The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 267 - 266

Chapter 267 - 266: Her Mother's Past

Later that night after making sure that Sophie was asleep, Eunji visited Layla's room as she wanted to talk to her mother.

She thought that now's the time for her and her mom to talk.

She softly knocked on her door and seconds later, the door opened revealing Layla who was already on her pajamas.

"Eve! What are you doing there? Come, get inside." Layla invited her inside the room.

"Eomma, did I disturb you? Are you okay for a late conversation? If it's not, let's have this talk when I'm back."

"Silly child, you're here already, why wait for later? I was just about to read another chapter of the novel that I was reading out of boredom. So yeah, you're not disturbing at all." Layla said while beckoning for Eunji to sit beside her on the bed.

"How's Sophie?" She asked Eunji.

"Sophie's sound asleep." Eunji said.

"Already?" She asked in surprise as when Eunji was absent, the earliest time that Sophie would go to bed would be eight-thirty in the evening. It's still eight and she's already on bed.

"Yes. She's usually like this when I'm around. She didn't want me to be upset." She said.

"Awe! She's so precious Eve." Layla remarked as her heart melted for her granddaughter.

"Yes she is, Eomma and I'm looking forward to meet my other three kids." She sincerely said.

"I hope you'll be fully happy Eve." Layla sincerely wished for her daughter to find the happiness that her heart had been desiring for a long time.

"Thank you, Eomma." Eunji said as she affectionately clung to her mother.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Layla said.

"Eomma, how are you? How are you coping up with Appa's death and everything that had happened to us?" She asked as she looked at her mom who was caught off-guard with her question.

She knew her mother really well.

Layla had a tendency to push all the reasons of her sadness at the back of her head as if it didn't happen.

She would pretend that everything's okay for her to not be hurt.

That way, people would think that she's strong and fine but actually she wasn't. She would silently whip on the corner when those memories came back.

And she knew she was doing the same thing with regards to the news of her father and sister's death.

"It's okay, Eomma...I'm here. You're not alone. Talk it out with me, yeah? I'm still unwell, too. Let's be unwell together then so that we will be okay after." Eunji tried to humor the last part as she tried to lighten up the mood. But obviously it failed.

"Nam Joon! Your dad...How I wish he was there when I woke up but he was not! He's gone right?" Layla became teary and her voice trembled as she asked Eunji.

Eunji gently caressed her back as she hugged her trembling shoulders.

"Eomma, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I failed to save you that night." Eunji's voice was trembling as she said that.

She was holding back a sob after all but she let it go when she felt Layla's tears soaking her top.

"It's okay child. It's not your fault nor was your sister's." She said in between her sob.

Layla didn't blame Ana for stabbing them and almost killing her that night. So why should she blame Eve for that, too?

She could not bear to do so as their mother.

She blamed herself instead for failing to protect her two daughters.

She failed as their mothers the moment she let the mercenary system had her two daughters.

She's responsible of how the two of them ended up.

"Mianhe!" Layla sobbed as she asked for Eunji's forgiveness.

"No Eomma! You're not at fault! It was our choice!" Eunji said as she had a clue of why her mother was apologizing.

"No one guessed that tragic night would happen, too. But still, I failed you, Appa and Ana-unnie." Eunji said...

"Don't worry Eomma, we will have our revenge soon." Eunji said as she comforted her mother.

But Layla could not help but worry for her daughter when she heard that. Well, she already guessed that her daughter was already walking on that path but it's still not too late to go back, right?

"Don't worry, Eomma..." Eunji's voice trailed off as she wiped off her mother's tears just like what Layla was doing to her at the moment.

Seeing the worries in her mother's eyes, Eunji sighed deep down and then said, "If I won't do this, they'll continue chasing after our backs if I won't stop them now. I don't want my children to live a life where in every move we do, we would constantly check behind our backs to see if they're there. I have to do this Eomma, for their future."

Layla could not help but nod in agreement.

Eunji was right, if they won't be defeated now, then they would always be a threat for her grandchildren's future later on.

"For me to do that, Eomma, I want to know how you escaped death that night?" Eunji asked after she saw that her mom had calmed down.

She believed that the person who saved her mother could give her a clearer vision about the things that happened in the past.

"Uncle Mike told me that both you and dad are already lifeless when they arrived in our base." Eunji continued.

"I don't know how I survived either child but I woke up almost a month ago inside this hospital room. I wanted to talk to my doctors but they didn't talk to me." Layla started.

"Have you met the person who kept you in there? The mafia don?" Eunji probed.

Layla sighed as she heard Eunji talking about that person.

"Eomma?" Eunji asked softly.

"I did. He visited me when he found out I was finally awake." Layla answered.

"Who is he Eomma? Why did he keep you? I really thought you're dead." Eunji asked once again.

Silence answered her as Layla suddenly became quiet.

She got the feeling that her mother didn't want her to know about this. But she had the rights to know, right?

"That mafia don that you're talking about..." Layla's voice trailed off. Hesitation was evident in her words.

"That mafia don was my best friend before." She said after a moment of silence.

"Best friend? Why do I feel like he's no longer a friend?" Eunji probed.

"Yes...he ruined our friendship after he killed your father, Kim Min Joon."

"I don't understand. Didn't father die because of grandma Kim husband's plot?" Eunji asked Layla.

"He was an accomplice. He was against me and your dad's marriage. I thought that was because he cared for me but he had become obsessed with me. His love had become toxic." Layla confessed in a soft voice.

"He thought that after Min Joon died, I'll go with him. But no, your uncle Nam Joon came and saved us." Layla said in a trembling voice for the second time.

"After he found out that I had ran away, he looked for my whereabouts crazily. That's why Nam Joon, your uncle convinced me that it was safe for us to stay in the organization." Layla paused as she tried to gulp down the lump that was slowly forming inside her throat again.

Eunji wanted to discontinue and comfort her mother but Layla stopped her. Compared to talking about her two husband's death, this topic was more bearable than that.

Her daughter had the right to know, too. If this could help her plan then she should tell her everything.

"Nam Joon said that we would be protected there if we'll stay inside. And yes, I was out of his radar. For years, he didn't knew where I was."

"It was just a coincidence that he joined the people who attacked our base that night and that's when he found me almost lifeless." She said.

Woah! So her mother's love story was this colorful. Sure enough, her mother was actually really pretty and could deceive everyone about her true age. Even if she was on her fifties, she looked like she's on her late thirties. Maybe because she was in a vegetative state for a long time that she almost didn't age on those time.

"And now that I escaped once again, he would surely look for me. I've heard that he had a great network of influence now that he's a mafia don." Layla said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry about him Eomma, I had him under monitor. I'll know first if he had plans to come and get you away from me." Eunji promised.

"You don't understand, Eve." Someone's backing him." Eunji frowned when she heard that.

"Who Eomma?" She asked.

"My biological father. Your grandfather." Layla answered.

"What!" Eunji asked in disbelief.

"He's the worst man I had ever known. It's better if we don't cross path with him in this life." Layla said with hatred and resentment evident in her eyes and trembling voice.

"He caused my mother's death." Layla said.

"He banished me and my mom from his house because he believed that Mom had committed adultery. He even believed that I was not his child."

"Wow! Then he's such a scumbag. He deserved to die a miserable death!" Eunji said coldly.

She didn't know her mom had this miserable childhood at all.

It's her fault for not asking.

"Eomma already had a weaker heart but because of what he did, she died. And I was raised by mom's friend later on. Maybe he realized the truth that's why he was after me."

"Now, I believed that he approached Francais who was already my friend that time and asked him that if he could bring me back, he would be his son-in-law. I think that's how he got the courage to be an accomplice and kill Min Joon with his own hands." Layla sadly said.

"What does he want from you, Eomma? From us?" Eunji asked her mother.

"He wanted an heir." Layla sighed.

"What?!" Eunji exclaimed.josei

Because of it, their life was in a mess! She could not believe that one of the reasons why her life was in a mess was because of this.

"A male heir if possible. Someone who could continue his legacy." Layla continued.

But of course since he was on a coveted position, someone was also after his throne. And these people would do everything just to not make her return.

Well, Layla had no intentions to come back in that household again.

"And now I am afraid that since Francais had known that I am awake, he must have told that man that I am alive. Or I guess he had already known that I am alive. I'm sure that he's also looking for me. And if he knew that you existed, that man would also go after you and my precious grandchildren."

What more? His ambition to have a male heir was already fulfilled with Li Wei and Li Jun.

Then, her children's life was in great danger if those people learned about them.

Eunji could only heaved a deep sigh deep down.

"Don't worry, Eomma. I'll try my very best and make sure that they won't know about where you are. About me and most importantly, about my children." She vowed.

"Child...if you really wanted to take revenge find out what exactly happened to your sister on the days that she was away from us. She was not herself when she came into our base and started slaughtering everyone." Layla said.

"Yes, Eomma, she was abducted and was drugged by our enemies. They brainwashed her and controlled her mentally. That's why she was like that." Eunji told Layla of what she had known.

"Poor child. Have you known who did it to her?" Layla asked.

"Yes, Eomma." She did. It was Jake's organization who did it.

Unfortunately Jake's organization had become stronger as they seek alliance to other mercenary groups.

So if she wanted to slaughter them to avenge her sister's death, she had to kill more than a thousand mercenaries.

It's not that she couldn't she just didn't want to risk her safety.

She planned to take them one by one in different direction so they won't know that their enemy was actually one person.

"One more thing Eomma, Master Liu told me that there's a possibility for Ana unnie to be alive. In fact, she had approached my husband and introduced herself as me." Eunji didn't hide this to Layla.

"What?" Layla asked in surprise. The hope to meeting her daughter again was evident in her eyes.

"Yes, Eomma. But I still have to confirm if it was really her." Eunji added.

"If it's her, then I'll bring her here with us." Eunji promised to Layla.

"Please do!" Layla said in high hopes.

Eunji smiled at her mother and called it a night.

"Alright! I think I have to go back now before Sophie started knocking on the doors in this manor to look for me." Eunji said.

"Go! She'll cry if she found out that you're not beside her."

"Goodnight, Eomma!" Eunji hugged her mother as she wished her a good night.

"Goodnight to you, Evelina."

"Sweet dreams, Eomma!"

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