The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 260 - 259

Chapter 260 - 259: Li Wei's Sick

Eunji went out of the VIP box and immediately decided to go back to the hotel right after.

She heard Nathan calling her but she ignored him.

When she got back through the window, she then called for Angelina as she needed her help.

"What do you mean that J and your uncle Mike are your enemies?" Angelina asked her.

"I saw-- No, I spied on them and they were with this unknown person and he wanted to target Nathan and my family." Eunji said.

"Then, you should go back and be with them again." Angelina said in urgency.

"I can't...It's too dangerous. I can protect myself but my children...I don't know if I can. The best way to protect them is to stay away from them."

"But what's the difference? Eunji, whether you stay away from them or not, your enemies are still there. They would still target them." Angelina said.

Eunji was silent as Angelina had a point there.

"Then...why don't you go and marry Nathan as Devie of ELEK Group? No one had known that you're Eunji."

"J told them that I am alive. I guess they already knew by now that I am the chairman of ELEK Group." Eunji said.

"What?!" Angelina exclaimed in shock.

"'re in a tight spot now Eunji." Angelina spoke as she looked at Eunji who was sitting on her bed.

"Seems like even if you are dead, your enemies kept on coming. You're losing time Eunji. You have to hurry up." Angelina added.

"Yes. I have to double, triple my effort." Eunji said.

"It's time for me to chase them to the pits of hell. It's time for me to say hi to those scumbags. It's time for me to enter the rabbit hole and pull them out one by one from wonderland." She said as she stood up from the bed and went towards the window.

"Okay...then tell me about your plan." Angelina said.

"Make a joint venture between NJ Holding Corp. in discreet. It's up to you how you will do it. Don't allow J to know about this. Someone wanted to destroy Bai Corp. And I want to protect my husband and my children." Eunji said meaningfully.

"Are you sure about this?" Angelina asked as soon as she heard Eunji's plan.

"Yes! I have to protect my husband's name and the companies he had built with his blood and sweat."

"What are you going to do with J?" Angelina asked in curiosity.

"Honestly, I want to banish him as my punishment. But who knows if someone would go and help him and he would plot against my family?" Eunji said indifferently.

Then, the only thing that's waiting for J now was either death or being held captive by Eunji.

"What if everything's just a misunderstanding?" Angelina said meaningfully.

"I did hope and wish that I misunderstood him. But...J, he betrayed me. I could no longer understand him!"

"He's just someone who's in love with you Eunji." Angelina reasoned. She sounded like she was defending J in front of Eunji.

"Yes! And because of that damn feelings, he become the worst! J's someone that I could no longer trust. I have to act now before it's too late!" Eunji told Angelina honestly.

"'s your decision and I'll support you." She said after giving it some thought.

"I hope whatever is going on between the both of you won't change your decision and our loyalty towards me in the end." Eunji commented.

"How did you know?!" Angelina asked in shock and disbelief.

"Well, I have my ways." She simply answered.

"Don't worry. I'm not someone who bites the person who helped me." Angelina said after she composed herself.

"Thank you." Eunji told her in gratitude.

"Now...after this event, I want you to clear my schedule." She told her.

Angelina didn't ask her why as she knew the reason why Eunji asked for an indefinite leave of absence from the company.

"For how long?" Angelina asked.

"Until I say so." Eunji answered.

"I just hope you won't take long. Your empire still needs their Empress, you know." Angelina joked making Eunji to chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'll be back within a year." She said.josei

"I want to finish everything within a year. Don't worry. I'd show up when my presence is badly needed. Hopefully, nothing will happen that might prolong it." She added with a smile.

Little did Eunji knew that fate would do dirty tricks on her.


The convention went without any major event happened aside from the instances where in Frederick Heart kept on pestering her almost every day.

The man wanted to make some revenge for humiliating him during the breakfast meeting with the other delegates the other day.

But there's nothing he could do since the security around Eunji was so tight and all his men would always fail whenever he planned on something.

Eunji acted as if nothing happened when she's around J. She was somehow thankful that they had a misunderstanding between them before hand and she had a reason to distance from him.

Day five came and it was time for the Chinese delegates' turn on the convention.

Eunji had delivered her speech as planned. She talked about many things related to technology, innovation and business.

She was somehow surprised to see Marco attending the event and not Nathan. Maybe something had happened at home why he was not able to make it.

She asked Angelina to let someone investigate on what happened on their side. Angelina pulled her to the ladies room and told her that one of her sons got hospitalized.

Right after she received the news, Eunji immediately left the hotel without saying goodbye and rushed towards the hospital where her son was being confined.

Angelina wanted to stop her but she was not able to do so. She could only hold the mask that Eunji tossed when she left.

She didn't even change into a more casual outfit when she left. She's still wearing her Coco Chanel suit.

She heaved a sigh when she thought that at least the cubicles were empty.

However, J saw Eunji leaving the hotel in a hurry.

Thus, he followed Eunji.

Eunji on the other hand was preoccupied with the thoughts regarding her sons.

While she was on the way, she asked Alora to hack on the database of the hospital and locate where her son's room and also hack the security system so she could get in without being noticed by the hospital security.

"Mistress! Someone's following you." Alora reported on her through her car's speaker.

"Deal with him." Eunji coldly said. She knew it was J following behind her as she was familiar with his car.

"Okay." Alora said.

As soon as Eunji's car passed the intersection, the traffic light immediately turned red causing almost accidents on the highway.

But Eunji didn't mind about the damage she had caused. The important thing for her now was that she would reach the hospital and find out her son's condition.

She immediately went inside the back entrance of the hospital used the fire exit to reach the VIP ward section of the hospital.

Many guards were guarding the main entrance of the VIP ward making it difficult for anyone to get in without being noticed.

But who is she? She's Eunji.

She flicked her fingers and silver needles appeared in the space between her index finger and her thumb.

She threw them towards the guards and they immediately fell down on the floor, unconscious.

As she entered, she saw many private doors in which one was where her son was staying.

As expected, two guards were guarding on the door of her son's room. And they were no stranger to Eunji.

They were Daren and Derek.

She approached the two men who were shocked to see her in front of them.

"I'm sorry Miss but who are you?" Derek asked her.

But Eunji was silent. Her silence made the twins to frown.

Eunji was trying to listen to whatever was going on inside the ward.

"How's the patient inside." She asked them.

Eunji sighed as she knew that there's no way her question would be answered by them.

She had no other choice but to hypnotize them to submit to her command.

"Young Master Li Wei is already fine. His fever had finally went down. He only needed a day of rest to recover." It was Derek who answered.

"What happened? How did it come to this?" She asked him.

"Master Boss punished the young masters for being stubborn and making a fuss. He locked the two of them inside the room for a long time and when we opened the door, Young Master Midori was very weak after he had cried for a long time. When he woke up this morning, he was already running a fever." He answered.

'Nathan! What have you done to our kid?' She asked in her thoughts.

Her interrogation stopped when she flicked her needles knocking the two of them unconscious.

As she got inside, she saw a sleeping Li Wei in the middle of his hospital bed with an IV drip attached on his small left hand.

She immediately rushed towards him and held her son's hand without having any second thoughts.

She acted with impulse as she heard no movement inside the room. Alora also reported Nathan's car was not in the parking lot so she was in the perfect time to visit her son.

"Li" she called him softly as he was still sleeping.

She then placed the back of her hand on top of his forehead to check his temperature. She heaved a huge sigh of relief when she felt his temperature was indeed normal.

She could not help but scold Nathan in her heart for letting him end up in this situation.

She learned that between his boys, Li Wei had a weaker body compared to Li Jun. Li Wei could easily got sick.

Nathan should have been more patience when dealing with him. And besides, he's still too young to receive such punishment from his father.

Eunji wanted to stay inside the ward for a little longer but Alora alarmed her that a group of people were coming towards the ward.

They were not strangers to her as she knew them.

Eunji had no other choice but to reluctantly leave her son. She planted a sweet kiss on his forehead hoping that he would recover quickly.

She pulled the needles from Derek and Darren's neck making them to be conscious. Then she hypnotized them to forget about what happened within the last hour that she was there.

She did the same thing to the guards guarding outside.

Eunji immediately hide by the stairs as she heard the elevator opened.

There, she saw Celine, Li Jun and Mei who was holding a little girl on her arms.

As soon as Eunji saw the little girl's face, she was stunned for a while.

The child...she looked like her!

'What's going on?' Eunji asked herself.

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