The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 306 - 305

Chapter 306 - 305: Journal

Nathan left the conference room with his blood pressure reaching over the roof. Marco who was walking beside him then leaned towards him as he said, "Master Boss, the media men are still camping outside waiting to see you. Some of them were even demanding for an interview or a press conference to address the issue causing the scandal."

'Let them wait how long they want. We won't give them what they want except for the official statement from our PR and Legal Team." Nathan said as he fixed the tie on his neck to loosen it up.

"I understand Master Boss. I will tell the PR team to submit a copy of the official statement in your email immediately after they're done." He said.

"Tell them I want my copy within an hour." Nathan then paused for a moment when he saw that it was raining outside.

He then sighed as he continued, "As for those people outside, don't let them starve and be in the cold. Give them hot soup from my favorite restaurant. And charge everything on my credit card." He then took his wallet from his pocket and took out his gold credit card and tossed it to Marco.

Marco caught it with his left hand and then he opened the door of his office for Nathan to get in.

"As for those who are stubborn and don't know how to read the lines, make them leave immediately. Get the name of their news company and their names before letting them go so we could press the right charges." Nathan said before he slumped his body on the comfort of his executive chair.

"Copy that Master!"

"You're dismissed after you're done doing everything that I asked you to do. Go home, rest and then report tomorrow after you get a good amount of sleep." Nathan reminded Marco.

"Thank you Master but as one of your assistant, we're all in this together. I have vowed since day one that making your life easier as my boss is my top priority. All the sleepless nights will be worth it Master after we clear your name in everything." Marco said before he bowed his head to excuse himself.

Nathan could hear the ticking of the clock after Marco left his office. He was grateful to have such employee like Marco and Tang Hao who were both dedicated to their job.

He was thinking of giving them a raise and a bonus after all of these were done.

Nathan closed his eyes as he tried to rest his throbbing head. He also gently rubbed the back of his neck hoping it would ease the tension.

A devilish smirk then suddenly displayed on his beautiful lips as thoughts of how he would torture the Luo brothers came into his mind.

On the other side of the globe, Eunji slowly made her way inside the building with Alora's guidance.

She heaved a sigh of relief after Alora said that the lab was actually empty.

Seems like Mike Roland temporarily left the lab to get some errands and it would take time for him to return to the lab.

She had asked for Alora to hack the system of the laboratory but her AI found nothing except from the same published reports that they already known.

But she knew that there's more than that and should be hidden somewhere.

Eunji and Alora successfully opened the security lock and they slipped inside with caution.

Eunji looked at the familiar place that she had stayed until she woke up when she was ten years old.

But even that memory that she had, she didn't know if she should believe to any of it.

Now, she tried to challenge the memories she had while she was here with what she's seeing in front of her.

So far, her past memory had coincide with what she was seeing now. There were no alterations done in the arrangements of every equipments. It was like no one had touched any of them since she left.

Well kudos to Mike Roland, he really maintained this place well.

Eunji didn't realize it but her two feet brought her to her former room.

She was not surprised to see that nothing had also changed with the furniture inside her former room except that they were all covered with white cloth to prevent the dust and other insects to cause damage on them.

Eunji removed the cloth off from her bed and she slowly sat down on it.

Then she closed her eyes as she tried to recall what her father would usually do when he's with her and not in their base camp.

She was then taken to her memories when she's still the innocent little girl.


Kim Nam Joon was on his study when the little Eunji came knocking on his door with a glass of milk on her hand.

"Appa! For you!" She happily said and Nam Joon stopped what he was doing and took the glass from her little hand.

Little Eunji watched as he gulped everything in one go. Then, she pulled out a chair and sat beside him so she could watch closely what her father was actually doing.

As she saw the old looking notebook on top of his table, Eunji's cute face pouted.

"Appa? Why do you still use that worn out journal? Do we lack money?" The young Eunji asked making Nam Joon to be speechless.

Before he could even answer his daughter, little Eunji continued, "Don't worry Appa, I'll buy you many when I grow up and become rich!"

Nam Joon could only chuckle and shook his head because of her silliness.

***End of Flashback***

"Right, that journal!" She suddenly exclaimed as soon as she remembered about it.

"I hope you're still there where I keep you." She whispered to herself as she leap off the bed and moved it to the side.

She then looked for the familiar spot underneath her bed which served as he treasure safe when she's little.

She removed the vinyl cover off the floor as soon as she had finally located. She paused when she saw the familiar wood tiles inserted in the middle of the concrete floor.

Her dad asked her to keep those journals for him like her own treasures so she decided to keep it here.

She didn't realize the importance of those journals until this day.

She frowned when she realized that she had to open it with a key. The key which she had lost in the past.

She then look for tools in her bag which could open this lock. She smiled when thankfully, she brought it with her today.

She wasted no time and started to open it.

She smiled especially after she heard the *click!* sound and so she immediately lifted the wood tile.

She heaved a sigh when she saw the thick journals inside especially when they were in a completely good condition.

She then took out the first journal and placed it inside her bag. She decided that she should bring all of them with her and read it in her safe place and not when someone might barge inside this room.

After placing the three journals inside her bag, Eunji zipped it close making sure that no water could penetrait it just in case it would rain outside.

She then tucked her bag safely behind her back and decided to immediately leave the place.

She decided to come back tomorrow to face Mike. She had more important things to do than staring to interrogate them.

"You better hurry Mistress as he's near." Alora warned in her ear.

"I'm on it." Eunji said as she locked it back on place and then placed the vinyl cover back and readjusted the bed.

She also covered the bed back with the white cloth. She had to make sure that everything was just like before she touched everything.

Eunji then closed the door of her room behind her back and decided to exit the laboratory using the secret passage that she had once discovered before.

While walking on the corridor, she heard a noise coming from one of the doors. She wanted to open check it out but Alora reminded her that Mike was already on the entrance of the building.

So she had to stop herself.

Eunji safely went out of the building with ease and she immediately hopped on her Ducati which she had parked on the camera's blind spot and sped off like her life depends on it.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Mike got inside after he had punched in security pin. He then placed the bag of food on top of the first table that he saw.

He then checked on everything around him and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that nothing was changed inside the room when he left just an hour ago.

It was as if he was already expecting that someone would enter the building and get inside this lab. With everything that had been going on, he was sure that someone would do that anytime of the day. On what day, that, he didn't know.

But one thing's for sure, he's ready to face the person who would dare to confront him.

Mike Roland then went inside the room that he was using inside the laboratory and decided to take a shower.

As soon as the water touched his skin, the water falling on the drainage turned dark brown.

He continued washing himself until the water flowing on the drainage had become clear.

When she was done, he then grabbed his bathrobe and wrapped it inside his body. When he was done, he then looked at himself on the mirror and watched as his appearance changed.

If Eunji was present she was sure that she won't be able to recognize this face as the Mike Roland that she knew.

But if Layla would see him, she can immediately recognize him.

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