The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 298 - 297

Chapter 298 - 297: Making Fun Of Nathan

Ana went into the hotel where Jin Jie was staying right after their talk with Eunji at the Mo Hospital happened.

"Anastasia..." his voice trailed off as he saw her sitting on the couch of his suite as soon as he opened the door of his room.

"You seemed to be not surprised seeing me here." She comented as she stood up and walked towards him with her unsteady steps.

"Are you drunk?" He asked her.

"Oops!" She then mustered a laugh when she stumbled into his arms.

"Sorry." She apologized to him.

"What have you done to yourself. You know alcohol is bad for you." He scolded her.

"Geez! You're not my mother to nag at me." She spat as she tried to push him away.

"At least take good care of your health. Eunji would surely be sad should she found out that you're like this." He continued.

"Nope!" She said with a popping 'P' sound in the end.

"She probably hated me now." She said sadly.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I tell her everything. She didn't know what's good to her so I have to tell her." She said.

J could only sigh as he thought, 'You don't know what's good for you, too.'

But there's no way he would speak to her this way or she would surely go nuts especially when she's drunk.

He then looked down and saw that Ana had fallen asleep in his arms.

J had no other choice but to carry him towards his room so she could rest properly.

J still hoped that when Eunji figured out everything, she would not hate Ana but instead understood her more. No, he didn't want them to be at each other's throat.

That would be the most tragic thing to witness.

No, he didn't harbor any hate towards Ana as he understood where she was coming from.

Ana was in a tight position too. She had to push Eunji away from her.


Meanwhile, their first night as a whole family in the cabin was really lively. The atmosphere was filled with giggles from the kids and laughters from the adults.

They were gathered around the huge living room and they moved the furniture further back to give more space.

Nathan was sitting opposite to Eunji on the floor while the three kids were at the center.

Mei and Sana decided to sit on the couch as they were comfortable with it. Angelina and Marco also came in to watch.

The boys were so active in showing off their talents to their mother. Little Eve too showed off her modeling skills as Eunji kept on taking photos of her with her camera.

Of course! Eunji felt proud and happy that she was blessed with four adorable children.

She wondered what they wanted to become in the future.

She knew it was still too early to ask them but she wanted to find out so she could plan ahead for them.

So she started with her eldest.

"Xiao Jun, what's your dream when you grow up?" She asked her son who was sitting properly beside his dad.

Upon hearing her question, Li Jun looked at his dad and didn't even have a second thought as he answered.

"I want to be a successful business man like dad." He innocently replied.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I am the eldest."

His answer made Eunji to feel sad and at the same time worry for her son. She didn't want him to be burdened by the responsibility of being the next breadwinner because he's the eldest.

"No son. You could be whoever you wanted to be. Be a pianist or an artist. It's fine. Really. You don't have to follow your dad or mine's footsteps." She tried to persuade him.

"But being on top means that I could protect dad, you, grandma and my siblings from danger." He added.

Where did he even get this idea?

She then looked at Nathan for help. She wanted him to chose his life that he wanted and be happy with it not because he was forced by his birth right.

Seeing her feeling stressed, Nathan stepped in to help her.

"Aoi, your mother's right. As long as I am here and capable to protect the family, you can do whatever you wanted in life." He said.

"But what if you're no longer capable?" Li Jun asked which made everyone surrounding him to be silent.

Angelina and Marco on the other hand tried to stop a giggle from escaping their lips.

They were sending two thumbs up on the little man who was so brave in asking his dad with such type of question.

Even Eunji could not stop a giggle escaping from her lips.

He was indeed her son. He inherited this savageness from her.

"Niichan's right, Dad. You won't stay forever young in this world. You'll get old and wrinkled eventually. So we, your sons have to step up our game in order to protect Mommy and the girls of the family." Li Wei butted in which gained Eunji's interest.

"Oh? Then what does Xiao Wei wanted to be when he grew up?" She asked his second son who was sitting on her lap.

"I wanted to be a soldier. That way, I can protect you mom and my sister from the bad guys who wanted to take both of you away from us." He seriously said making everyone to be speechless again.

"Oops! Someone inherited the possessiveness of a certain someone." Angelina added making Marco who was standing beside her to agree with what she had said.

This comment even made Mei and Sana to laugh, too.

"Aiya! These two boys. You both are still young to think about those things. Just enjoy your childhood. Don't let adult matters worry you that much." Mei seriously told them making the two boys to make a cute pout.

Then later on, they both smiled at her.

"Doctor?" Little Eve mumbled weakly which made everyone to turn their attention towards her.

"You want to be a doctor?" Eunji asked her youngest.

"Yeah." She softly replied.

"That's cool then my sister could treat mommy when she's sick." Li Jun said happily which made Eunji to look at Nathan who was smiling proudly at his children.

But then that smile faded when he saw her serious gaze looking at her.

"What? I didn't coach them. In fact, this was the first time that I heard it, too." He tried to explain himself from her.

Eunji stopped pressing on the matter as she knew that Nathan was not really lying.

Nathan was just proud that even with their mom's absence, they still cared for Eunji.

Should he be jealous with his wife though?

Nah, he's not that petty to even think about it. At least his lecture that they should love and cherish their mother more than him had paid off.

But then that proud feeling faded when Li Wei talked again.

"Aside from being a soldier, I wanted to be as handsome and beautiful as my mom and dad too so pretty ladies would surround me just like dad." Li Wei said making everyone to burst out laughing aside from Nathan.

"Oops!" He even innocently covered his little mouth as he knew that he should have not talked about it to anyone.

"Son? Where did you learn that from?" He seemed to be smiling but he wanted to pinch his little cheeks so hard as punishment.

"No one Daddy." Li Wei said but Nathan didn't believe it.

"Tell me, come on! I'll buy you a new camera." He said.

"Seriously hubby? Wanting to bribe our son?" She said with disapproval.

But Nathan still waited for his son's answer but who would have thought that it would little Eve who would give it in a mumble.

"Uncle Derek." She mumbled.

Derek who was guarding outside sneezed after that.


"Are you okay?" Darren asked as he handed him the cup of coffee.

"Thanks!" He said as he accepted the cup from his brother oblivious to the fact that Nathan was cooking up a punishment for him.

Back inside, Nathan reached out and scooped his little princess up then howered her with kisses making her to giggle.

"Thank you princess. You really love Daddy, do you?" He asked and the little girl grinned.

"No! Mommy!" She said as she pointed her little finger towards her mom and tried to let go from him so she could go to her mom.

This made Nathan to be uttered speechless. He had no other choice but to let her go.

He felt betrayed now.

He then turned looked beside to his eldest who tried to ignore him as he innocently said, "Don't worry Dad. I'll surely grow up handsome but I won't be like you in that department."

This made Nathan and everyone to be rendered speechless on the nth time of the day.

Li Jun then crawled towards his mother's side and sat beside Li Wei.

Even Mei and Sana had also ignored his plea for help.

The situation was hilarious. They were exactly making fun of Nathan.

This made Nathan to stand up and wanted to leave. He didn't like this feeling at all. But then the savage queen finally spoke.

"Why are you so upsetHe's not even lying when he said that. Aigoo! I could still remember how many pretty girls I have to lecture just so they could stay away from you." She said.

"Wifey? You too?" He asked in disbelief.

"En! Me, too!" She said as she put down little Eve on the floor as she walked towards him.

Then with everyone looking, she continued, "Even so, I wouldn't mind that as the end game would always be us." She smiled.

"Kids, it's okay to make fun with your dad but not always. After all, he's my life, too and I would be sad if he's sad, too." She sweetly said and then whispered, "Happy?" She asked and Nathan nodded.

"Mommy, are you two going to kiss?" Li Jun asked making her to blush.

"Ahem! I think this is enough, it's already late. Time to sleep." Eunji said as she tried to clear the awkward atmosphere despite the fact that she was blushing.

Mei and Sana agreed with her and retired to thier assigned room.

Angelina volunteered help in preparing them to sleep up to tucking the kids to bed since she was used to it with Sophie.

Nathan and Eunji also stayed with them to read them bedtime stories.

After the kids had finally fallen asleep, Nathan and Eunji went to their room and talked about her plan.

"Are you sure you didn't want me to go with you?" He asked her.

"No. Stay here for a couple of days until I say so. I'll be comfortable and would be in relief to know that the kids will be with you." She stressed.

"But what about you? Don't you need me there, too?" He asked.josei

Eunji decided that before she would bring her family to S. Korea, she had to find out the truth of her birth from Layla.

"Of course I need you hubby. But I want to face this alone." She said making Nathan to be stressed while he looked at her.

"Wifey!" He sighed helplessly.

"Please hubby. It's just going to be a few days." She pleaded.

Well aside from that reason, she wanted to organize a surprise birthday party for the kids too.

She wanted this birthday party to be meaningful for her family.

"What are you going to tell the kids? They would surely ask where you were when they wake up tomorrow morning.

And this saddened her.

She was sure that they would be upset to find out that she was already gone when they wake up.

"Just come up with an excuse for me yeah? I'll call as soon as I landed." She said and Nathan knew that there's no changing her mind with this.

Nathan stayed on the cabin for a couple of days before they decided to fly to S. Korea.

Mo Jing-sheng called Nathan to find out his next move.

Nathan decided to follow his wife's plan.

Also he asked Young Master Mo to hide the fact of where they were heading to.

The lesser the people know, the better.

And besides, it's for their safety, too.

The boys were sad to be separated to the aunties, uncles and grandparents.

Especially when they didn't know until when they would stay there.

Her dad also forbade them in contacting anyone until they were permitted to do so. That made them very upset.

But at least they were happy that they would be celebrating their birthday with their mother.

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