The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 242 Troublesome Opponents

Chapter 242 Troublesome Opponents

*Fssiiih! Fssiiih! Fssiiih!

Sounds like thunder piercing through the air could be heard.

Sometimes that sound came as thunder hitting a boulder and destroying it into tinny pieces.

The source of all those sounds was none other than the woman wielding the whip.

When she swung her whip, her whole body would move accordingly to increase both speed and impact of the whip.

Using her mastery of the whip and her life force to control the whip according to her will, the whip was swung dozens of times at Danzel.

The mere touch of the whip on the ground left a carved marking.

Forcing Danzel to the instant of advantaging forward, to stay in that distance and keep dodging the whip.

The moment you tried to take a step forward, he would have been forced to pull it back so that the whip doesn´t hit his leg.

Making a situation that was extremely frustrating for Danzel.

Although one hit wasn´t capable to pass through his armor, the impact alone was strong enough to crack, if not possibly break the bones behind his armor.

`Dammit, this can´t go on.´ Danzel thought as he gave his draugr a quick glance.

The draugrs that were originally 10, had now been reduced into 5 in total. His draugr fought relentlessly with everything they had, but compared to a 3rd-tier combated who was physically strong, there was little that they could.

That was obvious since those draugrs were off the starting 2nd-tier.

Against an opponent much faster and stronger than them, not to forget with a body that they could barely damage, their downfall would come much faster than Danzel originally had thought.

`That annoying wench and her annoying whip! If that musclehead comes to help her I will be forced to give up on killing those guys.´

Making up his mind, Danzel guided his mana into his longsword.

Dodging the whip that came after his head just barely, Danzel raised his sword and slashed through the air, releasing the dark green mana that turned into a sharp air blade diagonally. Right after, he dashed full speed using [Swift Movements] towards her.

"Hmpf, I already saw that one." The woman with the whip said.

The moment the dark green wind blade reached her, with her flexible body, she jumped towards the side of the air blade just barely enough to not get cut.

But even after doing such an acrobatic move, she didn´t forget that the dark knight was coming for her head. Without even having touched the ground, she swung her whip with one of her hands with such speed that it almost came beside Danzel in an instant.

Looking to his side, Danzel gritted his teeth and swung his swords towards the whip.

Alas, instead of being cut as it should, the whip held on thanks to the woman's life force. Originally if Danzel left the whip being, he would have been hit to his chest, but now thanks to him swinging his sword towards the whip, instead of stopping the whip circled around his head, and with the whips users will, it struck Danzel head like a sledgehammer.



Feeling his whole skull vibrating, Danzel seemed like he had lost control of his body and started falling.

Seeing that, a vicious smile appeared on the woman that was responsible for that.

"Hahaha! Take that sucker! Go back to the grave where you summoned those lot-" The woman's words halted before her eyes became wide open.


Before she could swing her whip once more, Danzel who was about to fall-planted one of his legs forward and dashed towards the woman with the whip at such speed that before she could swing her whip, he arrived in front of her.

Seeing the ominous dark green glowing sword ready to swing at her, she was forced to abandon her attempt to attack him and instead dodge his incoming death of her.

Bending her back, Danzel's sword barely passed her.

Flipping using her hands that touched the ground, she created a 5-meter distance between her and the dark knight in an instant. But as soon as she was in front of her, her face became pale.

Danzel instead of following her and stopping by his first swing, swung once more towards the air, releasing a dark green air blade right in front of the woman.

And with the air blade being so close, she could do nothing but face the air blade face on.

Spreading her life force around her body, she tried to harden her body, allowing her to not be cleaved in half.

"Aaaah!" with a large cut on her clothes and a much large wound that let a massive amount of blood flow out of her body, weakness started to overtake her body.

"You bastard! I will kill you!" Ignoring the lethal wound and screaming at top of her lungs, she raised her whip to hit the dark knight once more before her incoming death.

And yet Danzel didn´t even allow that.

Grabbing the hand holding the whip and twisting, Danzel pushed his long sword directly toward her.


Driving the blade even deeper, the dark mana coming from the [Cursed Spell] decayed her already pierced heart at an extremely fast rate while the runes drained her blood and forced it out.

[You received 82 000 XP]

Letting off her hand and drawing his sword out, the woman fell to the ground motionlessly.

"To think that I was forced to use that tactic once more." Danzel said in anger as the black metal on his metal repaired itself.

`It pisses me off.´

Similar to what he did against the shadow merchant Hanson, he intentionally used himself as bait to get closer to his enemy.

Though against Hanson his skull got destroyed and effectively killed him, the woman's attack only managed to crack his skull, which was better than dying but also not.

Having his skull cracked, would make let him more open to his instincts of undead and clouding his reasoning. Which wasn´t that optimal as of now.

Turning away from the corpse of the woman, not even bothering to raise her as one of his undead, Danzel dashed towards the barbarian.

`Move back!´ Danzel commanded the 2 remaining draugrs.

Hearing their lieges command, they instantly took a step back and confused the barbarian for a short moment.

Noticing the incoming Danzel though, he swung his axe towards him, and once more found themself to clash with each other.

"Delivered as it´s your turn." Danzel said in his cold voice.

"Heh...took you long enough." The barbarian said as he pushed the sword away and swung with all his strength towards Danzel's head.

Who the latter blocked effortlessly.

`Dammit, that useless woman. She couldn´t even keep a man in check for longer than five minutes.´ The barbarian cursed internally as they exchanged swings with their relative weapons.

In the few excites that they did, the barbarian found himself being pushed back from Danzel's assault. As his speed was much greater than him, the barbarian couldn't ever realize properly without risking being cut by the ominous blade.

Even when he used his life force to forcefully move his body in a certain way to increase his strength and speed, there was only a moment where the assault stopped before continuing once more.

In a mere few seconds, the barbarian found himself cornered a few meters away from the stone wall that Danzel had created.

`This is taking too long.´ Danzel thought as he felt the presence of his draugr decreasing by more than half on the other side of the wall.

If he had more time, he would simply cast both his curses on the man and slowly widdle him down with his endless stamina.

`You two, attack the man's joints at the same time.´ Danzel commanded his 2 remaining draugrs that were on this site.

Hearing the command of their liege inside their mind, the 2 draugrs dashed and aimed their swords towards the barbarian legs, where his joints were.

"You underhanded bastard!" The man cursed as he pushed Danzel's sword away with his life force and then dodged the attacks of the draugrs.

Even though his body could receive the damage, his joints were a much weaker part of his body that could potentially be damaged by the attacks of the 2 draugr, or the pain being strong enough to give the dark knight in front of him the advantage he needed to cut his head.

Having taken a step back, the man cleaved one of the draugrs in half while elbowing the other rushing Draugr to its face, making his skull crumple and ending the draugrs immortality.

But even with that 2 annoyence, the barbarian didn´t forget about the ominous sword of the dark knight. Having too little time though, he managed to push the sword away together with his axe.


As the sound of metal clashing with each other was ringing in his ears, the barbarian realized that the dark knight swung his sword with only one of his arms instead of both.

Grinning behind his helmet, Danzel brought a leather shield out of his storage ring and guided his mana towards the shield.

The shield pushed Danzel forward and together with him dashing forward, he directly rammed the leather shield on the barbarian's chest with enough force that would resemble a train.

"Gah!" Yelling out of pain from a few of his ribs breaking and a mouthful of blood coming out of his mouth, the barbarian was catapulted towards the stone wall like a missile.

Coming in contact with the stone wall itself, the man felt another intense pain coming from his back, but before he could even scream out of pain the whole stone wall broke apart and buried the man with stones.josei

"Not quite enough, huh?" Danzel mumbled as he didn´t receive any sort of notification of XP from the barbarian.

Throwing his leather shield to the ground, as it didn´t survive the impact with the barbarian's body, Danzel stared at the flickering light that was under the rumble of the stone wall. That weak light was what represented the barbarian's life.

But right as Danzel was about to go and finish what he began, the blue light in front of him took his attention away.

Looking ahead of himself, what he saw stunned him.

In an instant, a prison made out of lighting halted the movements of 6 draugrs. The lighting prison not only kept them from moving for a reason unknown to Danzel but also electrocuted them lightly.

"What the...´

Scanning his surroundings, Danzel's ethereal eyes landed on the old mage and released a huge amount of mana out of his staff. Hinting that he was the one responsible for imprisoning his draugrs.

Shortly after, the blue glow in his staff came in the form of lighting.

Once the old mage pointed his staff up high, the lighting was released towards one of the lighting prisons and interfacing the power of the prison, being strong enough to make his undead break apart in a matter of seconds.

To Danzel's surprise, that wasn´t the end of it.

The lighting that was on the lighting prison split in two and connected with the other prisons until the lighting connected to every prison and destroyed the draugrs.

In a matter of a few seconds, 6 out of the remaining 18 draugrs got destroyed in an instant.

"Crap, this muscle head can wait for later, I got to get rid of the mage." Danzel mumbled as he left the barbarian under the rumble and dashed towards the mage at full speed.

In a matter of few steps thanks to his [Swift Movements], Danzel arrived beside the old mage with his sword risen up and ready to claim the remaining of his old man's life.

But before the ominous blade could reach the old mage, a sudden barrier in the form of a bubble made out of mana, filled with electricity appeared around the old mage.

Upon contact with the barrier, his sword couldn´t move to pass the wall.

Worse of all, the electricity that was around the barrier instantly traveled toward Danzel.


Even though his whole body was glowing in such strong lighting, the old mage turned his head towards the one that attacked his barrier.

"Hmpf, if you thought you are getting a fast one with me, think twice."

Taking a step back and taking a stance, he pushed his staff like a spear and hit the dark knight's chest plate.

The thrust itself didn´t hold much power, but the mana that was discharged in the form of lighting was no less weak that a natural lighting bolt.

That lighting that was released from the tip of the staff penetrated Danzel's armor and reached the backside of it.

Seeing that though, the old mage showed a frown on his face.

Uses his magic to levitate slightly above the ground and create distance between the dark knight.

" aren´t a human."

Danzel whose armor was still releasing smoke from his armor glared at the old mage with killing intent.

"Well done figuring that out." Danzel said with his cold voice, filled with sarcasm.

Even if their armor of his blocked most of the damage, if he were a human, his inside would already have been burned to a crisp.

With his skeletor body though, the damage wasn´t any significant.

Dashing forward, his intention was clear as day.

He was going to kill the mage.

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