The Runaway Groom

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741


Yolanda King put a finger on her lips.

Irene frowned when she saw who it was.

"What are you doing?"

What was Yolanda being so hushed about? She could just say it directly, whatever it was—why drag her to this quiet place? Irene almost thought it was a villain.

"I'm worried we'd be seen!" Yolanda grinned.

"Anyway, I just wanted to thank you."

Irene straightened her clothes and asked, "What for?"

Yolanda actually felt awkward just then.

"You know what for." Irene actually did not.

"I'm going if you won't say it."

"Oh, don't be in such a hurry!" Yoland exclaimed, catching her.

"It's work hours," Irene said flatly.

Yolanda smiled in embarrassment.

"Well, it's for you not to reveal that it was me last night.I know you did that for my sake."

Irene brushed nonexistent dust off her clothes.

"It's nothing.Having one person being ostracized in the building is more than enough, and the rest of you would at least be able to get along.The big picture, right?"

There was further meaning in her words, and Yolanda naturally understood.She was certainly chagrined—they had ostracized Irene from the start.

Irene was also right that everyone should get along for the sake of the big picture.

Moreover, most who just joined Hotmesh Complex usually showed a messiah complex, thinking that they could save the world, but reality always proved that it was not that easy.

"We actually have solidarity."

"I think so too." Irene smiled faintly.

"And that we can carve a bright future going forward, hand-in-hand."

Yolanda changed her opinion toward Irene ever so slightly then.

Irene was not worthless, and she endured everyone's harassment without getting back at anyone despite having every right as the next director.

"Alright, I won't impose now.You should go."

"Don't slack off on working hours now," Irene joked.

"I'll have you know I'm the most diligent employee in the building! " Yolanda retorted.

Irene was summoned to the director's office as soon as she entered Hotmesh Research.

Dennis Turner was packing his things, and since the door was open, Irene entered.

Seeing her, Dennis beckoned, "Over here."

As Irene went over, he said, "My personal effects have been packed and sent away, so anything left is just reports and data on research.I'll still return over the next couple days, so you can ask me any questions you have when I do."

Irene nodded.

"Honestly, I'm a little reluctant to leave now that I really have to," he mused to himself then.

"I've been here for so long it's like my home."

"You can come in for an inspection anytime.Don't hold back on criticism either—give it to me straight," Irene said.

Dennis laughed heartily.

"I'd never dare, not with the one who has your back.In fact, you're the only person I'd never upset."

His joke enlivened the atmosphere, and Irene smiled too.

Soon, all the records and documents from the last few years were stacked, filling the wall shelf.

"What you urgently need to see right now is on the top right shelf.The rest are employee files, so prioritize that—you can take your time with the others."

Dennis left as many words as he did instructions, and Irene listened attentively .

Soon, he got a call and had to leave.

"Check it out on your own, and just call me if you have questions.I have something to do for the rest of the day, so I won't be staying."


Irene nodded.

After Dennis left, Irene put the files she wanted to read on her desk.

She then paused as she stared at the box labeled human resource for a moment, before opening it! She did not have clearance to read any of it before, but now she did.

And to find out about them quickly, she could start with their dossiers! She sat down behind her desk after putting everything on the table, and took the file on top when she inadvertently knocked over a stack of papers beside her hand, causing everything to fall in a flutter.

She quickly picked them up, only to notice a diagnosis report, which left her hands shaking!

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