The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 271 - 270

Chapter 271 - 270: Telling Her About Ana

Hearing Angelina's regret, Eunji sighed deeply.

"So I was fucking the fake Jin Jie while the real J was Eagle all along?" Angelina asked Eunji.

"He's not really Eagle. He sometimes borrows Eagle's identity to accompany me in dangerous missions. And Eagle knew of that." Eunji told her.

"I know it still upsets you but it was already too late when I found out that you were involved with him, the fake Jin Jie." She continued.

Seeing that his cover was fully discovered, Ling Bao could no longer insist his stolen identity.

He furiously looked at Jin Jie with hatred in his eyes.

"It's your fault! You should have been dead!" Ling Bao furiously glared at Jin Jie. He still could not believe that their plan failed.

"Me?!" J scoffed as he pointed at himself.

"Do you really think that I would die miserably after locking me up inside that abandoned warehouse and treat me like a dog right?" J spat coldly with a mix of mocking towards Ling Bao.

"I treated you like a brother after you married my sister but what did you do! Blame yourself for what you have end up with now?" J angrily spat at Ling Bao.

"Because of you, my relationship with Eunji was almost ruined! Because of your scheme, I lost my hand!" J said and rolled up the sleeve on his right arm showing that from his elbow down to his arm, it was already a prosthetic robot that Eunji had made for him.

Angelina gasped in shock as she saw J's arm. Not only that, J had lost his right ear too. It was not that obvious because he was wearing a hood and a prosthetic ear.

J escaped from that place by burning it. He had to amputate his arm because it got stock during his escape. His face and his ear was burnt but thanks to plastic surgery, his face was saved.

Unfortunately, his ear was forever lost and had to be replaced by a prosthetic ear attached on the original area.

"Today, you will pay for what you have done with J." Eunji looked at him coldly.

"No! Please Eunji! All I did was to love you! I love you since the day I saw you at the party!" He insisted.

"I never asked you to! You're not worthy!" She refuted him harshly angering Ling Bao.

"And who's worthy of you?! Him?!" He scoffed confidently as he continued, "That husband of yours?! He can't even keep you and save you." He said.

"You're wrong about that. It's because of the people like you that continuously tried to separate the two of us apart!" Eunji was clearly done with him.

"And today, I'll end this madness." She said.

"Wait! What are you going to do?" He cried in alarm.

But Eunji did not hear his cries and she looked at Ling Bao with deep hatred then she turned her attention to J who was now holding a syringe and a vial of a drug.

He then pierced the needle on the vial and transferred all of its contents on it.

"Is there anything else you want to say before I'll end you?" Eunji spoke as she took the syringe from J's hands and then walked towards him.

"No...don't please spare me! Eunji! You're so cruel! All I did was to love you...wholeheartedly." He said with deep hatred and regret.

Eunji didn't listen to his rant and she used hypnosis to him once again.

"Tell me who are those people you have talked with inside the pub in Paris." She demanded after she saw his eyes had became blank.

"I don't know...I don't know what you're talking about." Ling Bao said.

Eunji frowned as she heard him. She then looked at J with a questioning look making J to sigh.

"Later," was what he could only tell her.

He knew there's no way he could hide this fact from Eunji.

Eunji felt that she was actually being betrayed by Jin Jie by hiding this from her.

Jin Jie on the other hand thought that he was careful enough in doing this but he was not.

Eunji looked at J with a heavy heart and injected the syringe to Ling Bao killing him in the process immediately.

After what happened inside, J and Eunji walked out of the room leaving Angelina alone with Ling Bao's dead body.

J and Eunji walked towards her office which was one of the rooms in this facility.

As she entered, she immediately turned around to J and looked at him with her questioning look.

"Speak." She coldly said.josei

"Seems like you know what I did in Paris." J sighed.

"Can we please at least sit down so we could talk this out properly?" He asked trying to ease down the tension in the atmosphere.

"Sit if you want to." She told him indifferently.

Obviously she was angry.

"How long do you plan to hide this from me, J?" She asked him finally.

"I didn't mean to. It's not my intention." He defended.

"For goodness sake J! You know I hate secrets. But why? What have you done!" She told him in helplessness.

"I'm sorry Eunji. I really thought that what I did would benefit you." He said.

"What? Are you even listening to yourself? Tell me!" Eunji said in her pleading tone.

J sighed as he had no choice but to satisfy her with his answer.

"Eunji...that night, they were Anastasia and Jonathan Roland, Kelly's biological father, whom I came to meet." He said.

"What?" Eunji mumbled in disbelief.

"My sister?" She asked him.

"Yes. Your sister's alive and it was Jonathan Roland who was helping her." J continued.

This made Eunji to be silent.

"Based on your reaction, I guess you already have an idea that she's alive?" He asked.

Eunji remained silent. She was neither admitting nor denying his question.

"Master Liu told me about the possibility. He told me yesterday that someone approached my family and pretended to be me." She said.

"Well I guess, she's already starting her plan." He said.

"What plan?" She asked him.

"She's out for Nathan's blood." He answered.

"Wh-at? What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"She wanted to hurt Nathan...I don't exactly know how he hurt her in the past. She didn't tell me at all. I guess, she didn't fully trust me. She only said that Nathan hurt her in the past." He said.

"I was also told that Michael Roland somehow had an involvement to what happened that night with your whole family and the people in the base." He revealed.

"What?" Eunji spat in disbelief.

"And I guess he intended to meddle with your memory of what happened that night and the reason why you're in depression for a long time to buy time." He told his theory.

"How..." Eunji furrowed as she tried to put the puzzle pieces together.

"Ana revealed that Mike Roland had some love interest with your mother. He wanted to take your mother from your dad." Jin Jie added.

Something clicked on Eunji's mind as she heard his latter statement.

Her eyes widened as she thought of something.

"Since when did you know that Ana's actually alive?" She asked him.

"I've known it when I went abroad for that surgery that you had arranged for me." He sincerely confessed.

"What?! How could you!" She yelled at him.

"When I was about to go into the operating room, someone came inside my room. When I opened, I was shocked that it was Uncle Mike but he actually was not. He introduced himself as Jonathan Roland. He then brought me to this place where I saw Ana was lying down. He explained to me what happened to her. And why she was still in a coma." He added.

"He told me to keep this a secret as we still didn't know when Ana would wake up. They had their reasons and they wanted my help. I didn't know what kind of help they were talking about. When Ana woke up, she told me what kind of help she wanted. She thought that I was still in love with you. So she wanted me to keep you away from Nathan and be with you in the end."

"What?" Eunji felt like her head had a short-circuit after she heard that.

"Eunji, your sister...I don't feel right about her. What ever they were planning, I decided to play along. I have to know what she was actually up to between you and Nathan. She wanted to hurt Nathan and if you get involved, she could not promise not to hurt you."

Eunji had became silent.

She somehow knew what J was trying to say.

"Until when do you plan to hide this from me?" She looked at him. Somehow the anger that she felt for J subsided a little bit.

"Honestly, I don't plan on telling you this. I plan to stop them with the best of my ability. You're already busy doing something. I don't want this to add up on your burden." J said.

Would Eunji believed him though?

" you realize that I have every rights on Earth to know about my sister?!" She asked him.

'With what you've done, I don't think I could trust you honestly.' She continued in her mind.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He bowed down his head as he asked for her forgiveness.

But Eunji remained silent.

"Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" She asked him.

"That's all that I'm hiding from you. Nothing more." He said.

But Eunji doubted him. She felt that there's something deeper on the picture.

"If you found more from them, tell me." She said.

Eunji was idirectly trying to give J an opportunity to say it to her when he's ready. She wanted him to prove his loyalty.

J knew that Eunji was already doubting him. It was sad reality that he had to accept after hiding such big news from her.

"Eunji, know that I never meant to bring you harm." He sincerely said.

"I know." 'And I hope so J.' Eunji acknowledged that.

"Now that you knew that your sister's alive, what are you going to do?" He asked her.

"I don't know...I don't want to think about it at the moment." Eunji said.

"Anyways, now that Ling Bao's dead, I guess, it's time for me to punish the Ling and the Jin." She said trying to change the topic.

"En! Tell me what I should do next."

"For now. Be in Ling Bao's place. You know what to do." Eunji casually instructed.


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