The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 315

The Runaway Groom Chapter 315

The Runaway Groom Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Irene was speechless.

How was this getting hired through the back door? Did she not impress the hospital chief with her own. expertise and earn the chance herself?

Nonetheless, Stephen left with those words, leaving her alone and sulking.

She felt conflicted at the thought that he would be the one instructing her from now on, but she did not. want to give up on her dreams either.

Breathing a long sigh, she thought to herself that life was going to be hard from now on.

Even so, she could take anything as long as she got to learn from him-once she could stand on her own, he would be a distant memory.

Leaving the hospital and returning to the car, she told Jimmy the chauffeur, “Let’s go to the grocery store.”

She was very pleased to have succeeded in the interview, and wanted to cook something. She also thought that it was great that she chose to be a doctor-she knew what to cook for Isaac to help with his recovery.

“Of course,” Jimmy replied.

They were soon stopping near a traffic light, when Irene spotted Greg and Kathy stepping out of a jewelry


Greg actually had his hand around Kathy’s waist-it seemed that Isaac’s plan had gone smoothly.

If things were already going so smoothly between Greg and Kathy, Quincy would explode if she found out!

Tut, tut…

Irene honestly thought then that Isaac was as cunning as he was evil.

As the light turned green, Irene looked away as Jimmy drove off.

They headed straight home after getting the groceries, but Isaac was out, and did not come home even at dinnertime.

The food was getting cold, so Irene told Mrs. Watson and Jimmy to eat with her-she had cooked a lot, and it would be wasted if they did not.

Mrs. Watson cleaned up the table afterwards while Irene gave Tommy a bath.

Maybe it was a very good bath, and Tommy quickly fell asleep after playing a little in his crib.

Irene left the shower to find him sound asleep, picked him up to lay him straight, and pulled his blanket over him. She gave him a soft peck on his cheek, and it felt so soft she wanted to peck him more…


Her phone suddenly started to vibrate, and she picked it up. Worried that she had woken Tommy up, she stayed for a while and made sure he was not stirring before leaving the room to answer it.

It was Lulu Adams, and Irene was quite surprised to find that she was coming over-she did not mention. it when they spoke just a couple days ago.

“When did you arrive? You could’ve told me.”

“Just today. We should meet if you’re free…”

Irene could tell from her voice that something was up. “Sure. Where?”

Lulu was not sure, however, and she had been wandering alone in the streets.

“How about Spencer Mansion? I’ll be there soon,” Irene suggested.

“Okay,” Lulu replied.

Irene glanced at Tommy after hanging up. The baby was still sound asleep, so she gently closed the door, got changed, and left, telling Mrs. Watson before she did, “I have something to attend to, so I’ll be out for a while. Keep an eye on Tommy and make sure he doesn’t wake up, and if Isaac comes home and asks, I’ll be at Spencer Mansion.”

“Okay,” Mrs. Watson replied, and Irene left.

Arriving at Spencer Mansion, she found Sheryl talking to Lulu in the living room as she entered. “It’s late, Mom. Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“It’s not even nine,” Sheryl countered. “Nobody can fall asleep.”

Irene then walked up to pull Lulu along. “I need to have some girls’ talk with Lulu. Can we?”

Sheryl feigned exasperation and shot her a look. “Don’t let me stop you.”

Irene smiled, and took Lulu to her old room.

Once she closed the door, she turned toward Lulu and asked directly, “Did something happen? I could tell from your voice that something is wrong.”

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