The Runaway Groom

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Zachary demanded, “And how did you find out?"

He was no idiot-only Lulu's close friends knew that she had gone missing, but none of them knew if she was just hiding or dead.

Although Ember told him that his mother had a hand in Lulu's death, he never asked her because he was afraid of what she would do.

But his own mother had just said that Lulu was dead too.

What was that if not an indirect confession?

"Are you questioning me?" Mrs. Slate screamed right then. "Is this how you speak to your mother?!"

At the same time, Peter Lindt made his move.

He and his wife were naturally on their daughter's side, and they certainly were aware of Lulu's death since they had planned it, but Mrs. Slate was the one who pulled the trigger.

That gave them leverage against Mrs. Slate, not to mention that they would have Ember's back even if she was at fault.

Glaring at Zachary, Peter barked, "I thought you were the best choice of groom for Ember and could take care of her for the rest of her life. That's why I entrusted her to you, only for you to keep obsessing over a former flame, even framing Ember for her sake! Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Pausing for a moment, he added, "I also thought you're a good son, but did you hear how you were speaking to your own mother? You know what your family is like, and even if you know you have

control over Slate Industries, don't forget about your half-brother. Our support is vital, or do you think you would still retain control if you divorced Ember?”

Zachary had been obedient and catered to his mother's whims because life had been harsh on her, even going so far as to resign from his preferred career and leave the woman he loved.

Heartbroken even as he looked at her, he asked, "Why?! I left her already!"

Mrs. Slate gave up on all pretext right then, and admitted to her crime just so that Zachary would give up completely. "Yes, I killed that jinx because you were wavering. You have only yourself to blame, obsessing over her even after you're married. Since you're not going to accept your marriage with Ember, I have to get rid of her!"

Holding Zachary's gaze, she challenged him. "So? Are you going to call the cops on me?!"

She was certain that he would not, because Zachary had always been soft- if he had any determination, he would not have resigned as a doctor or broken up with Lulu.

While she believed that she knew his son, she just did not know that Zachary was only compromising because she was his mother. Moreover, her own marriage had been rocky, even in name only-his father was cold to her and even publicly kept a mistress, making her life very difficult.

That was the only reason he gave up on his own desires, but his compromise only invited more extortion and coercion, even the death of his beloved woman!

"You disappoint me.'

With that, he turned and strode outside.

"Zachary!" Mrs. Slate snapped, but he did not respond or turn around.

He did not want to see her or stay in that house for another second.

Once he got in his car, he got the call from Isaac and headed straight to Central Hospital, where Isaac was waiting in James's ward.

Zachary was glowering, and Isaac asked when he saw him, "What happened to you?"

Taking a moment to compose himself, he replied, "Nothing."

Isaac quickly turned back to James, his gaze turning gloomy when he did.’ What did the doctors say?”

"The expert I arranged to diagnose him rated the chance of him waking up being twenty percent-not much, but it's something. I've also arranged for a physiotherapist to massage him every day to prevent muscle death."

Zachary's voice was raspy-not because of James, but because of the mess waiting back home.

Isaac was silent for a long while. “Keep taking care of him for me. I might have to go abroad again, and probably won't stay here for long.”

"Don't worry, you can leave James to me-"

‘But I'm not." Isaac cut him short before he could finish. ‘Spit it out already. What happened to you?"

But Zachary did not even know where to start.


One of the monitors attached to James suddenly rang!

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