The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028

James was peeking because he was worried that the gift might be something that could hurt Erin's self- esteem, and he would rather spare her from having to feel that she was less than Isaac.

Having worked for Isaac for so long, he knew that Isacc spared no expense when it comes to his own people. In fact, they were more brothers than merely superior and subordinate.

It was exactly the case for when James was captured— Isaac was suffering from temporary blindness, but he carried on, calling favors and spending all the money he had to save James.

Bosses did not usually do that. In other words, Isaac was loyal to a fault, but he never liked to express it.

Even so, those who were with him knew very well that it was respect and a sense of security they would not get anywhere else.

On the other hand, Erin was even more expectant when she realized it was not money, and she was starting to fumble a little.

James simply reclined on the couch with the fresh juice, taking a sip and then saying, "Relax. It's a surprise."

"Shut it, you," Erin snapped-it was up to her to decide if it was a surprise, and it would never be if they said it!

James chuckled and tousled her hair.

Erin opened the briefcase then, and there were several velvet boxes of jewelry, a house deed, and a document.

She read the document and realized that it was a share transfer certificate for Remy-it was probably the most valuable gift in there and worth far more than money!

It was also a gesture from Isaac to show that he acknowledged Erin as family.

Erin had her hand covering her lips just then, emotional.

"The man's twisted, but he never was bad," James said." And these are more of a dowry than wedding presents since only you can use the jewelry."

Even her name was stated directly on the share transfer certificate, and Isaac simply did not hand it to her directly.

That was very much in line with his tsundere style.

Erin leaned against James’s arms then while holding the certificate in her arms, joyful not because of the money but because she was considered family.

She was worried about abandonment when she discovered that she was not Mick and Yvaine’s biological daughter, but Isaac now acknowledged her even if she was not related by blood.

James gently patted her on the shoulder. "I'm happy that you’re happy."

Erin snapped, "You don't even know how I feel."

James simply smiled and gently kissed her on the forehead -he understood that Erin was happy.

It was true that he could not empathize with how Erin felt since he was neither an orphan nor adopted, and he did not have the fear of being abandoned or disowned.

He therefore decided that he would offer her a sense of security in their marriage so she did not have to tiptoe so much.

Everything was now most ready for their wedding-Erin's wedding gown was made, though it was sent back for alterations earlier due to error in measurements.

They had that fixed now, and she would try it on again.

James was busy with other arrangements, so he asked for Irene's help.

Tommy went with them as well, insisting on coming along when he saw Erin.

Erin was affectionately linking arms with Irene.

Erin's heart could melt whenever Tommy called her 'Aunt Erin' in that sweet voice of his, and she cupped his cheeks to give him an audible smooch.

He giggled. "It tickles."

Erin pinched his cheek. "You won’t say that if it were your girlfriend."

Tommy blinked. "What's a girlfriend?"

Erin rubbed her chin. How would she explain that?

Irene interrupted just then. "We're here."

They alighted after their chauffeur parked their car, and the manager was already waiting, receiving them as soon as they entered.

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