The Royal's Cute Little Wife

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Gao Xun got prepared in the night.

For convenience, he was dressed in Hu clothes which was tight-fitting, clean suit with his sleeves and legs tightly tied. He put on another set of soft armor inside the the clothes to protect himself. He stepped into his black boots and tightened his belt, preparing to walk out of the tent.

Zhong Shang called out to him, and his normally casual face becoming serious, “Don’t be careless, be on your guard against any movements there. Don’t be discovered. The First Prince is very cunning, so it will not end well if you end up in his hands. ”

Gao Xun laughed, he had said those words no less than three times, but he did not know why he was being so nagging, “Do you think I don’t know? Don’t worry, I’ve thought of all the things you’ve thought about.”

After that, he lifted his hand and opened the tent.

Zhong Shang leaned on his chair slanted and his black eyes looked at him faintly. “Why did you want to take my task?”

Gao Xun fell silent.

Although Zhong Shang looked like he didn’t care about anything, his observation was extremely meticulous. At that time, they were discussing in the tent. Originally, Zhong Shang was the one who spoke first, but he only said one word before he snatched away the topic. How could he not know what Zhong Shang wanted to say? They all thought of a countermeasure at the same time, but he snatched it away.

Gao Xun pretended to lower his head to tidy up his belt, and only laughed after a long while: “You are the sole seedling of your family. I’m different, I came here to gain experience, if I don’t experience more, how can I climb up? ”

What he said made sense, but Zhong Shang could not help but swing the cup beside his hand onto the ground.

What dog. Nonsense!

His parents were far away in the Qing Zhou, if he knew that something had happened to him, how would he explain himself to his parents?

Zhong Shang stood up and started to untie his belt, without any nonsense, without even discussing with him, “Take off your clothes, I’ll go!”

At this time, the 30 soldiers sent by the Crown Prince were waiting outside. How could they allow such a scene? josei

Gao Xun naturally did not listen to him, and turned to leave.

Zhong Shang grasped his shoulder, and without reason, felt a sense of heaviness from it. He shook his shoulder, and only said one last sentence: “Return with your tail between your legs!”

He smiled with a relaxed expression, “Of course I want to come back. I haven’t married yet!”

He didn’t know what had happened to him recently. Ever since he left the capital to come to Lanling, he had always been depressed, and even talked less than before. Seeing that he was still the same as before, Zhong Shang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and patted his shoulder, “And here I thought you didn’t want women, since you already know, then get lost!”

Gao Xun did not mind his words, came out of the camp, took a bunch of jujube red stallions from the soldier’s hands and mounted them.

Why didn’t he want a woman? However, the one he wanted the most had already become someone else’s woman.

Behind him were 30 elite soldiers dressed just like him. Each of them looked like a sharp dagger. Under the night sky, they exuded a ghastly cold aura, sharp and sharp. Gao Xun confirmed the trip he was about to make, everyone had received orders from the crown prince, and now they were all listening to him, one by one they all agreed, and followed him into the darkness, like arrows released from a bow.

The First Prince’s tent was located fifty miles away from Lanling City. Gao Xun led the thirty elite soldiers to take a shortcut through the mountain.

Standing atop the mountain, they looked down at the place where the First Prince’s army had set up their camp.

The terrain of the place was not bad. There was a mountain on one side and water on the other. There were two escape routes in front of him. They were not afraid of the Crown Prince’s men suddenly attacking them. From time to time, there would be patrolling soldiers on the mountain. Only when Gao Xun and the others hid in the shadows did they not get noticed.

The few tens of people secretly redeployed their meticulous plans, moving in order. Gao Xun saw that he did not neglect anything, and allowed them to move on in an hour’s time.

An hour later, four of them galloped down the mountain, circled around to the back of the military camp and set fire to their food.

With the help of the wind, the fire quickly grew larger and soon became a raging inferno that dyed half the night sky red. Gao Xun and the others had specially observed the wind. At this point, it was very easy to burn food, and the four elite soldiers were very good at hiding, it was not easy for them to be discovered.

Fortunately, there was a lake on the other side of the camp. The soldiers climbed up from their beds and carried buckets of water to the lake to draw water for the fire. This sudden rise of fire was so strange that it soon alarmed the few military officers and the First Prince, who were sleeping in the middle of the tent. Everyone hurriedly put on their clothes and checked. The First Prince had ordered to capture the person who set the fire to them, not one of them was to be spared!

For a time, the army camp was in chaos. Fires were set on fire, people were caught, and people were sent into captivity.

Taking advantage of the time that Yan Yun had not recovered from the shock, Gao Xun ordered the 20 elite soldiers to release the horses in the horse stables. A whip whipped the horses, and hundreds of strong horses rushed out from behind like crazy, trampling on and injuring a lot of the soldiers who were fighting the fire.

In the barracks, the clamoring of the horses, the shouts of the soldiers, and the crackling of the flames were all over the place. The situation was not easy to control. Several military officials mounted their war horses and brandished their whips to calm everyone down. But with such a big fire, what would they eat after burning all the food? And this horse, was he going to die under the horse’s hooves tonight?

Seeing that the fire was getting smaller, Gao Xun ordered the three of them to set the nearby tents on fire as well, and did it stealthily. The soldiers thought that they were infected by the fire from the grain and that they had started it together.

Borrowing the raging fire, Gao Xun could even see the First Prince’s ashen face. He pulled the reins of his horse and said to the last elite soldier: “Let’s go, it’s time for us to go!”

They followed the path down the mountain, hiding in the jungle all the way without anyone noticing them.

The First Prince’s tent was located in the middle of the mountain, very close to the foot of the mountain where they had descended from. At this time, all of the soldiers on guard outside the camp had gone to put out the fire. There was no one around, so Gao Xun quietly sneaked in.

He opened it and took a quick look. He knew that this was what the crown prince wanted, so he put it into his pocket and took it away.

The box was smashed by his fist, leaving only a few splinters on the table.

He slipped out of the tent, jumped on his horse, and left the place.

The elite soldiers who followed him led the way. They had agreed in advance that they would meet up at the back of this mountain. As long as they left this mountain, they would be safe. Gao Xun bent over and pressed his body against the horse, the smooth and powerful lines on his back flowed smoothly, blending together with the darkness. A gust of wind blew past his ears, nailing him firmly onto the back of the elite soldier in front.

The elite soldier that was following him fell onto the ground with arrow feathers sticking out of his back. Gao Xun had no time to stop before he met eyes with him when walking past, and before he could even open his mouth, he had bit his tongue and committed suicide.

A white light suddenly lit up behind him. He turned around and saw the First Prince, Yan Yun, leading hundreds of soldiers not too far behind him. A row of archers in front of Yan Yun aimed their silver white arrows at him, shocking everyone.

Yan Yun’s lips curled up into a smile, his eyes were sinister and ruthless, as he said slowly: “You think you can fool this king with such a small trick?”

When he spoke, his tone was like that of a venomous snake, and a cold sensation crept up his body, slowly seeping into his skin. The fire was still burning behind him, and it was gradually beginning to die down. The runaway horses were also being brought back to the stables, under the control of the soldiers.

Gao Xun’s body slowly stiffened. He felt a chill down his spine and his brain froze for a moment.

How did he find out?

He quickly thought about it, but didn’t find anything wrong with it.

Yan Yun was actually confused at first, this was a trap. First, they burnt the food from his army, then, they released their warhorses to stir up the situation. Everyone was busy in front to deal with the chaos, who would have time to pay attention to the rear? However, upon further thought, he felt that something was amiss. Why would the other party do such a thing? It did not hurt them, just to divert their attention.

In the end, Yan Yun was an old cunning fox who had been in hiding for many years, and he had more thoughts than the average person.

So he hurried back to the tent to check, and saw that the drawings in the box had been taken away.

Fortunately, he was able to catch up in time and did not let anyone escape.

Yan Yun rode on his tall steed and took two steps forward. His gaze was sharp and cunning, almost to the point of tempting: “Hand over the thing, this king will spare your life … …”

Gao Xun quietly held onto the reins, he looked extremely calm, without showing any sign of panic, “What is it?”

Yan Yun first laughed, his laughter made people feel cold from the bottom of their bones, and quickly changed to his face, staring fiercely at him: “Stop pretending, if it’s to steal something, why would you barge into this king’s camp alone?” He raised his right hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately raised their bows and arrows, aiming straight at Gao Xun. If you refuse a toast and don’t eat a forfeit, don’t blame This King for turning you into a hedgehog and taking the thing back! ”

Gao Xun was silent, he then pretended to be afraid, “If I return it to you, would the First Prince let me go?”

Yan Yun’s eyes flashed, “Of course.”

He said, “Then the First Prince should personally come to retrieve it. I’m afraid that you will go back on your word.”

Yan Yun smirked, “This King never goes back on my word.”

Even though he said that, he still rode over. Just as he got close, Gao Xun took out a dagger from his sleeve and threw it straight at his chest.

Although Yan Yun was prepared in advance, he was still unable to dodge the attack.

Gao Xun’s technique was very accurate. He was good at riding and shooting in the army, but now that his bow had been replaced with a dagger, he was able to shoot steadily. It entered Yan Yun’s chest.

Yan Yun bent down while clutching his chest, he clenched his teeth and said: “Open the bow, shoot the arrow!”

In that moment, arrows rained down from the sky like a rain as they shot towards the direction that Gao Xun had escaped in.

Yan Yun’s furious voice pierced through the rain of arrows, “Whoever hits the arrow, This King will reward him with a hundred silver taels!”

Hearing about the bounty, the soldiers’ morale was boosted. One by one, they aimed their arrows at the figure. Even though Gao Xun was extremely nimble, he was unable to dodge all of the arrows that were shooting at him. Very quickly, he was hit on the shoulder by one of the arrows.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself out of the barracks and ran to the back of the mountain to meet the other elite soldiers.

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