The Runesmith

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: An Interview.

Chapter 415: An Interview.

‘Is this really worth it? Maybe I should just go back … If I work for a while, I might be able to afford an elixir for limb regeneration… But they only give it to important people; I’d have to probably find an underground auction instead…’

Such thoughts were floating around Roland’s mind as he examined his current situation. Bernir’s arm was the main reason he was here, but there were other options to take care of that problem. He didn’t want to risk his luck with the Church too much, as he knew only tier 4 priests were able to perform the miracle of full limb restoration and also needed to bless elixirs that had the same effect.

There weren’t many people of that caliber in the Kingdom, which caused the supply of such potions to dwindle. Only high-ranking nobles like dukes and the royal family had somewhat of an access to such means. Even though he had the key to combating the cultists in his hands, he had not yet proven himself to them. Everything he offered up was still theoretical and it wouldn’t be strange for it to take months or even years for them to see his worth.

Then there was also the Inquisition, who if they chose, could just expose him to interrogation techniques, which were known to never fail. There were magical ways to make people talk, and if he refused to cooperate, his life and the lives of his loved ones were at stake. If he played his cards right and gained merits within this faction, the door to that solution could open up eventually. Until then, learning more about runes, even for other reasons than the prosthetic limb, was not a bad idea.

‘I guess there is always time to get a holy elixir later if I get more money or if they see that that device works. Getting a proper full education with runes can’t hurt…’

Somewhere deep inside, he recognized that alternative solutions existed for overcoming the Bernir issue. His journey to the institute wasn't solely driven by selflessness; he acknowledged that his current level of power was not enough. Attaining the status of a tier 3 class holder hadn't provided the safety he anticipated. However, perhaps if he armed himself with the correct knowledge, he could alleviate this problem.

“Feeling nervous, my friend?”

“Yes, Slightly… but it’s fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”

His thoughts were brought back to the present as his friend Arion patted him on the shoulder. He had arrived at the Institute recently and had spent some time researching the evaluation process with the Professor. He slept very little as there was a lot of material that he needed to get through. He was not sure what the other professors would ask of him, but he needed to get that position as an assistant professor if he wanted to access the library.

“Good, it shouldn’t take long now, someone should come pick you up in a moment. Don’t worry, I’ll be among the staff if any problems arise.”

Roland nodded while recalling the last few days that he had spent in this institute after his arrival. There wasn’t much that he could explore yet as he was just Arion’s guest. His time here was mostly spent reading up on the various laws and history of this magical academy. There wasn’t much time to prepare but with his high intelligence stat and multiple mind trait, he was able to go through multiple tomes of information. He was now somewhat well-informed about the inner and outer workings of this place, at least the ones that were stated in the books.

When it came to his feline friend, he usually spent his days floating around as a cat. He had a special runic artifact that was imbued with a floating stone. Arion apparently had grown accustomed to his feline form and now preferred it. Thanks to being a mage, there were other ways of getting around, and his mind was not diminished even in this smaller black cat form.

“Remember, just give quick answers, to the point so that those bafoons have no room to complain!’

“I will, thanks for the advice.”

He was quite a chatty feline and loved to complain. It made learning quite a chore as Arion would constantly grumble about some other professors and how he wasn’t getting enough funding. This office here was divided into a few sections, but it wasn’t the only part of the runic department; there were other places that he could visit. However, these would open up after he had gained the correct credentials. As it stood, he couldn’t wait to get out of here and get this test over with.

He felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about the challenges that awaited him. The prospect of becoming an assistant professor, while not his initial goal, seemed like an opportunity to gain valuable insights and access to resources that could aid him in his quest for knowledge.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, the door to Arion's office creaked open, and a tall, stern-looking woman entered. She had a no-nonsense demeanor, and her gaze bore into Roland as if assessing him on the spot. She wore the emblem of the academy, indicating her status as a faculty member.

‘Going by the design, she must be an assistant professor.’

There were various designs corresponding to the legendary phoenix beast. It was the symbol of Xandar, the founder who apparently had it as his familiar. From the literature he reviewed, he came to know that the man was an Arch Magus and an Arch Elementalist, to be more precise. The four elemental mage towers that stood at the four corners of this institute were something he created.

The emblem that this woman was wearing was golden, similar to the ones the top students in this academy wore. It was a bit more intricate but also implied that those students weren’t far behind in prestige to an assistant professor. It was one thing that he disliked about this place, as there was a clear divide between the kids that attended. Being a good student couldn’t even propel you past a certain rank as it was locked behind your status and connections. A commoner mage could never join the gold ranks and would need to possess something special to even join the silver ranks.“Mr. Wayland, I presume? Follow me. The evaluation will take place in the second magical testing chamber.”

The assistant professor’s gaze lingered on Roland for a moment before she spoke with a voice that matched her stern expression. She mirrored the demeanor of his own wife who shared a similar work ethic. Nevertheless, her gaze held a distinction; it seemed as if she regarded him as someone of lower status and worth. Perhaps this perception stemmed from Arion's introduction, which presented him as a Platinum adventurer mage who lacked a formal education.

“Yes, that's me.”

Roland replied and turned to Arion while rising from his chair. The floating cat just nodded his head once to indicate that he would follow after them shortly.

“I am Assistant Professor Elara. I will be escorting you to the evaluation. Follow me, and please keep up. We don't have time for dawdling.”

Professor Elara stated, turning on her heel and heading towards the hallway without waiting for a response. The magical door she came through was not the one Roland used to get here as it didn’t lead to a wide open space with floating platforms. Instead, it took them to one of the main wings of the institute and close to the testing chamber.

Roland hastily gathered his belongings and hurried after her.As they walked through the maze-like corridors of the academy, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances from passing students and other faculty members. It seemed news of an outsider undergoing an evaluation had already circulated. His appearance was also a bit more as he wore a full suit of armor with a darkened robe over it.

“I’ve heard that the faculty testing chamber would be used today, is that the person?”

“Is he an artifact user? That armor is fully customized… how interesting.”

The kids were bad at hiding their interest but with one stern glance from Elara, they quickly quieted down. Roland could sense the hum of spells being cast in distant classrooms, and the air itself seemed to vibrate with the presence of latent magical forces. The academy was a place of learning and discovery, and he could only hope that his journey here would give him the answers that he was seeking.

As they approached a grand hall, Roland's eyes widened at the sight of an enormous circular chamber with a high ceiling adorned with intricate runes and symbols. The hall was filled with magical equipment, testing grounds, and platforms for showcasing magical prowess. It was clearly a place where aspiring mages demonstrated their abilities and the place where he would be taking the test. Elara led Roland to a designated area where several other faculty members were already present.

Before him were three unknown individuals, each a bit more unique than the other. The first was an elderly man with a long, flowing beard, his robe adorned with shimmering constellations. The second was a woman with piercing blue eyes and skin, her hair seemingly made of ethereal mist. The third, a man of middle age, exuded an air of scholarly wisdom and shrewdness, his glasses perched on the edge of his nose. Elara gestured for Roland to step forward and address the panel.

“Mr. Wayland, this is the evaluation committee. You will be demonstrating your magical abilities, answering questions, and providing insight into your understanding of runes and magic. Keep in mind that your performance today will determine your eligibility for the position of assistant professor.”

Roland nodded, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He could feel the weight of their expectations, but he was determined to prove himself. The elderly man spoke first, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience.

“Mr. Wayland, we've heard you come highly recommended by Professor Arion, a respected member of our faculty. However, your background is quite unconventional. Thus first, we need to go through the basics, please place your hand on the measuring device.”

The old man was seated in the middle with the other two individuals being to his sides. He was the main judge in this event with the two others having their own votes. Every one of them could ask him questions and also cast a vote. Normally, as long as he received two positive votes then he would be allowed to pass but the old man that looked like Merlin the Wizard had some veto power.

“Of course.”

Roland nodded and moved to the side. The measuring device that had been there from the start. It looked like a simple pedestal with a smooth, crystal-like surface on top. As Roland placed his hand on it, a soft glow enveloped his hand, and the crystal began to emit a low hum. Numbers and symbols flickered on the surface, indicating the flow and nature of Roland's magical energy.

Typically, he would hesitate to use such items in the presence of others. However, Arion assured him that his status would remain concealed when employing the measuring device. Evidently, mages were cautious about having their secrets unveiled to others. On their journey, a mutual understanding emerged among them - an agreement not to pry into each other's secrets, with a strict prohibition against forcibly revealing one’s status screen.

Instead, they opted to measure various aspects of magic in an individual. Roland agreed to have his mana capacity, mana control, and other relevant aspects measured, all without directly disclosing his classes and skills to anyone. The numbers that appeared before him were presented as something akin to a hologram for the mages to see. They quickly started grading him on those symbols and writing something onto separate parchments while The mist-haired woman spoke out to voice her opinion.

“Impressive mana capacity and control, Mr. Wayland and there is something unique in your magical signature. Now, how about you give us a demonstration of your magical prowess? Professor Arion has informed us that you prefer to use magical artifacts like the one you are wearing.”

“That’s true.”

“Splendid, then how about you showcase a Flame Blast spell.”

As the woman issued her instructions, the entire chamber commenced a transformation. It expanded to one side, carving out a specific area for practical demonstrations. Roland sensed a large amount of mana emanating from the very walls that shifted and contorted in response to the spell. Normally he would instantly examine it with his special eyes, but he opted to keep some of his trump cards hidden. Revealing everything to the professors wasn't his primary objective; rather, he aimed to navigate through the assessment, disclosing as little as possible.

At the corridor's end stood five puppets, the intended recipients of Roland's spell. Positioned five meters apart in a straight line, it was evident that they were set up to gauge the destructive potential of his magical abilities. A standard flame blast spell typically covered only three targets, but Roland contemplated modifications. By infusing it with additional mana beyond the usual amount, he speculated that the spell could potentially encompass the entire radius, surpassing the conventional limits.

He focused his mind on the magic within him, summoning the flames through the runes inscribed in his gauntlet. A swirling ball of fire materialized above his outstretched hand, dancing and flickering with vibrant energy. The flames were controlled, forming a compact sphere that emitted both heat and light. Roland manipulated the fire, making it sway and move in intricate patterns, showcasing not just raw power but also finesse.

The panel watched intently, exchanging glances with each other. The elderly man, Merlin-like in his appearance, nodded approvingly. The mist-haired woman wore an intrigued expression, and the scholarly man adjusted his glasses, studying Roland's every movement. Soon the orb of flames shot forward to collide with the wooden puppets and engulfed four of them in a fiery explosion.

“That’s quite the mastery over fire magic or at least, artifact rune usage…”

The scholarly man squinted, closely observing the controlled display of magic that Roland deliberately restrained. Although Roland could have engulfed the entire area in flames, he opted for a more measured presentation, aligning himself with the standards of other professors. Standing out wasn't his objective; nor did he harbor long-term aspirations within the institute. Achieving the role of an assistant professor was his primary goal, and he believed that this restrained demonstration of magical prowess should suffice to meet the expectations.

“ ... But magic is diverse. How about something that requires precision and thinking?”

Shortly after, the shooting range area retracted, morphing into a new challenge. Before Roland were an array of large and small stones, each adorned with runic structures or traces. The task was apparent; he had to employ a form of magic to arrange these stones into the correct configuration. Some of the boulders were sizable, likely weighing close to a ton. Without the assistance of a levitation spell or a considerable amount of magical power, maneuvering these massive stones would prove to be a difficult challenge.

For someone with Roland's skills, this task posed little difficulty. Employing his mage hand spell to manipulate most of the rocks and a levitation spell to reduce their weight proved to be a straightforward process. The runic patterns involved were also well within his extensive knowledge. Assembling them felt akin to reconstructing broken schematics, a task he had considerable experience with. After calculating the expected duration for such an endeavor, he opted to complete the task in a slightly above-average time.

“Your proficiency in runic manipulation is evident, but how deep is your understanding of other theories and the institute? Please answer the following questions…”

The scholarly man started firing questions at Roland, delving into various aspects of magical theory, the history of the institute, and the intricacies of different magical schools of thought. Roland, drawing upon the extensive knowledge he gained during his cramming sessions, answered each question with precision. His high intelligence and multiple mind traits were proving to be valuable assets, allowing him to recall and process information swiftly. josei

As he answered the questions, he couldn't help but notice the subtle nods and exchanged glances between the panel members. It seemed they were gradually becoming more convinced of his capabilities. This was true for two of them, the one that was constantly asking him more obscure questions seemed not convinced. The shrewd scholar had been someone Arion disliked and it was becoming clear that he was not too keen on Roland becoming part of this magical academy. Luckily, he was not the main faculty member here.

“Professor Delauder, I think that’s more than enough, our young friend here has already answered enough of our questions. How about we just go ahead and move on to the last test, mh?”

The blue lady nodded while the man called Delauder harrumphed. It seemed that he had made it to the end, now he just needed to pass the final trial, something that he was confident in achieving.

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