many things together, this much should be okay. Even when Barden rejected the help, Amethyst could see him blushing a little, his eyes sparkling. Just as I thought…

It was odd that with Count Glacia, Amethyst didn’t want to share anything. But she didn’t feel the same towards Barden. Is it because I met Barden after I realized my own feelings for Alec? I am no longer bothered by comparing myself to others. Maybe that was why I am able to just see Barden for who he really is, instead of feeling angry and jealous. Perhaps that is why I want to help him. I want to help him meet Alec, even for the shortest period. Barden seems like he would be content with just that.

I know what it feels like, thought Amethyst, longing to meet someone you love. Being content with just seeing them from a distance. I know very well how that feels. Yes, it will be good to let them get close enough for a duel.

“It’s absolutely alright,” said Amethyst, “I will ask him.”

“If he declines,” said Barden, “Please don’t stress yourself out, my lady.”

“I won’t.” Amethyst was touched by his concern for her. “Barden, join us for dinner today,” offered her.

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