The Royal Deal

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Time passed fast and the annual festival meeting was almost at the end. Amethyst also was spending quite a busy time with the noble ladies.

“Do you think this is enough?”

“Ah, this point is missing.”

“Oh my, you’re right.”

Countess Citri changed the document quickly as Viscountess Renove pointed it out.

“Miss Amethyst! It’s all done.”josei

Amethyst took the document and review it.

“It’s really great! This should be enough.”

“I’m glad we were able to finish within time.”

“You’re right, thank goodness!”

“Then, shall we go?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

The noble ladies quickly got off their seats as Amethyst spoke.

Then they smiled at each other in front of the convention hall, opened the door and went in.

There was a silence as the noble ladies suddenly entered the room.

“What’s going on?”

Only Alexcent’s calm voice rang the convention hall.

“We’re here to submit an agenda.”

“An agenda?”

“Yes. It’s about creating an education facility for the purpose of compulsory education.”

“Compulsory education?”

Alexcent fixed himself in his seat, glaring at his wife. Everyone suddenly looked nervous in the convention hall.



The annual festival meeting started. The duchess was in the library where it was held. T


“What are we doing here?”

“A library, that’s new.”

“I know, I didn’t know there was such a great library in the duke’s mansion.” The noble ladies who were guided to the library soon looked at the document that was on the table and looked curious.

Amethyst spoke her intention without losing smile.

“I have a favour to ask you.”

“A favour?”

“Yes, it’s more that I need your support than a favour. It’s something I can’t do alone. And something that needs to be done.”

“What is it? If it’s something you’re doing, we have no reason to say no.”

As Countess Onslow added, Amethyst took her courage and spoke.

“It was something I felt while I left the duke mansion and studied abroad. The Academy is something limited to only nobles. But I want every child in the empire to be educated.”


“Yes. So I’m thinking about making compulsory education to all children in the empire.”

The noble ladies all looked at each other. So Baroness Zephyr calmly spoke.

“That’s a difficult issue. To initiate the compulsory education, it must go through the congress.”

“That’s right. So we’re going to submit an agenda this annual festival.”


“Yes, us.”

“Is that possible?”

“You’re right. We have to first attend the meeting…. I don’t know if that’s even possible.”

“It’s not impossible. Anyone can attend the annual festival meeting. Not that we have in the past.”

“But we’re running short on time.”

“That’s why I need your help. I don’t need specific breakdown. That’s something we can add later. It’s the backbone we must make first. The most important parts.”

“I don’t know if it’ll get through during the meeting.”

“I know. But we’ll persuade them. We can’t just sit around, drink tea and do nothing.”

“I agree with her on that.”

“It won’t be easy. First, the Academy is the right for the nobles. To allow it to the public would mean that they would be giving up that privilege so there will be people disagreeing.”

“I’m not looking for top tier education nor specialty education like the Academy. The minimum, basic education should be available to everyone in the empire. I believe that everyone has the right to receive education, and it is our duty as nobles to let everyone know about that right and. I think it’s a special honor we have as nobles to lead by example.”

Amethyst took a deep breath as she wasn’t used to using such big words and continued.

“Honestly, it’s not just education, but we need some facilities that people can keep their children safe while they’re working. A facility where the babies are taken care of, the children have their childhood, and adolescences can learn. I want to make a system where nursing and education connects.”

Countess Onslow responded.

“Like you said, if it’s just a nursery then it wouldn’t be a problem, but if it’s also for education, it may become a problem.”

“You’re right. Smart employees will be helpful but if they become smarter than that, then they may become a headache.”

“Mm, some of them will take advantage of naïve employers. It has happened before.”

Amethyst knew what the noble ladies were worried about, but she was trying to change their mind.

“It’s not high-class education like the Academy but teaching them basic knowledge and common sense that everyone should know. If we can teach children according to their talent, then it would be helpful. This facility can make that happen.”

There was a moment of silence.

It was Countess Onslow that broke the silence again.

“I’ll join you. To be honest, one of my attendees have quite a smart child. I felt bad that that child will have no choice but to follow the parents’ footstep.”

“Yeah… I also know a child who can draw well.”

“You see! There are so many children with great talent, so we should give them a chance.”

“I’ll help too.” As Countess Onslow supported her, every one of them started chime in.

“M, me too. I’m sick of just drinking tea at the annual festival. I’m sure this will be fulfilling.”

“Then me too.”

“Now, what should we do first?”

“First, we’ll be making appropriate education per age group. Then we’ll have to decide what will be necessary in a nursery facility.”

“That seems about right.”

“But if it’s public education facility…. Then we’ll need land for the building.”

“I was thinking of building it all over the empire…” Amethyst said wistfully.

“Then shouldn’t we collect and check information on all land?”

“Mm…. We won’t have enough time for that. We’ll discuss that if we get passed the congress so let’s just do what we can.”

“Let’s do that.” Everyone got together and started working on the document.

They gathered at the library every day to put together, analyze, and organize the documents by content and discussed them.

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