The Runesmith

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: Passing Through.

Chapter 408: Passing Through.

The caravan was a diverse assembly of merchants, guards, and adventurers hired for protection. Roland quickly introduced himself to the merchant, whose name was Cedric. Cedric eyed Roland up and down, sizing him up as a bodyguard. The Knight Commander had taken great care to disguise his identity, wearing a hood over his runic helmet to conceal even more of his face. He was quite the imposing sight to behold with a large tower shield in one hand and a thick war hammer in the other.

“You’re one of my new personal guards? I guess you at least look the part, you’ll be riding in the back of my exclusive carriage.”

“That works for me.”

Roland replied with a nod, maintaining a stoic demeanor. Luckily he wasn’t expected to talk or interact with anyone here. Cedric gestured towards the luxurious carriage parked nearby, adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents. It was clear that the merchant spared no expense when it came to his own comfort and safety.

The extravagant appearance of this carriage didn’t fool him one bit. It was made out of magical wood that could resist tier 3 spells and might. Various enchantments were placed over it, and even a pocket for mana fluid, somewhat similar to his own battery technology, was hidden within to power them. It had layers of armoring underneath the wood and was being pulled by a large lizard-like creature that could probably devour a horse whole. Its most characteristic feature was the number of limbs which was at six.

The size of the carriage was comparable to a school bus from his old world, thus it needed a large creature to pull it. The fact that it was meant just for this merchant alone indicated that this man was quite important. Other tier 3 class holders were coming along for the trip, and most of them were stationed near him. From what he knew, the man belonged to the merchant guild that was hoping to open up some new trade routes with Albrook involved. With the presence of the church and the high-level materials from the dungeon, this place had become a gold mine.

After taking his place in the back seat the journey was ready to commence. There was enough space here for him to spread out his legs and it reminded him that he was indeed somewhat well-regarded. Previously, when he was a tier 1 or 2 class holder, the trips with merchants were quite bumpy. Now on the other hand, he was a Platinum-rank adventurer, someone who was part of the elite and respected by others.

‘There are a lot of new faces here and I don’t think anyone has realized that it's me…’

He made sure to keep the runes hidden. Even if his gauntlets and helmet were noticed, unless he started using runic magic, they wouldn’t show up on the outer metal. Most of the adventurers and guards were ones hired at a previous location, so they didn’t know him. Some of them decided to remain in Albrook after their contract was done, so the merchant caravan hired some locals for the trip back. This included him, who added to the personal guards of Cedric, who also had two personal tier 3 class holders to protect him. The man reminded him of the old gnome from Edelgard who had two strong elven assassins in tow.‘I guess, I’m the expandable one from this bunch, I should expect them to ditch me if it becomes too problematic.’

While thinking of potential monster attacks, the caravan started moving. His cart was somewhere in the middle, and if everything went right, there wouldn’t be much that he would need to attend to. No one was expecting any strong monster attacks to befall them. Then there was also a higher concentration of the Valerian army that was responding to the increased cultist activities.

As they reached the gate, the city of Albrook started to fade. He glanced in the direction of his home and could only hope that nothing would happen to his friends and family. Luckily, with the help of magical means, he could continue talking to his wife every day.

“Yes, I’m outside the gates. I’ll call you later. Bye.”

He conversed with Elodia through these magical ways before leaning back in his cabin. The road ahead stretched out into the distance, winding through lush landscapes and occasionally passing by small villages. Cedric was seemingly oblivious to his guards' concerns and continued to chat away with some people inside his carriage. The other two guards were there with him, along with some other business partners. While they were blocking out the sound with the help of some enchantments, he could choose to listen in, but he decided not to.

Instead, Roland gazed out of the window, lost in his thoughts. The landscape was changing gradually as they moved further away from Albrook. The lush greenery gave way to open plains, and the air carried a different scent. The journey ahead wasn’t long, but Roland knew that he needed to stay vigilant. Despite the seemingly peaceful surroundings, danger could lurk around any corner.

Days turned into nights, and the caravan pressed forward. His interactions with other guards and adventurers in the group were minimal; he preferred to keep a low profile and avoided unnecessary attention. The path toward Isgard, the main city on this island of Dragnis, was mostly uneventful with minimal effort needed from his side. Their pace was noticeably swifter than that of the previous caravan he had taken. This acceleration was primarily due to the superior stamina of the current beasts, coupled with their willingness to travel even during the night.

If a merchant possessed sufficient funds, traversing the perilous nights posed no issue. There existed diverse methods to conceal themselves, and in this instance, they restricted the amount of light and sound emanating from their caravan. Every carriage and wagon was enveloped in a kind of mist that rendered it challenging for nocturnal creatures to detect them. Thanks to these precautions, they managed to triple their speed compared to typical expeditions.

Soon, the initial checkpoint on the journey to the Xandar Institute of Wizardry lay ahead - Isgard City. Isgard, a bustling metropolis, stood in stark contrast to the developing Albrook City. With no imminent threats, everyone peered out of their carts, marveling at the grandeur before them. Surprisingly, the first thing that caught his eye was not the giant walls or towers, but the colossal volcano in the background. This city was situated quite close to the renowned super dungeon of Dragnis Island, and now, he could finally witness it in all its imposing glory.

Isgard stood as one of the largest cities in the entire kingdom, accommodating over a million residents at the foot of the towering Emberpeak volcano. Despite its significant distance from the active volcano, Emberpeak sporadically released embers of lava. The landscape in this region differed drastically from that of his hometown; the terrain appeared scorched due to heightened temperatures, and a dense volcanic fog obscured much of the forward view. Remarkably, the city itself seemed capable of dispersing this ashy phenomenon, enabling inhabitants to reside there.

A large chasm encircled the bustling city, initially appearing as a vast moat designed to safeguard against external raids. However, its true purpose was different- it served as a safeguard to capture any potential lava that might trickle down from the ever-active volcano. The sole access to the city was via one of the colossal bridges capable of accommodating multiple caravans side by side.

The bridge itself was a marvel of engineering, crafted from materials that could withstand the extreme heat and occasional tremors from the Emberpeak. Guard towers dotted its length, ensuring the safety of those entering and leaving the city. As the caravan made its way across the bridge, Roland couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension.

Cedric, still within the confines of his luxurious carriage, seemed unfazed by the city's grandeur. He seemed to be taking a nap, roused only by his guards as they approached the city gates. Roland, in contrast, meticulously analyzed every nook and cranny of the architecture. He contemplated whether some of the design choices could be implemented in Albrook’s defenses, though he was well aware that the associated costs would be quite staggering.

Upon crossing the bridge and passing through the massive gates of Isgard, the bustling atmosphere intensified. The city was a vibrant blend of cultures, with people from various regions converging to engage in trade, exchange knowledge, and seek opportunities within the dungeon. While the expansive markets of the city held an enticing promise, time was a luxury he couldn't afford.

The caravan slowly navigated through the crowded streets, with Cedric's extravagant carriage drawing attention from both locals and visitors. Roland observed the diverse array of individuals, from mages in ornate robes to skilled craftsmen showcasing their wares. Isgard served not only as a gathering place for adventurers but also as the central trade hub on the island, ranking among the largest within the entire kingdom. Eventually, the caravan arrived at the designated merchant district where they would disembark.

Cedric's carriage came to a stop, and the guards promptly surrounded it, forming a protective barrier. Roland, still maintaining a low profile, waited for the merchant to step out and make his way to the local merchant guild. As the caravan settled in, the various merchants and adventurers began their own preparations for trade and rest.

Roland's responsibilities as the man’s bodyguard were far from over. Instead, they were heading towards the nearby district where the airshipport was located. Time constraints meant there wouldn't be an opportunity to tour the city or visit the S-rank dungeon. One of Cedric’s personal guards approached Roland while their boss was engrossed in guild business.

One of the guards was a massive man adorned with cute bear ears, his build was truly massive as it equaled the Guild Master’s from Albrook. He clearly fitted the brute fighter archetype, he was a powerhouse. The other guard, positioned before Roland, was significantly smaller. Hailing from a feline tribe, she sported black ears and a fit body, indicating she was likely an agility-focused type. Both guards were striking in appearance, and it seemed their attractiveness might have played a role in their selection as Cedric’s personal bodyguards.

“Listen here newbie, you might be Platinum-rank, but things work differently in Isgard. We're not here to babysit you. Cedric's safety is our top priority, and if you get in the way or slow us down, you'll find yourself on the wrong side of a tough situation. Understand?”

Roland nodded, maintaining his stoic demeanor. He was used to dealing with tough characters, having faced various challenges as a Knight Commander. He recognized that it was better to not go against such people. He didn’t even care if he got paid for this whole mission as he only wanted a spot on that airship.

“Good, Stay close, follow our lead, and don't make any unnecessary moves. We're professionals, and we expect you to act like one!” josei

The feline guard explained, exuding an air of superiority about herself. Roland, desiring to gauge her capabilities, considered reading her status. However, the enchanted items she wore were specifically designed to impede such processes. Preferring to keep things civil, he recognized that this city was not his territory. The abundance of tier 3 class holders in the vicinity made it seem as though they grew on trees. While he could handle a full party by himself, the prospect of facing ten such parties would undoubtedly pose a big challenge.

“Don't worry. If you're as good as they say you are, we won't have any issues. But if you're all show, you'll quickly find out that …”

Before the woman could continue with her monologue the other bear-like guard appeared with the merchant behind him.

“What are you two doing? Come let’s go.”

Cedric shouted at them from a distance, prompting the feline woman to swiftly run to his side. Roland noticed a peculiar angry expression in her glances, something he wasn't accustomed to. It seemed they were underestimating his capabilities to the point of considering him a potential liability. The trio assumed a triangle formation, with Roland positioned at the front and tasked with most of the responsibilities. It was evident that they didn't trust him to watch their backs and preferred to keep a close eye on him instead.

The group made their way through the bustling streets of Isgard, the air thick with the scents of various goods, magical incense, and the occasional waft of volcanic ash. Roland kept his focus ahead, navigating the crowded streets with caution. The feline guard, whose name he had yet to learn, continued to cast suspicious glances in his direction. Fortunately, the path to the port was conveniently close. The merchant guild displayed strategic foresight by setting the headquarters right beside it, making it merely a ten-minute walk away.

As they approached the airship port, the atmosphere changed. The sounds of haggling and the vibrant colors of market stalls faded, replaced by the steady hum of airships. Roland looked up in awe as a multitude of fantastical vessels hovered in the air. Varying in size and design, they were all crafted from enchanted wood and adorned in unique ways. The port, carved from ancient stone, showcased ornate archways and balconies embellished with mystical runes that shimmered in the sunlight, casting an ethereal glow over the entire structure.

Cedric led the way, approaching a particularly large and opulent airship. Its hull was decorated with intricate patterns and adorned with glistening gems. The merchant guild's personal airship was a symbol of their wealth and influence, a testament to their success in the world of trade. The crew members, a mix of humans and various other races, bustled about, preparing the airship for departure.

‘I still have a lot that I can learn…’

Roland was momentarily stunned by the wonders of magical technology unfolding before him. As a runesmith who had recently developed some minor floating capabilities, the prospect of creating such a large vessel felt like a dream come true. Although he typically concealed it, delving into the creation of magical devices was a passion he had learned to cherish. Observing these inventions, he had to resist the urge to examine the intricacies that made them tick.

The ships in the port were supported by peculiar-looking clamps. Roland observed them in action as a nearby ship prepared to land. These large metal clamps extended, resembling fingers with various joints. Analyzing them with his mana sense, Roland was confident that they were golemic creations. The ship descended onto them, securely grasped into place by the intricate clamps. Once the ship was firmly secured, the crew opened a gangplank, allowing the passengers to disembark.

‘I bet those things act as the anchor to hold the ships in place. It probably wouldn’t be possible to leave this port with one of those clamps around the ship either…’

There were magical machines in this world that Roland yearned to examine. Despite the relatively modest level of technology, marvels like these airships captivated him. While not as swift as modern airplanes, they held unique advantages. Typically, a larger ship would be constructed around a levitation stone or floatation stone - a rare mineral that, when harnessed, could lift large objects into the air. With this resource, craftsmen only needed to devise effective means to propel these ships forward. Some utilized sails and winds, akin to regular ships, while others employed magical engines. There were even those that harnessed spirits to ride the wind currents, a domain about which Roland was less informed.

“Stop spacing out, we need to move!”

His contemplations were interrupted by the feline guard as the group prepared to board the merchant ship. The vessel, resembling the size of an older cruise ship, appeared somewhat inferior to the ship used by the church to combat the cultists. This one was designated for transporting valuable merchant goods, securely stored in specialized spatial boxes. Cargo wasn't transported conventionally, as conserving weight on a flying vessel was crucial for its mobility. Exceeding the flotation stone's capabilities in weight would render flight impossible.

“Of course.”

He nodded and followed suit, his eyes darting around as he tried to assess the current situation. They entered through one of the doors that led them to the inside of the airship. The interior was a lavish display of magical craftsmanship, with plush carpets adorning the floor, and intricate chandeliers illuminating the halls with a warm, magical glow. The walls were adorned with enchanting paintings that seemed to come alive as you looked at them.

Typically, his weapons would be confiscated, but being part of the merchant ensemble, he was granted the privilege of keeping them. Everything proceeded according to plan; although he couldn't join the merchants in the more luxurious cabins, he was afforded the freedom to roam the airship.

As the airship prepared for departure, Roland found a quiet corner on the deck to observe the surroundings. The bustling airship port gradually shrank below as the vessel ascended into the sky. The city of Isgard, with its towering walls and the ever-present Emberpeak volcano, became a distant panorama. The wind whistled past, carrying with it the distinct scent of the volcanic fog. On his way to the Institute, Roland harbored the hope that soon he would uncover new intricacies involving runes, enabling him to elevate his craft to a new level.

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