The Runesmith

Chapter 406

Chapter 406: Prototype.

Chapter 406: Prototype.

“You want to do what-t?”

The next morning, Roland approached Arthur to discuss his plans. The two sat in Arthur's office, a room filled with various books, strategy boards, and reports. Arthur listened attentively as Roland explained the opportunity presented by Professor Arion at the Xandar's Institute of Wizardry. However, the moment he revealed that he wished to leave this territory, the noble responded in surprise and was now coughing out tea.

“L-lord Arthur, you shouldn’t talk while drinking!”

Mary was there with them and started patting his back

“Thank you, Mary.”

Arthur managed to say between coughs. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, looking at Roland with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

“Now, could you repeat that last part? Leaving the territory?”

“Yes, Lord Arthur. Professor Arion has offered me a chance to visit the Xandar's Institute of Wizardry to access their extensive archives. It's an opportunity to enhance my knowledge of runes and magic, and potentially accelerate my research. After recent events, I’ve realized that I’m still inexperienced…”

“Inexperienced with all that knowledge to transform the city?”

“There are a lot of things that I don’t know and the recent events show it…”

“I see… but leaving now…”

Roland observed Arthur, who appeared somewhat perturbed by the situation. He understood that the young lord was likely displeased with his strongest ally leaving his side for an undisclosed period. There was a chance he might never return, as accidents were not uncommon. Without Roland's support, the runic city could potentially amount to nothing more than a dream.

Their alliance experienced an upswing, courtesy of Roland's engagement with the Golden Order. The church's presence had attracted adventurers to the region, viewing it as a lucrative opportunity. The dungeon teemed with undead monsters susceptible to holy mana and items. With the relocation of item production to this area, their wishes seemed nearly fulfilled. It was evolving into a region that could offer everything, still largely unexplored. Numerous treasures remained concealed, and overcoming bosses for the first time promised access to superior items.

“I guess we should be able to manage without you around for a few months… “


After a moment of contemplation, Arthur provided his response, aligning with Roland's expectations but not entirely. Roland had anticipated the young noble to be more apprehensive, perhaps even fearful, about releasing a trusted comrade-in-arms. However, it seemed that Arthur’s stance was a lot more altruistic than he anticipated.

“Are you surprised my friend? I think you have done enough to aid my cause already, there isn’t really much that I could ask for at this juncture.”

Arthur looked to the side where a lot of soldiers were gathering, there Sir Gareth and Morien were giving stern speeches to some of the new recruits.

“Those two won’t take too long now… Haha, when you come back, we’ll have a proper battalion of soldiers for you to command!”

Roland’s gaze landed on the two knights who were supposed to be his replacement. He analyzed their current levels and class choices. While they didn’t manage to awaken aura they still had the spirit variants of their classes. With them, they would be able to get more prestigious classes later on, perhaps a Spirit Champion variant just like that one Knight Commander that he encountered.

Name :

Gareth Astastel L133


T2 Spirit Sword Knight L33

T2 Sword Knight L50

T1 Squire L25

T1 Warrior L25

Name :

Morien Hartmond L132


T2 Spirit Spear Knight L32

T2 Spear Knight L50

T1 Squire L25

T1 Warrior L25

“Did you notice?”

“Yes, they have some talent.”

Arthur appeared genuinely pleased with his two knights. With them by Arthur’s side, Roland could likely reduce his direct involvement in his knightly duties. Remaining as the Head-Knight seemed inevitable for a while, given his superior level and combat skills compared to others at similar levels. Moreover, capturing undead monsters meant the duo could enhance their combat skills without falling behind during what could otherwise be considered a rapid and unbalanced leveling phase.

“I appreciate your understanding, Lord Arthur. I will do my best to expedite my research and return as soon as possible. But to do that, I’ll have to ask for something…”

“Oh? Go ahead, if it’s within my power.”

The conversation was unfolding smoothly, and Arthur appeared to be in high spirits. This presented the opportune moment to seek assistance, especially since he wanted to avoid spending a week traveling from one small city to another. Typically, he would have to take a carriage to the port, embark on a ship to reach the mainland, and then proceed by train. Such a journey would consume at least a week or more as monster attacks were possible.

“I need more money, and probably a referral letter so I can take an airship from Isgard…”

“...More money and I-Isgard you say…”

“Why are you looking away?”

“For no reason…”

Roland's eyes narrowed as Arthur averted his gaze upon hearing the mention of needing money for an airship. Travel by such means was a luxury reserved for the wealthy and noble, and the cost was indeed substantial. Roland was aware of his own financial constraints, with the need to repair his home and the anticipated expenses for remaking his armor. However, as the Head-Knight, he earned a nice sum each month. If he could secure a few months' payment in advance, it should adequately cover the expenses for his journey.

“With a referral letter I’ll be able to lower the price even further, your family owns the city, doesn’t it?”

“That it does…”

After a moment of contemplation, Roland discerned that the issue was not solely about the money but rather about the letter. Arthur belonged to the Valerian noble house, headquartered in the largest city on the island, Isgard. His father, and likely some unsettling memories, resided there. If Roland were to possess a letter bearing Arthur's seal, the information would likely find its way to Alexander Valerian's ears.

“How about you just use the traditional means of travel?”

“By sea? I’ve heard that some monsters have been spotted near the shore, it would be better to use the airship.”

“That does sound unfortunate…”

It became evident that Arthur hesitated to draft the letter at this particular juncture. Whether it was reluctance to use the Valerian name for such a purpose or other undisclosed reasons, Roland recognized the need to secure passage to the airship, regardless. While being associated with the Valerian house could potentially grant him a complimentary journey, Roland considered an alternative, more discreet approach. Initially hesitant due to the additional cost, he now saw it as a necessary solution, especially given his Lord's unwillingness to provide the referral.

“If you are feeling so strongly about this issue, then there is another way…”

“There is? Let me hear it.”

“It will cost more gold but… I could present myself as either a merchant or one of their guards.”

“Ah yes, there was that possibility! Everyone takes one or two guards with them on those trips for safety reasons!” josei

“The problem would be finding a willing merchant that won’t just give away the ruse…”

For a moment the two pondered, after a few seconds Arthur raised his finger with a smile on his face.

“If I’m not mistaken, the current Union head had used an airship to get here, perhaps we can use one of their connections to get you a spot on that airship.”

“Hm, that could work.”

“Leave it to me then, it’s the least I could do!”

“Is that so? Then I will leave it in your hands, Lord Arthur. I still have to build that prototype for that church, so I’ll excuse myself then.”

The Union dwarves held the distinction of being the primary producers of flying ships within the kingdom. Given Brylvia's status as a tier 3 Master Runesmith, it was highly likely that he could seek assistance in this matter. While there would still be a cost involved, perhaps he could act as a bodyguard of one of the dwarven merchants or master craftsmen. If he could secure safe passage on one of their ships, his weekly journey wouldn't extend beyond a few days.

With the travel arrangements in progress, Roland returned to his workshop to focus on completing the prototype for the Solarian Church. The days that followed were a flurry of activity, with Roland working tirelessly to ensure the success of his research project before his departure.

The prototype for the Solarian Church was a complex creation, merging various principles of runesmithing. Luckily, Roland had designed and went through all of the technology in various other creations. What he just needed to do here was to combine his knowledge and create what would soon turn the kingdom upside down.

As Roland delved deeper into his work, he found solace in the routine of his craft. The rhythmic tapping of his hammer, the soft glow of enchanted runes, and the hum of magical energy became a familiar symphony. It was during these moments that he could temporarily set aside the weight of his decisions and immerse himself in the art of creation.

However, the impending departure lingered at the back of his mind. Roland couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The journey to the Xandar's Institute of Wizardry held the promise of unparalleled knowledge and resources, yet it also meant stepping into the unknown. He was about to leave the comfort and safety of his familiar surroundings.

As the prototype neared completion, Roland received a magical letter from Professor Arion. The cat professor expressed his anticipation for Roland's arrival at the institute and assured him that preparations were underway to accommodate his research needs. The letter also contained a list of specific topics and questions that Arion hoped Roland would explore during his free time. Many of them focused on runic topics and magical theories that he had previously asked for and some that he gained during his ascension ritual.

The request from Arion seemed peculiar, but Roland considered that it might be a way for him to acquire answers to simple questions that other mages could potentially pose during his stay. It wouldn't be uncommon for someone to test his knowledge while in the library to verify his credentials as a genuine mage.

The decision to keep news of his departure from the city confidential was strategic. Portraying the Head-Knight as injured rather than away from his Lord's territory served as a deliberate move. Revealing his absence might raise suspicions, and Arthur's brothers could view it as an opportunity to exploit the situation. The city, now fortified like a fortress, made it improbable for them to send assassins after Roland while he was here. On the other hand, when away, he could be easily cornered at an unknown location that didn’t favor him.

Despite being accustomed to travel, this would be Roland's first time venturing with newfound fame. Even if he didn’t want to reveal himself, just the notion of him wearing costly runic armor would probably raise a few eyebrows. Opting for an airship provided a way to minimize scrutiny and avoid the curious gazes of onlookers. Having costly equipment among nobles and rich merchants, was considered quite normal and would mask his true nature perfectly.

With the prototype nearing completion and his departure date fast approaching, Roland found himself caught in a whirlwind of preparations. The Solarian Church eagerly awaited the delivery of the prototype, and he knew the impact it could have on the church's standing within the city.

Elodia, too, was deeply engrossed in the activities around the house. She managed the repairs and expansion plans, ensuring that everything would be in order during Roland's absence. The prospect of being apart for an extended period weighed on both their minds, but they remained determined to make the most of the situation.

As the days passed, Roland continued to receive updates from Arthur regarding the arrangements for his journey. The Union dwarves were cooperative, and a spot on the airship seemed secured. While he wasn’t aware of his position quite yet, he hoped for the best. His focus shifted to the prototype that began the final process of assembly which took a bit longer due to him missing his right-hand man.

“I’m sorry that I’m not much help boss…”

“You’re doing fine, after you get used to that arm, you’ll be right back in the smithy just like before.”


One of the primary reasons for Roland's decision to depart was the heavy burden on his conscience regarding Bernir. His friend had lost a limb, and the replacement arm, though functional for basic smithing tasks, was clearly not on par with the original. While seeking assistance from the Union dwarves would have been a quicker resolution, Roland chose to have Bernir work on the project. Offering his assistant an opportunity for hands-on involvement was essential for providing positive reinforcement and preventing him from feeling replaced by outsiders.

“Well, this is about finished… what do you think?”

“I don’t know what to say, it’s very… angular?”

“I guess it is…”

Roland didn’t want to spend too much time on designing the outer shell, so the runic artifact to counter the abyssal sleep looked like an old retro control console. It had a series of buttons, levers, knobs, and switches that were intricately connected to the runic core within. The outer appearance might be lacking in aesthetics, but Roland prioritized functionality over form in this instance. The display panel had a large crystal ball that made it look like an old circular radar.

Roland carefully inspected every detail, ensuring that all components were in sync. The runic core was composed of a plethora of components connected to each other. An augmented golem core was responsible for most of its functions and computing power. With it now being complete, all he needed to do was to pack it up and bring it over to the Solarian church for an explanation.

“It might not be the most visually appealing, but it should get the job done. Now, all that's left is the final testing. Bernir, can you place your hand on this imprint here?”

“You mean on this rectangular glass here?”


After placing his hand down, the area produced some light to showcase that the scanning process was taking place. The crystal orb that acted as the main screen presented them with a simple graphical interface. It showcased the scanning process and allowed him to press one of the buttons to save the mana pattern. After which he compared it to the already stored mana pattern that belonged to Bernir that he had used during the siege.

“It’s working a bit slower than I expected but everything seems to be in order, I’d have to get better golem cores for the next iteration…”

One of the knobs afforded him the capability to customize the area size for the wake-up signal, and activating it was as simple as flicking the side lever. Various options allowed for periodic signal emissions or manual activation. The inclusion of a runic battery and a fail-safe mana fluid pocket enhanced the device's safety features. The prototype was working and could be presented to the Golden Order on schedule.

With the prototype completed and the final testing successfully conducted, Roland felt a sense of relief. The next step was to deliver the artifact to the Solarian Church and present it to the Golden Order. He carefully packed the device in a specially crafted container to protect it during transit. Bernir assisted with the packing process, his excitement evident despite the lingering discomfort from the recent loss of his arm. Soon he arrived at the new cathedral and found Gideon along with some new faces.

‘I guess that’s the new Bishop or rather an archbishop?’

The place buzzed with new arrivals, but Roland's attention was drawn to the tier 3 class holders. Archbishops usually consisted of tier 3 priests with cardinals being tier 4 class holders and above them was only the current pope. The high-level bishops brought with them enhanced healing magics and more potent elixirs. The city would undoubtedly be safer with their presence, as their bodies exuded potent holy energy capable of countering most evil cults.

As Roland approached he was greeted by Gideon, who wore the usual frown on his face. Without any words exchanged the two just nodded at each other as Gideon realized that the shipment of the runic device had arrived. After teaching them how to use it and handing over all the plans, he would complete his part of the contract and be free to leave.

His heart was filled with equal amounts of anticipation and fear. It had been years since he had truly left this place that he now called home. Even the small trip during the golden rank test felt small compared to this grand voyage through the sky. Getting cold feet now wouldn’t do him any good, now he just needed to visit Arthur’s estate and see what he had prepared for him. Soon his journey would take him into the middle regions of the kingdom, a place that he had abandoned a long time ago.

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