The Runesmith

Chapter 378

Chapter 378: Automated Rescue.

Chapter 378: Automated Rescue.

“Another great day for adventuring!”

“A great day? What’s so great about it?”

A youthful woman let out a sigh, promptly followed up by a wide yawn. The gentle rays of morning sunlight cascaded over the rough terrain as a quartet of adventurers journeyed toward the entrance of the dungeon. They weren't the sole group drawing near; numerous other parties of comparable size were also converging on the same destination. This had become the customary morning ritual for all, a profession they had been dedicated to for several years.

“Cheer up Keira, we are now silver adventurers! We have proven ourselves to everyone and the best part is…”


“Respect? No, money of course! We can now finally afford things like this!”

Rudy raised a large sword up that none from the party had seen before. There was a triumphant grin plastered on his face as he presented this new prized possession, a magical runic bastard sword. The air seemed to shimmer around the weapons, casting an otherworldly glow that danced around its intricately carved surface. The sword was an awe-inspiring blend of artistry and power, a testament to both the craftsmanship of its creator and the magical energies it contained.

The hilt of the sword was crafted from polished ebony, adorned with a pattern of engraved silver runes that seemed to pulse faintly as if imbued with a life of their own. The crossguard was nice and firm and protected his hand that was now wrapping itself around the hilt. The blade itself was forged from rare alloys which were said to conduct mana better than the norm. The runes weren’t merely decorative as they could produce more than one magical effect at a time.

“Oh, did you get that from Sir Wayland’s shop? Heard that he hasn’t been making that many items recently.”

“Yeah, he went back to work. This one was on display so I just needed to get it! It can hold twice the normal amount of charges than a regular runic blade!”

“Only twice as much? Why not triple?”

The girl responded playfully, finding amusement in the young man's exaggerated reaction to his new sword purchase. As the group reached tier 2, they decided to utilize the dungeon as their training ground. However, despite upgrading their equipment, they found their progress starting to plateau. Like many other silver-ranked adventurers, their advancement had come to a standstill.

There were several factors contributing to their halted progress. Firstly, they encountered stronger and more formidable monsters, which made their battles more challenging and time-consuming. Additionally, the increased travel distances within the dungeon added to their time investment. However, their primary concern was their safety. The dungeon's structure had undergone a transformation, transitioning from divided floors to one expansive open space.

This change introduced new adversaries, initially starting with flaming salamanders but escalating to flame golems. Venturing recklessly or without caution in this unforgiving dungeon could easily lead to a fatal outcome. Moreover, the presence of bandit groups added another layer of danger. These opportunistic criminals preyed on injured adventurers, creating a constant threat that loomed over every aspiring adventurer's head.

It was widely acknowledged that the majority of people never progressed beyond the silver rank. The income they earned from defeating weaker tier 2 monsters was sufficient to sustain their livelihoods. After enduring years of challenges as novice adventurers, some individuals were unwilling to exert the same level of effort and opted for the path of least resistance. However, this particular group had not reached that point yet, as their aspirations extended far beyond mere mediocrity.

"So, where shall we venture today?"

"I propose we continue hunting salamanders. They are relatively easy to defeat, and their meat fetches a good price too."

"Salamanders again? Why not venture beyond the river? I've heard rumors of lava slug nests there. A well-placed ice bomb should do the trick!"

The group of four adventurers, all ranked silver, gathered in front of the dungeon. Keira was cautious, preferring not to rush, while Rudy was eager to forge ahead. He believed that the more challenging the monsters they faced, the faster they would level up. Though the risks were present, he was convinced they were worth taking.

"Guys, if we keep battling those salamanders, we'll never make any real progress. How can we reach the gold rank without confronting stronger foes? I'm confident we could defeat the golem if we tried!"

Rudy turned to Miron, whose armor and shield had been enhanced to withstand fire.

"What good is that shield and armor if you only use them against salamanders? I bet they could withstand a few blows from a golem too!"

Even Sansa and Keira, who had been more cautious in their approach, were starting to be persuaded. They had spent a significant amount of time proceeding with caution after an incident that nearly cost them their lives. Since then, they had taken the safer route, avoiding any major crises. Now, however, they were growing restless and yearned to test their limits and see just how far they could truly go.

“I don’t know, what if we get stuck like last time? There probably won’t be anyone to save us…”

“You’re worrying too much, we are much stronger now than we were back then and we also have all this magical equipment!”

The group deliberated further, their attention eventually shifting towards the entrance of the dungeon. In the wake of the Lich's escape, there was a noticeable increase in the number of guards stationed around the entrance, as well as a surge in the presence of other adventurers. With the discovery of tier 3 monsters, the city's population had grown significantly.

"Hey, what's happening over there?"

Keira inquired, gesturing towards a sizable crowd gathered before a stage where a group of dwarves were showcasing something.

"Are they attempting to peddle their wares once more? Perhaps we should disregard them. It's likely just another worthless trinket or some such thing,"

Rudy suggested while trying to push through the crowd that had formed. However, before they continued further he spotted a familiar face among the dwarves. The person there was someone that all of them knew, Bernir the assistant of the city Runesmith that was now known as the Knight Commander.

“Hey, isn’t that person from the runic shop?”

Rudy asked while Keira and the others stopped to look.

“Yeah, I’ve seen him around there, doesn’t he work there? Are they selling something here?”

She nodded in affirmation, confirming his question, and now their collective gaze was fixed upon the scene. This particular group held a deep appreciation for the city's runesmith, as they had been the beneficiaries of affordable magical weapons and cost-effective repairs. These offerings had propelled their dungeon exploration at an accelerated pace and played a significant role in their attainment of tier 2 classes. If the runic shop had something to sell in this gathering, their attention was fully captured, eager to hear what was being presented.

“What are those, some type of armbands?”

“Damn, there are too many people I can’t really hear what they are talking about…”

“It seems they are handing out some samples of a magical item, it’s supposed to act as protection in the dungeon?”

Sansa responded to Rudy's attempt to maneuver through the crowd, using her heightened sense of hearing to discern the details of what was transpiring. It became clear to her that the dwarves were distributing a magical armband, supposedly imbued with a protective enchantment of sorts.

“What? They are giving out free samples? We should get some!”

Rudy eagerly embraced the opportunity, and the rest of the group followed suit, expressing their agreement with nods. A large box containing numerous armbands was available, and soon other adventurers began selecting their own. When it came to receiving complimentary items, individuals in this profession required little persuasion. Without hesitation, they swiftly adorned the armbands, unaware of their specific functions.

Curiosity piqued, Rudy glanced at the metallic armband encircling his wrist, noticing intricate runes etched upon it. He attempted to infuse it with his mana, but no discernible effect manifested. Thus he turned to the person that was there for the


and asked.

"What is this armband supposed to do, anyway?"

"They mentioned something about it activating automatically when the time is right, and something to do with assistance arriving?"

Sansa proceeded to explain, drawing upon the details provided by the dwarves during their


. However, due to the sizeable crowd and the commotion, it was challenging to discern the true purpose of the armbands. Nevertheless, this lack of clarity did not dampen their enthusiasm. After all, the items were imbued with magic and were being offered at no cost. Even if the armbands didn't exhibit any immediate effects, the group remained unfazed, confident that they could potentially sell them for a modest sum at a later time.

“Should we really be wearing these?”

Asked Keira who instead of wearing the armlet placed it inside of one of her satchels.

“Why not? Think they will explode or something?”

Contrary to the rest of the group, Rudy opted to fasten the armband around his sword arm. He possessed unwavering trust in the craftsmanship of Wayland the runesmith and believed that, with the assistance of Wayland's team of dwarves, there was nothing to fear. The group, now equipped with their armbands, ventured into the depths of the dungeon, encountering unfamiliar faces along the way.

“Hey aren’t there a lot more of those dwarves here? They don’t look like they are part of any adventurer party, they also don’t look like miners, are they blacksmiths?”

Keira directed her question to the group, her gaze fixed upon a cluster of ten dwarven men who were diligently hammering a metallic contraption into the dungeon wall. The structure resembled a storage locker, albeit of modest height. It appeared that their intention was to embed it within the wall, leaving a portion protruding outward. Keira noticed a small door on the front of the contraption, but it seemed too narrow for anyone to pass through, except perhaps a gnome or halfling.

"What do you think they're doing with that peculiar thing?"

Keira asked, her curiosity piqued by the dwarves' actions. Her party members had no idea what it was about but the runic shapes on the outer shell told them that it might have something to do with the armbands that they received. Additionally, the presence of other mysterious boxes being transported further fueled their curiosity. Despite their uncertainty, they pressed on, focusing on their duties as adventurers, eventually forgetting about the armbands they had acquired.

After a few days had passed and the dwarven activity in the dungeon subsided, the group decided to venture deeper into the lower levels. Their initial objective was to continue hunting for salamander meat, but as they progressed, they couldn't resist the allure of exploring further.

Eventually, they stumbled upon a secluded cave teeming with a new type of creature – volcanic slugs. This particular area was well-known among adventurers for its abundance of easy experience, thanks to a group of these slugs confined within a tight space. Remembering Rudy's previous declaration, he had obtained a runic ice bomb specifically for this occasion. With anticipation in the air, the group prepared themselves to face the volcanic slugs, eager to put the runic ice bomb to use and make the most of this opportunity. josei

“Are you sure about this?”

“What’s not to be sure about, we just toss it in and the slugs die, easy experience and materials!”

“Fine, just be careful…”

Rudy's confidence was infectious, and the group readied themselves for the encounter. They donned their magical gear and advanced cautiously into the cave, where the volcanic slugs writhed and hissed in the searing heat. The cavern was sweltering, and the air was thick with the acrid stench of molten rock.

As they neared the cluster of slugs, Rudy reached into his bag and retrieved the runic ice bomb. The magical device gleamed with an icy aura, a stark contrast to the fiery surroundings. With a swift motion, he hurled the runic ice bomb into the midst of the slugs, where it exploded in a burst of frosty energy.

The effect was immediate and spectacular. The volcanic slugs, unaccustomed to such cold, froze in their tracks. Their fiery shells cracked and shattered, revealing their vulnerable cores and guts. The adventurers wasted no time, launching a coordinated assault on the immobilized creatures. Swords slashed and arrows pierced the air as they made quick work of the slug monsters.

Within moments, the once-menacing creatures were reduced to shattered, frozen husks. The adventurers stood triumphant amidst the icy carnage, their victory over the volcanic slugs a testament to their growing prowess.

“Haha, what did I tell you!”

“You were right, this was easier than I expected.”

Replied Keira while wiping some sweat from her brow.

"Don't get too comfortable. We've still got to collect the valuable materials from these slugs and be on our way."

As they began to harvest the valuable components from the slain slugs, they heard a distant rumbling. It started as a low growl but quickly escalated into a deafening roar. The ground beneath their feet trembled, and rocks and debris fell from the cave's ceiling.

"What's happening?" Sansa exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm.

Before anyone could react, the wall of the cave nearest to them exploded outward, and a horde of enraged volcanic slugs poured into the chamber. They hissed and spat streams of molten lava as they advanced, their fiery bodies glowing with rage.

“Damn, was there a breeding ground behind that wall?”

Miron yelled while activating his runic shield effect that provided a frosty shield. The adventurers scrambled to defend themselves, but the sheer number of volcanic slugs was overwhelming. The fiery creatures closed in, and the battle turned into a desperate struggle for survival as they began their escape.

“There are too many of them, we must escape.”

Rudy's voice echoed as he conjured yet another runic ice bomb. With a swift motion, he hurled it towards the horde of shell-less slugs, their slimy forms writhing in the dim light. Realizing that the sheer number of these grotesque creatures made it impossible for the bomb to incapacitate them all, he swiftly pivoted and broke into a sprint. Escape was their sole option, and fortunately, the exit was just a short distance away.

“I told you that it was too soon to come here!”

“What? We are alive, those slugs will never catch up to us!”

As they raced out of the cave's treacherous depths, Keira's voice rang out, her urgency pushing them forward. Fortunately, the sluggish creatures they'd encountered weren't renowned for their speed or intellect. They hoped that if they could maintain enough distance, the pursuing monsters would eventually lose interest.

Yet, when the group emerged into the open air, an unexpected adversary lay in wait. It took the form of a colossal creature crafted from volcanic rock—a formidable opponent known as a Volcanic Golem, a being often seen as the final boss guarding the entrance to the lower levels.

Without hesitation, the Volcanic Golem swung its colossal arms at the first unfortunate soul in its path—Miron. Despite Miron's quick reaction as he summoned his magical shield, the sheer force behind the creature's attack sent the burly man hurtling backward. He soared through the air for several meters before crashing into a massive boulder with a resounding thud.

The situation had taken a dire turn for the group. Behind them, a relentless swarm of lava-spewing monster slugs pursued them with unwavering determination. In front, a colossal five-meter-tall volcanic golem, a foe far beyond their current level, unleashed its formidable attacks. To make matters worse, Miron, their primary tank and defender, lay incapacitated, his formidable strength temporarily taken out of the equation. The prospect of carrying him by the remaining three members of the group seemed like a Herculean task in their desperate circumstances.

Fear clenched at their hearts as they desperately scanned their surroundings for any escape route. Rudy, driven by the instinct to aid his fallen comrade, made an attempt to divert the volcanic golem's attention, but the massive creature seemed determined to reach Miron, charging relentlessly. Their loyalty to their lifelong friend ran deep, compelling them to make a stand against this formidable adversary.

As the slug monsters began to pour in, the absence of a confined space made the ice bombs less effective in repelling them. The grim reality set in—they were facing a battle that was not only daunting but potentially fatal. Nevertheless, they steeled themselves and resolved to persevere, unwilling to let their comrade meet his end in this perilous situation.

However, unbeknownst to the group, a small armlet that had been securely fastened around Miron's wrist continued to emit a subtle, glowing radiance—a phenomenon that had been ongoing for quite some time. Their moment of revelation arrived as two peculiar arachnid creatures suddenly materialized from the distant shadows. These enigmatic beings wielded potent magical abilities, which they promptly unleashed with pinpoint precision.

Their magical attacks targeted the massive golem's legs, causing the colossal creature to falter and buckle beneath the force. The once-unstoppable adversary now struggled to support its own weight, as the group witnessed the incredible power harnessed by these mysterious metallic spiders.

“Initiating rescue maneuver, please stand back and evacuate to a safe location.”

A woman's voice emanated from the two metallic spiders, urging them to flee. Shortly thereafter, a third spider materialized and commenced an assault on the slugs, launching magical arrows that inflicted significant harm upon their bodies. The arrival of these metallic reinforcements unveiled the purpose of the armlets: they served as a beacon, summoning aid to the location of individuals in possession of them who were in distress.

In no time, the quartet had reached a safe distance, and their fourth member had at last awakened. Similar scenarios were unfolding in various corners of the dungeon, shedding light on the golem's creator's scheme. They intended to employ the golems as paid bodyguards, offering their services to inexperienced adventurers in exchange for a fee…

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