The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 276 - 275

Chapter 276 - 275: Motherly Love

"Yes son, I am your Mommy." Eunji softly admitted to her son whose eyes brightened in delight after he had confirmed it from her.

"Really?" He asked her not because he doubted her or he wanted for second confirmation but because he was just surprised to find out that his gut feeling was right!

And he was beyond proud of himself for that.

"Yes!" She confirmed with a wide smile.

"I knew it!" Li Wei beamed with pride. He even made a little victory fist pump in the air.

"I knew it! Daddy and big brother didn't believe me but I knew I got you!" He proudly said.

"Mommy, can I have a hug?" He asked her shyly.

"Sure baby. Come!" Eunji spread her arms wide as she beckoned him to come in for a hug.

Li Wei stood up from the bed and rushed threw himself on her embrace.

Li Wei hugged his mother tightly and Eunji returned the favor. She sniffed his sent as if imprinting on her memory how her son smelt like. Baby smell gave off comfort and relaxation for her.

Weird but that's just how she usually do with Sophia.

"Mommy…" Bai Li Wei had become emotional while being trapped in the arms of his mother.

"Yes baby! I'm sorry if Mommy had come back late." Eunji said in her hoarse voice as she was trying to hold back her tears but she failed miserably.

Maybe because his brother was sad, Li Jun who was also sleeping earlier woke up from his sleep.

He was a bit surprised to see the woman whom his brother had accidentally bumped into in Paris hugging him. He then got up in a sitting position and looked at them.

"Hi!" Eunji greeted him softly yet with enthusiasm when she saw that her other son was already awake.

"Hello." Li Jun replied to her calmly with his still sleepy voice.

"Brother, she's our mom!" Li Wei excitedly told his brother as he got out from his mother's embrace.

"Are you really our mother?" He asked with a little bit of hesitation on his voice but the expectation that it was true.

"Yes I am my child." Eunji gently told him as she smiled to him.

Bai Li Jun frowned as he looked at her.

Eunji thought that his son didn't believe her unlike Li Wei but to her surprise, Li Jun suddenly reached out to her and touched her face with his little fingers.

Eunji didn't realize that she was actually crying.

"Don't cry. It hurts here to see you cry." Li Jun softly said as he pointed out the area where his heart was.

Eunji who heard his son coaxing her could no longer hold back her feelings and tears surged out from her tear ducts like a water fall.

"What should we do! Mommy's crying brother!" Li Wei asked his brother, Li Jun in panic.

"Mommy? Don't cry. You cry, we cry, too." Li Wei softly said with his cute, handsome and innocent face looking at Eunji with pure sincere worry.

Eunji chuckled as she sniffed her clogged nose at the same time.

"Come here! Give mommy a hug." Eunji beckoned her two sons and they did come and gave Eunji a tight hug.

"Mommy!" Both Li Wei and Li Jun cried in unison.

"Shhh! It's okay baby, Mommy's here now. I'm here..." she coaxed her two sons while looking at her other daughter who was peacefully sleeping and unbothered of what was going on around her.

"Ahm...I hate to say this Mistress're running out of time. They're almost done there." Alora gently reminded on her ear.

"Okay." Eunji said as she wiped her tears away.

"Ahmm...boys, can you both do mommy a favor?" She asked them with a shaky yet serious voice.

The boys reluctantly let go of the hug as they sat down and looked at their mother as if they were soldiers waiting for the commander's order.

Eunji smiled as she thought of how insync the boys were.

The feeling of actually hugging and smelling them was still overwhelming yet satisfying for her.

And she didn't want this short reunion to end but it had to. She had to bid goodbye to them....for now.

"What is it, mommy?" Li Wei curiously asked.

"Are you going to leave now?" Li Jun asked with a sad expression on the face.

"Unfortunately yes..." Eunji voice trailed off as she deeply sighed as she confirmed it.

"No! Don't go, mommy! Don't you love us?" Li Wei had become emotional and Li Jun was comforting him.

"No! I love you boys so much! Please don't think that I don't! Not a single day that I'm away from you guys that I don't think of you. You, and your dad had always been in my heart everyday. And now...little Eve, too." She said as she reached out and caressed her daughter's arms.

"Then why do you want to leave us?" Li Wei asked.

"Because it's not yet the right time for us to reunite, yet. I'll talk to your dad when I could be with you again. But this won't be the last time. We'll meet again, yeah? Until then, I want you both to protect your sister. Be obedient to your Grandma and Aunt Yuki, okay? Listen to your dad. He cares for you all. And though he was super busy at times but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you." She gently said.

"Mommy…what about that woman." Li Jun asked her.

"Mommy, is she a friend? Why does she looks like you. And what does she wants from us." Li Jun followed up.

"About her, she's mommy's twin sister. She's a family that I thought had been dead a long time ago. I don't know what she wanted from our family, yet. It's mommy's task to find that out from her. Still, respect and listen to her because one, she's your aunt; two, she's older than you. Respect her just like how you respect your Aunty Yuki." Eunji honestly told them at the same time giving them instructions on how to treat Ana.

"Okay Mommy. Will do." Li Jun said while Li Wei was already sobbing.

Among her sons, Li Jun had this more mature and calm mind. He was more clear-headed and could control his emotions really well compared to Li Wei who was the emotional one. And she could depend on him to look over his other two siblings.

"And don't let her know about today. I'll approach her myself. If ever she lays a finger on any of you, don't hesitate to call me." She added.

She then looked at Lee Yunha and said, "Give me your KSA phone."

And Lee Yunha didn't hesitate to give it to her.

"Here. Use this. Press five and I'll hear what's happening in your end. I'll promise to send help right away. You can press five to call me too and I'll answer it. Keep this and don't let others to see this phone. Not even your dad." She sternly reminded them.

"Do you understand me boys?" Li Jun and Li Wei both nodded even if the latter was still crying.

"Good! Now...I have to go. Remember what I said, okay?" She said as she gave them both a tight hug before she would leave.

"Li Wei…my son, as the older brother...I'll count on you." She said giving the task to Li Jun.

She also didn't forget to kiss her other daughter a goodbye kiss on the forehead.

"Bye for now my little princess. Mommy will formally meet you, soon." She sworn.

"Mommy! Can I go with you?" Li Wei's clinginess was evident in his voice.

"You can't son, for now. But I promise that we will reunite so soon. For now, I want you to man up and be strong!" She said as she patted their heads and planted soft kisses on their faces.

"Will you be coming on our birthday?" Li Jun suddenly asked her.

"Of course. I don't want to miss that. Someone's looking forward for that day to come too." She honestly replied and hinted about Sophie's existence.

"Remember what I said okay? Now lay down and pretend that you're asleep. Your dad and aunt will be coming soon." She reminded them and the two boys obeyed her.

"I love you, Mommy!" Li Wei and Li Jun said in unison.

"Thank you my little princes. Mommy loves you both, too!"

"Now close your eyes." She gently told them and the boys agreed.

"Alora, I want what happened here to be deleted from this building's CCTV database. You know what to do." She instructed.

"Roger that!"

Eunji then walked towards Mei and Celine and she said, "Remember to not tell this to anyone. Even to Nathan. I miss you guys. So much! I'm sorry if we have to meet like this. Neechan, Mom." Eunji wiped the tears that fell down on her eyes as she give them each a tight hug not minding if they would return it or not.

The effectiveness of her hypnotism had long been expired on them. When they snapped out of it, they felt disoriented for a couple of seconds.

And when they recalled what just had happened, they saw the mysterious woman interacting with the boys.

They both wanted to confront the woman who had done this to them but the woman's accomplice stopped them.

They were both glad that they did or else they would ruin such touching scene.

They had just witnessed such heartwarming scene between the mother and the boys.

They were silently crying on the sidelines as they watched it unfold in front of them.

The love that Eunji had felt for her children was overflowing from her body, warming the atmosphere inside the room.

The bond that these three shared was very remarkable and deserved a two thumbs-up.

They had seen from her eyes the motherly love, care, and affection that a mother should possess for her children. Something that was missing from the fake one.

This had proved Celine's suspicion and validated her doubts towards the fake Eunji which turned out to be Eunji's twin sister as what they had discovered.

And now, hearing her voice, they confirmed that this woman with a different face was the real Eunji.

Going back to reality, Eunji cleared her throat to clear the awkwardness on the atmosphere.

"I know my sudden appearance with a different face had raised a web of questions inside your head. I'll answer all of that later. Sadly, not now as I barely have time." She continued.

Eunji then sighed as she said, "This won't be the last that we will meet. As of now, I have to painfully bid a goodbye to you both. Please continue looking after my children while I am away. Please don't make it obvious that you know the truth. I don't know my sister's plan yet."

She sadly said leaving them a bunch of reminders and favors to ask as she reluctantly turned towards the door and about to walk out in a hurry with Lee Yunha following behind.

"Wait!" Yuki suddenly called out making Eunji to halt on her steps.

"Eunji-chan...whatever your reason is, we will wait for your explanation and will listen to you. Don't worry about your children...I will protect them in your absence. And...your secret is safe with mom and I." Celine reassured.

"Thank you, Neechan!" Eunji smiled and she looked away as she was about to leave.

"Be careful! Please come back to us, your family sooner." Mei said in a pleading tone.

"Don't worry, Mom. I will. Until then...goodbye for now."

When Eunji walked out of the door, she approached the three guards and pulled out her needles from them skillfully.

"Nothing happened here. Understood?" She sternly told them.

"Ye-s!" They said in unison.


When Nathan and Ana came back from the art exhibit, they were being accompanied by Kai and his fiancé, Xia Ning.

"Kaasan!" Nathan greeted Mei as he hugged her.

Mei and Yuki immediately washed their face with tap water and re-applied their make up to hide the red eyes that they had from crying.

The boys were also lying flat on the bed and they even pretended that they had just woken up.

Such great little actors indeed.

Li Wei's eyes looked puffy as he had been crying earlier and that caught Nathan and Ana's attention.

"What happened?" Nathan asked.

"Nothing Daddy. I just had a super bad dream while I was sleeping. I didn't know that I was crying. Good thing Grandma was there to wake me up." He said convincingly making Nathan to believe his son's lies.

They both knew that lying's bad but they could not just tell the truth to their dad with the woman around.

They had to be extra careful.

"Come here, Midori." Nathan beckoned for his son to come. He knew he was lying but he let him be. He would talk to him alone.

Li Wei hesitantly walked towards his father with his head bowed down.

Nathan lifted him up in the air and carried him in his arms.

"Do you know what would make that bad dream to go away?" He asked him.

"What, Daddy?"

"Ice cream." He softly answered.josei

"Can I have a cup after dinner, then?" He cutely asked his dad.


Then he looked at Kai and said, "It's ask Tang Hao to send you our family photo which would be your guide for our family painting. Would that do?" He asked him.

"Yes Mr. Bai! That would do." Kai agreed.

The two parties then bid their goodbyes as they went for dinner separately.

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