The Runesmith

Chapter 403

Chapter 403: We Can Rebuild.

Chapter 403: We Can Rebuild.

“It doesn’t look that bad…”

“... I guess some of the walls are still standing.”

Roland responded to Elodia as he reached through a fist-sized hole in his house wall. Numerous similar gaps adorned the structure. The Eldritch Horror encounter had left his entire compound in ruins, with tendrils and tentacles wreaking havoc. Virtually everything suffered some degree of damage; most wind generators were destroyed, and the side workshop where Bernir liked to work had collapsed.

He couldn't help but feel a smidge of regret as he surveyed the destruction. The once peaceful and well-kept estate was now a chaotic mess of debris and broken structures. However, amidst the wreckage, there was an odd sense of relief that they had survived the encounter with the Eldritch Horror. The fact that Gideon and Loreena from the Solarian Church were present during the battle added another layer of problems to the situation.

It became evident to him that the church's involvement was not a mere coincidence. They had set a trap to draw out the cultists, and the ensuing chaos was the outcome. Their commitment to the holy war against unholy forces took precedence over concerns about collateral damage. Although he had contemplated collaborating with them, this revelation underscored the need to approach the alliance cautiously. The presence of Agni had opened a new path for him. Without the 'Sacred Beast,' it wouldn't be surprising if he found himself behind bars, awaiting interrogation by a determined Inquisitor.

“Well, at least no one died, that’s what is important.”

“I guess so, at least the dorm survived and for some reason, the Alchemical building remained unscathed… at least Rastix won’t shout my ear off about it…”

He glanced toward the dorm intended to house orphans from within the city. Roland felt uncertain about the idea, especially after the recent cultist encounter. However, if things proceeded favorably, perhaps they wouldn't need to alter their plans. Although he wished for his wife to stay within the safety of their home, he understood that if Elodia deemed it too dangerous for the children, a separation might be necessary. They wouldn't be living too far apart, and he could always visit to ensure they remained connected.

The course of events hinged on the decisions of the church and their plans for the area. Despite Roland's discussion with the Solarian paladins, many details remained unclear. The soldiers were not decision-makers; higher authorities needed to weigh in for any decisive actions. Due to the High-Inquisitor’s tough schedule, the decision was given free leave, at least for the time being.

Roland had been released, but some of the junior paladins maintained their vigil around his home and patrolled the city. The potential for another cultist attack, akin to the one during his gold rank test, was a real possibility. However, another reason was the happy-looking puppy that was sprinting his way.


“Hey, Agni.”

Roland waved at his 'Sacred Beast' companion as he approached. With the secret revealed his form remained that of a Sunlight Wolf. The wife and husband duo entered through the hole in the wall created by the cultist, momentarily confusing Agni. However, as soon as the holy wolf spotted them, he charged toward Roland with impressive speed.

“He looks happy.”

“Yeah… a bit too happy… Hey, SLOW DOW… gUH”

Despite Roland's superior physique, he was unprepared for the tackle and found himself taken down to the ground. Almost immediately, something moist hit his face repeatedly as Agni began to shower him with enthusiastic licks.

"Hey, get off me!"

"He really likes his master."

Elodia chuckled as she observed the squirming Roland, attempting to push the fiery wolf away. The flames that danced around Agni's body intensified, signifying his heightened joy at reuniting with his master. These holy flames were warm to the touch and harmless to anyone Agni didn't intend to harm.

“Okay, that’s enough you had your fun…”

With determination, Roland began pushing back, forcing Agni to stand on his hind legs. After a brief struggle, Roland managed to free himself from the licking onslaught. However, the aftermath left his face carrying the distinct aroma of Agni's mouth. Fortunately, creatures like Agni were impervious to cavities, so while it wasn't a pleasant experience, at least there were no concerns about pungent smells.


“Stop jumping around, as you can see I’m fine.”

Agni circled around his long-lost master a few times, trotting around in a rather comedic fashion. The Golden Order paladins observed from a distance, somewhat taken aback by the scene. It might have seemed peculiar to witness their holy beast acting like a dog, enthusiastically welcoming his master. However, the display solidified Roland's claims about their unique and genuine relationship.

“Have they been treating you well?”


“I see, that’s good then.”

The mutual understanding between them was evident, and Roland could sense that no harm had befallen his ruby wolf. In a delightful surprise, a small shrine had materialized in front of his front door. On it, a collection of rather expensive meats had been placed, remaining untouched for now. Agni was smart enough to refrain from accepting offerings from unfamiliar sources. He wouldn't consume anything unless it came from someone he trusted or he hunted it himself, wary of the potential for poison or tampering.

‘I see that he has leveled up a bit, just like me…’

In their recent encounter, Roland and Agni faced a formidable group of cultists, three of whom merged to create a monstrous entity. While they didn't land the final blow, their collaborative effort produced an imitation sun spell that dealt significant damage to the monstrosity. The Golden Order later intervened to finish off the being, as it surpassed their level. The experience gained from slaying such a formidable foe was substantial, equivalent to perhaps several months' worth of dungeon experience. josei


Roland Arden L 190


T3 Runesmith Overlord L15 [ Primary ]

T2 Runesmith Lord L50 [ Tertiary ]

T2 Runic Engineer L50 [Secondary]

T1 Mage L25 [ X ]

T1 Runic Mana Scribe L 25 [ X ]

T1 Runic Blacksmith L 25 [ X ]

























Name :

Sunlight Wolf [Ruby Form]

[ L 165 ] [ Ex 6% ]

Type :

Fire/Earth/Divine Beast

























His level up didn’t only bring a flat stat increase but also two new skills. The first one reminded him of Agni’s howling skill as it had a very similar effect but was also somewhat different.

Overlord’s Intimidation

Active Skill

Intimidates opponents in a wide radius. When successful, it renders them unable to move.

The newfound skill resembled a stunning effect that Roland realized could be useful against weaker opponents. Although it shared some similarities with his Runic Suppression skill on the surface, there were notable differences. Unlike Runic Suppression, he didn't need any runes, and there was no requirement to continuously infuse mana to maintain the effect. While the skill might not be effective against opponents of similar levels and power, it held potential to stun those in the vicinity. Roland envisioned its utility against a large group of tier 2 class holders, where he could potentially incapacitate them all at once.

Imbued Rune

Active Skill

Allows the Runesmith to imbue a non-living surface with a rune of their choosing for a limited time. The rune will dissipate after use without damaging the surface.

Another intriguing skill in Roland's repertoire was Imbued Rune. Although it shared some common ground with basic runesmithing, it possessed unique applications. While it was technically feasible to force runes onto surfaces without a smithing hammer, doing so consumed a considerable amount of mana and required robust metalic materials. Imbued Rune, however, allowed Roland to use materials not intended for runesmithing, such as ordinary rocks, expanding the possibilities of his runic abilities.

On his way to his home, Roland had already tested the Imbued Rune skill. Its simplicity was its strength - after usage, a rune would appear on the surface of an object, ready to be activated at his discretion. The newfound ability enabled him to craft simple bombs from ordinary rocks efficiently, consuming less mana than traditional runesmithing. Roland could envision various combat applications for this skill. The only restrictions were direct contact with the material and the requirement that the surface be non-living. This meant he could place the rune on a piece of paper but not on a living tree, even if the paper was made from it.

Despite the disaster wrought by the cultist attack, the positive aspect of this world was Roland's continual progress. His power had grown, and the ability to rebuild remained within his grasp. While leveling up in the dungeon and creating new defenses were his usual tactics, he doubted if they would be sufficient this time. The foremost concern on his mind was Bernir, who had lost his right arm. There were a few choices he could go with to restore it and he wasn’t sure if relying on the church would be an option.

Following a discussion with Loreena, Roland received a non-answer regarding Bernir's lost arm. The Church offered two potential methods for limb restoration - through high-level priests or divine elixirs. However, the priests were known for their capricious nature, making them challenging to influence even for the Golden Order. At best, Roland could request a referral letter for Bernir and hope for a favorable outcome. As for divine elixirs, Roland lacked the necessary funds and prestige to acquire a grand elixir of recovery, a tier 4 concoction. The options were limited, and the path forward remained uncertain.

Considering trading for the divine elixir or services from the church, Roland pondered the potential terms of such a deal. However, he was wary of potential conditions that might not be favorable. There was a possibility they could demand something significant in return, perhaps even proposing the transfer of his master rights over Agni to one of their members. While the church held no immediate need for money or assistance from a runesmith, their reverence for all things related to the sun could push them in that direction. Unwilling to entertain the idea of trading Agni for Bernir's arm, Roland leaned towards the third option - creating a prosthesis.

Having consulted Brylvia, a fellow runesmith, Roland sought help in crafting a replacement limb. However, the information she provided was not promising. While dwarves excelled in the exterior craftsmanship, their expertise in the intricacies of the interior workings was limited. For matters related to the operating system that would mimic hand movements, Roland needed the expertise of rune mages who specialized in pushing runic constructs to their limits. Designing a faithful arm replica was within the dwarves' capabilities, but the intricacies of the internal workings required the assistance of rune mages. There was one place where he could seek help with this issue but it was a problematic matter with one glaring issue.

“Is everything all right? Are you still worrying about what happened?”


He had spaced out for a moment and was nudged free by having his hand grasped by Elodia. His wife knew him well and instantly could tell that he was worrying about the current events.

“You need to stop blaming yourself for everything, no one could have known that this would have happened, you did your best, we all did.”

Roland found himself at a loss for words. His tendency had always been to shoulder responsibilities on his own. However, with Elodia and the others by his side, he began to recognize that he was no longer alone in facing the challenges ahead. Perhaps he needed to get used to consulting with her about any future plans, without holding anything back, she was his one and only wife.

She smiled gently, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Agni, sensing the emotional undercurrents, nuzzled against Roland as if offering his support as well. It was a comforting scene, and for a moment, Roland allowed himself to bask in the warmth of their presence.

"You're right."

Roland sighed, a weight lifting off his shoulders as he fully grasped the support he had around him. The destruction around his estate and the uncertainties of the future still loomed, but the knowledge that he wasn't facing it alone brought a sense of comfort.

“Let’s focus on rebuilding and preparing for whatever comes next and I’m sure someone already has something in mind, I hope that someone is willing to part with that knowledge.”

“I guess he is…”

The two smiled and nodded at each other before heading over to what was left over from their home. There were a lot of holes in it but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. He had anticipated a siege happening here so everything had been built for it to last. With some earth magic it was easy to plug up the holes for a quick fix and later the builders would take care of it.

While Roland and Elodia engaged in assessing the damage and planning the reconstruction, Roland's thoughts revolved around the next steps. The idea of leaving this place wasn't appealing, but if the danger proved too great, it might be the only viable option. He harbored a desire to counterattack and confront the cultists directly, but their elusiveness posed a challenge. The safety of this place and making it a sanctuary depended on a potential deal with the church. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to spend his days watching over his shoulder in fear of these maniacs, something had to be done.

As night approached, Roland found himself still awaiting an answer from the church. After escorting Elodia back to the city to spend time with the others, he returned to continue his work. Despite a scolding from his concerned wife, his restlessness prevailed, preventing him from retiring for the night. With his body now recovered, he directed his focus toward crafting the runic prosthetic for Bernir. The urgency of the task fueled his determination to see it through.

Down into the workshop he went and the first schematic made it up onto the board. He contemplated the possibility of crafting a basic fake limb with a hammer attachment for his blacksmith friend, but that wasn't his goal. Roland envisioned something more intricate. Observing the mana phantoms that surrounded everyone, he pondered the idea of integrating this phenomenon into the runic structures. If he could find a way to make the runic structures register and interact with the mana phantom, creating a fully functional limb might not be as challenging as it initially seemed.

“The mana phantom always moves a bit faster than the muscles contract… It seems to ignore the initial lag or signal the brain sends out…”

Roland's gaze fixed on his own hand, producing the same mana phenomenon that he had observed in others. Just as in battle, the mana moved ahead of any given action, creating the illusion of predicting the future. He understood that it was simply signals from the brain playing out faster than the body could react. Lacking extensive medical knowledge and the skills of a brain surgeon, tapping into these brain waves directly seemed impossible for him. However, he contemplated the idea of creating a prosthetic that could read the moving mana, a task that should be within his reach despite his limited knowledge in the field.

Despite staying up the entire night in an attempt to tap into the elusive mana wave, Roland faced disappointment. None of his current skills could coax the mana phantom to budge or influence any rune he created. It seemed as if the phenomenon didn't truly exist, or at least, Roland couldn't find a way to interact with it using his current set of skills.

Exhausted and frustrated, Roland slumped into a chair, rubbing his temples. The dawn's light seeped through the windows of his office, casting long shadows on the runic designs scattered across the tables. Agni lay nearby by the home’s entrance, his head resting on his paws as he slept.

“It's more complicated than I thought, I might not be able to do it with my current knowledge”

Roland mumbled to himself, contemplating the intricacies of integrating those mana phantoms into the runic prosthetic. Just as he was about to give up a strange green glow brought his attention to the window. There he saw a sparrow made up of light which he had not seen in a while.

“Is it the cat? Does he want something again… Wait… “

The magical sparrow served as a means to communicate with a certain runic magician within the kingdom. Roland, lacking profound insights into the world of mages, had previously found help in literature borrowed from this contact. However, he had yet to delve into more advanced topics that could potentially aid him in his current endeavor. Perhaps consulting actual rune mages would provide the necessary knowledge to overcome the challenges he faced…

A bit earlier at another location.

“Are these your orders High-Inquisitor?”

“Do I need to repeat myself?”

“... Forgive my impudence, It will be done!”

“Good, now leave.”

“Yes, Sir!”

A knight in shining golden armor lowered his head as he exited the personal quarters of a particular man. Once the door was closed behind him, the man began to rub his long white beard while carefully studying a parchment. The document held plans for a city named Albrook, complete with various annotations. Certain locations were circled, with the primary focus being outside the city limits on a shop specializing in runic wares. The name of the owner along with all his data was presented and the old man couldn’t help from chuckling.

“It’s that boy again, he really likes to get into trouble… Like father, like son… Now what should I do with him… has it already been over twenty years since that incident? Hm…”

The lavish room was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of battles against otherworldly beings. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with tomes on magic, history, and the divine arts. The High-Inquisitor, a man of advanced age but still maintaining a body fit for a warrior contemplated the situation at hand. His gaze fell onto the map of the country as a deep sigh escaped him…

Well, I'm off to my Christmas break, I'll be back at the start of January.

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