The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 274 - 273

Chapter 274 - 273: I Only Came Here To Say Hi

Eunji followed the crowd as they visited every chamber.

Kai, the name of the artist, was actually not a stranger to her. He's an acquaintance. He's from South Korea but he was based on Canada where they happened to bump into each other.

From the last time she heard of him, he moved here in Beijing after he met his girlfriend and now fiancé who was a local here.

As what he had told her when they had this conversation over the phone, he was going to move to Beijing to be closer with his future wife's family.

Well, it was Eunji's idea that he should choose what his heart wanted even if it would mean leaving everything he had in Canada and resettle in a foreign land.

He was head over heels in love with his fiancé.

The fact that majority of the subjects of the painting on the fourth chamber was mostly her, was a big proof of that.

Eunji scanned around the room and she saw the man she missed the most.

Unfortunately, he was with her sister who was possessively clinging on his arm. They were talking to Kai and his fiancé Xia Ning.

To her disappointment, he could not find any discomfort on Nathan's face.

This made her to feel discomfort on her chest making her to look away.

The thought of them hugging and kissing and even doing what married couples do made her heart like it was being torn apart. A lump was slowly forming on her throat and her eyes was starting to go red.

But Eunji stopped herself from showing that she was hurt after she saw them acting being affectionate in front of everyone.

She wondered if they had shared a bed together and had s*x in their own bed.

'God No!' Her mind screamed as she could not and didn't want to accept that thought of happening for real at all.

'That's the price you get for leaving him as if it was for good.' Her mind mocked her.

Ana met Nathan before she did. They almost had a family should that day didn't happen. They should have been the real couple and Nathan and her should have been in-laws.

'Hey, you still had not talked to your sister on what she wanted from Nathan?' Her mind reminded her.

'You should warn him of the danger that she would bring on Nathan and to your family.' She continued.

Maybe...maybe Nathan was like every man who could be easily deceived by just the appearance.

She thought he loved her because they had that special connection that no one could fake.

Oh boy! Seems like she was wrong.

And for Ana, her sister, Eunji was still clueless of her motives as to why she had approached her family.

Did she want to replace her place and be Nathan's wife? What if she wanted that. Based on her body language, she looked like she had feelings with Nathan.

In fact, there's no trace of hate in her eyes as she looked at Nathan, only love and affection. If she's only faking it, then she's an A-lister of an actress!

Well, as an assassin or a mercenary who liked to play with the targets before killing them, acting was such a very important skill to possess and Anastasia was one of the best actress she had met.

That's why it was hard for Eunji to read her.

Her sister could be her worst opponent ever.

If she would insist in coming in between them, what should she do? Should she kill her, too?

She would do it if she was someone else just like what she had done to Aimee but she's her damn sister!

Even if she betrayed her in this life, she could never dare entertain the thought of killing her.

Aside from Nathan, it was Ana whom she had shared deep connections with.

So, should she give up her happiness and let her sister be happy with the man they both loved?

Eunji didn't want to entertain that idea at all! She didn't want to lose the person who made her feel that she was special. Who made her feel what loving really meant.

At the same time, she didn't want to lose a family member. Not again!

Eunji seemed to be looking at a certain painting while she was being lost in her thoughts. Because of this, she didn't realize that Nathan and Kai was actually walking towards her.

It was Alora who talked on her in-ear earpiece that made her to snap back to reality.

'Mistress! Danger's coming!' Alora said with urgency.

Recognizing what was exactly going on, Eunji recollected herself and she pretended as if she was looking at the painting and appreciating it.

Xia Ning and Ana must have gone to the powder room together.

Well, that's a woman thing to do. It's pretty common.

A clearing of throat made her acknowledge that they were already behind her.

She turned around and saw Kai frowning and at then smiled upon recognizing who she was.

"If it's not the aloof Miss D, then who would it be?" He smiled.

"Kai!" Eunji smiled back and the two exchanged a friendly hug.

Eunji immediately broke off the hug when she felt sharp gazes looking towards them making her uncomfortable.

"Oh my! I'm glad you made it! I didn't expect you would come at all!" Kai exclaimed in happiness when they broke off the hug.

Though the chances that they met could only be counted in one finger, Kai liked to befriend Eunji after they shared that one conversation about her insights in arts and photography.

Which for Kai was simply amazing and interesting.

"You did tell me that you'll be having an art exhibit here in Beijing. You even sent me an invitation, right? I just happened to be here at the right time and free at the moment so I decided to come." Eunji gave herself an excuse.

"I did. And even made sure that you'd receive it just in case you changed your mind and came here. I thought Beijing left you a bad impression." Kai gave too much information that Eunji wanted to give him a smack at the back of his head.

"It's not like that. I just happened to have painful memories here. Coming here is my first step to making terms with my past." She tried to explain.

"I'm sorry if I looked underdressed and offended your guests." She apologized.

"Had I known that they'd be wearing cocktail dresses, I should have worn something close to the theme. Something worthy for the red carpet entrance." Eunji looked at all the women in the room.

"Oh come on! Be yourself! Who knows you would find a partner among the ladies here?" Kai meaningfully said.

Eunji inwardly face palmed herself when she heard Kai's statement. Kai thought that she's a lesbian as she didn't entertain the boys who were hovering around her when they were at the bar that night.

"I already found mine long ago, sadly, we have to part ways temporarily. Now, I am here to get that person back." She meaningfully said throwing a side glimpse towards Nathan.

She inwardly freaked out when she saw him looking at her.

She hoped that Kai would leave her alone and bring Nathan with him as being around with Nathan had suddenly made her extremely uncomfortable.

Kai had been lost on their conversation that he forgot about Nathan who was standing on beside him and everyone's curious gazes towards them.

They had not seen Kai being so fond with a woman aside from his fiancé. Seeing their body language, they looked like they had known each other for a long time.

They wondered if Xia Ning, Kai's fiancé knew of her.

They had been talking fluently in French. If it was in English, it would be easier to understand what they were talking.

Most of them were clueless but Nathan was not as he could understand what they were saying.

'Now, he would thought that I'm gay.' She said.

"I'm sorry, let me introduce you to the person who made this art exhibition possible. Miss D, meet the one and only Nathan Bai." Kai finally introduced Nathan to her.

"It's nice to meet you again!" Nathan spoke in French as he offered his hand towards her for a handshake.

Something that's beyond their wildest imagination.

They received a news of his wife's death but he never gave any news of confirmation about it for a year now. They could not even find evidence to support of it that's why they thought that it was only a malicious rumor trying to ruin the relationship between him and his wife.

But they could not help not to be curious. They had not seen them attending any events together ever since they made their marriage public.

Even the public had not officially met the aloof and mysterious Missus Bai.

Another rumor resurfaced saying that the marriage was a nominal marriage and they had divorced a few months after because of infidelity.

And still, Nathan remained silent as usual. He didn't honor any interviews who wanted to pry in his private life to protect his family especially his three precious children.

They were far more important than addressing those rumors.

The fact that he's still wearing his wedding band meant that he's still married and he had been loyal with Eunji ever since she was gone.

He even paid the officer at the marriage registration office to keep them married until forever even if the law might say otherwise.

Eunji just looked at his hand which was hanging on the air waiting for her response.

"Likewise." She answered him back in French as she looked at him head on.

Eunji felt like patting herself on the shoulder as she managed to utter a word under Nathan's sharp gaze.

But her eyes watered when she saw the ring on Nathan's left ring finger.

She looked away as she tried to pretend that dust had entered her eyes making her to tear up.

She subconsciously touched her chest as she tried to feel the rings that she had turned into a necklace.

She gave Sophie the promise ring that Nathan had given to her. She made it a part of her daughter's necklace.

She hoped that Nathan didn't mind of what she had done to the ring he gave her.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked as he saw that Eunji was having a discomfort.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eunji shifted back to her poker face.

"The dust just happened to enter my eyes." She lied.

"Why didn't you tell me that the two of you knows each other?" Kai asked.

"Actually, I already know him. I mean who wouldn't? He was someone whom everyone wanted to have collaborations with. Even my boss wanted to have business with him. Don't worry. I'm not here for that. I'm here for a vacation, not business related." Eunji swiftly gave her explanation.

She didn't care if she sounded defensive in a sense. All she cared was that she could deliver a good explanation.

"And we happened to bump into each other when I was on a trip to Paris with the boys a couple of days ago." He meaningfully said.

"That's interesting to hear. If I didn't know that you loved your wife, I would assume that you're interested with her." Kai gave his comments towards him.

"And you my dear, had I not known that you swing the other way and actually had your partner, I would think that you're attracted to Mister Bai." He added this time while looking at her.

"Yeah. Well...I guess, its now time for you both to go back to your wife and fiancé before the people here misunderstood us." Eunji cautiously said as she heard from Alora that Ana and Xia Ning had already left the powder room.

And besides, it's easy for someone to misunderstood them and might make gossip about them.

"No! You're my VIP guest! You should come with me while meeting them." Kai insisted.

"No...I only came here to say 'hi' to you. And besides, I'm not here for them and it's not my thing...really. I'd rather have my camera and start taking photos of the scenes outside." She meaningfully said.

She was clearly hinting a certain someone of something.

She heaved a sigh when she saw Nathan's reaction.

She smiled at Nathan and then to Kai then her phone buzzed so she picked it up.

It was Angelina calling her.

"I guess I have to leave. It's nice to see all of your masterpieces Kai. I once told you to let go and follow your heart and pursue your future wife. Who would have thought that you'll also find Mister Bai and make him your sponsor? I'm proud of you! She gave Kai one last friendly half hug and then she looked at Nathan.

"It's nice to meet you again Mister Bai." Eunji said in French.

"Goodbye!" She bid her goodbye to both Kai and Nathan.

"Wait! How long will you be staying here in Beijing? Can we invite you for dinner later?" Kai suddenly asked as he didn't want to accept her leaving so early.

He wanted to hang out with her.

"I don't even know where you are staying." He added.

"I'm not free tonight. I'm going to visit my lover tonight." She answered him meaningfully.

"I might hang out in QPRC since my boss was generous enough to book me a suite there." She hinted.

"But...I don't have access there." Kai said in defeat.

'Of course. I know. It's not meant for you, anyways.' She said in her thought.

"Okay." Nathan said which surprised Kai.

He already expected that Nathan had a membership there. He's super rich after all.

Kai wanted to ask Nathan if he could come along but seeing his poker face, he was sure that he won't agree even if he would beg him and gave him a kowtow.

Eunji ignored Kai as she gave Nathan a quick stare and she hurriedly left before Ana and Xia Ning reached their spot.josei

"Honey, who's that?" Xia Ning asked Kai as she saw Eunji's leaving back.

"Hubby, who's that?" Ana asked Nathan.

Nathan looked at her with affection on his eyes and said, "Kai's friend."

"Oh okay." Ana said.

She looked like she's not interested with the woman's identity but deep down, she actually was.

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