The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 312 - 311

Chapter 312 - 311: Back To Seoul

Nathan and Eunji had decided that it's better if they would fly back to Beijing together just to have a peace of mind.

Yes, she had the plan to stay for a while so she could confront Mike Roland earlier but she had no energy for another emotional confrontation as of the moment.

So, she decided to leave Switzerland together with her father's journals.

But Eunji would not be staying in Beijing, she would be leaving to Seoul as soon as they landed in the airport.

Angelina had sent her a message that Mei and the rest would be arriving to Seoul in the morning while she would be back in Seoul on the afternoon of the same day.

She had instructed Angelina to bring them to ELEK Group building and let them rest there while waiting for her.

Unfortunately, the siblings would not be meeting yet since Sophie and Layla were with Master Liu in Busan.

That thought of their reunion made her to be excited, happy and nervous at the same time. She was nervous to know what their reaction when they meet.

Boarding his private jet, Nathan and Eunji left Geneva around eighteen hundred hour.

Eunji looked at Nathan who was sleeping in their private room inside the plane after they had eaten dinner on board.

She caressed his tired face gently as she hummed a lullaby to him.

Eunji could not bear to see him this tired looking.

She knew that Nathan tried to be strong for her despite the fact that he was facing a big problem, too.

Without him, she realized that she would have been drowning in her own world and would be consumed by deep hatred against the world.

She probably would have missed the most important things.

Thanks to him, she had more reasons to be strong and not be drowned by the truth no matter how painful it was.

Though it's hard to come to terms with it, she had other responsibilities like being a mother and a wife. She's no longer alone in her fight. She had a family to come back home to.

Whatever her primary purpose for existing, the people around her had changed that and made her life more meaningful and that's what matters.

She got the chance to experience what living meant and she's very thankful for that.

She could not help but admit to herself that Nathan was the biggest source of her strength and also her weakness.

And now seeing him in trouble, she could not just sit back. While fighting her own demons, she's more than willing to join his battle and protect him, too.

She had to make sure that whoever did this to him will pay!

The Luo brothers should pay the heaviest price.

That thought was on her mind until she doze off to sleep without her knowing.

When she woke up, she was already alone. When she realized that, she immediately went out of the room to look for him.

Though she had been in disguise all through out the flight, one of the attendant came forwards and was informed her that they were now heading to Seoul and Nathan was already in Beijing.

Nathan decided to not wake her up since she was sleeping soundly when they landed.

This made Eunji to be a little bit disappointed. She could have bid him goodbye and give him a comforting hug and parting kiss before they got separated again.

Nevertheless, it's already too late for that.

The flight attendant also served her lunch but she declined them.

However, when she heard that Nathan strictly instructed the former to make sure that she eat it, Eunji changed her mind and ate a little bit.

She also asked if Nathan had eaten his but the attendant shook her head and this made Eunji to worry for him.

It was already two in the afternoon when the plane was in the sky of Seoul.

She wore her beanie and her face mask and her eye glasses to cover her already masked face.

She was wearing an all black outfit except for her white rubber shoes.

As soon as the airplane landed, Baek Dae-jung and Lee Yunha were already waiting for her at the airport with the service car.

She wasted no time and hopped off the plane after she bid goodbye to all Nathan's men because they have been so polite to her even if they didn't recognize her.

She then gave her backpack to Lee Yunha to carry as they walked towards the waiting Bentley.

"Where to Chairman?" Baek Dae-jung asked since he's the designated driver for the afternoon.

"Alora?" Eunji called her but her AI never responded with her.

Alora must have been upset because she scolded it.

"Let's go to where my children are." She uttered as she closed her eyes to ease the jetlag that she was having.

Though both already knew about the existence of the adorable kids just this morning, they could still not not believe that their Chairman was already a mother of four beautiful kids.

Lee Yunha and Baek Dae-jung looked at each other in the eye before Dae-Jung steeped on the accelerator and started speeding off.

Eunji was very tired from the flight because of jetlag but as soon as she arrived in front of her company building, she then opened the black box beside her in which inside were her gold mask was kept safe. She then took the gold mask and wore it.

Angelina had asked them to bring this since she left it back in Master Liu's place.

Eunji then walked out of the car with the two following behind her.

As soon as she stepped foot inside the building, her employees were shocked to see her wearing a very casual outfit.

They would have mistaken her as someone else if she was not wearing her signature gold mask and was not followed by the two people behind her

They immediately formed two lines and greeted her.

"Good afternoon Chairman!"

As expected, she only nodded her head in recognition while she walked in the middle.

Eunji boarded the exclusive elevator with her two guards.

When they got closer to the top, Eunji's heart was beating so fast in excitement.

As soon as the door opened, a warm smile plastered underneath her black face mask.

However it was replaced by a slight frown when no one greeted her.

Mei who hear the sound of the elevator, got out from the guest room to check who had arrived.

She then stepped back a little since she could not recognize the new arrivals.

She was about to ask who they were but then Eunji removed her disguise including the skin mask that she had been wearing.

Lee Yunha on the other hand, opened the box so Eunji could safely place the gold mask back and the skin mask together. She then placed the box on top of the coffee table and Eunji's backpack on the couch.

The two then bowed down their heads as they dispersed somewhere else after that.

As soon as she realized that it was actually her favorite daughter-in-law who had arrived, Mei could not help but smile.

"Tadaima!" Eunji said making Mei to smile.

"Okaerinasai!" Mei responded.

"Euniji, I'm sorry if I didn't recognize you sooner." Mei said while giving Eunji a welcoming hug.

"It's okay, Mom." Eunji said then she peeked behind Mei.

She was about to ask where they were but then Mei spoke first.

"They are asleep. But don't worry, they'll wake up soon. They're very tired from the flight."

Mei then looked at her closely and she dragged her towards the couch so they could talk properly.josei

Though she had no idea where Eunji have been before she came here, Mei could see the tiredness in her face.

"How are you, child? You looked beaten. Do you want to eat something? I could prepare a soup for you." Mei offered.

"No Mom. I'm good. Where's Grandma?" Eunji asked.

"She's sleeping in the other room as well."

"What about you Mom? You should take a rest, too."

It's only right for Mei to rest, too.

But Eunji could not deny the worry that she saw in Mei's face.

Eunji then took both of Mei's hand and held them.

"Are you troubled about Nathan's situation back in Beijing?" She asked Mei.

"A mother will never stop worrying about her child even if they had already left the nest." Mei said.

"I understand Mom. I'm worried for him, too. But don't worry. I won't let any harm to come at his way. I don't deserve the title of Missus Bai again if I'll leave him alone in his fight." She said with conviction.

"I believe that he could turn the table soon." She added.

"Thank you. My son is really lucky to have you as his wife." Mei said but Eunji shook her head as she argued.

"No Mom. I'm very lucky to meet and love such an outstanding and selfless man. You must be proud to have a son like him."

"Yes, I am. Very much! And I'm lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you."

"No, Mom! I'm lucky to be your daughter-in-law!" She said.

"I know I have not formally apologized for the pain that I had caused in this family. I'm sorry Mom. I was left with no choice back then."

"Shh! It's okay. You don't have to explain. I understand. The only favor I'll ask from you is please don't leave my son again. It hurts to see him living like an empty shell."

"Don't worry, Mom. It won't happen again."

"Good. I'm now relieved."

After comforting each other, Eunji and Mei decided to do their own thing after that.

Mei went to the room where the kids were sleeping while Eunji went to her bedroom.

She decided to not see the kids while they were still asleep as she's afraid to disturb them.

So she decided to retreat in her room first.

As soon as the door was unlocked, Eunji got in and placed her bag and the box on the bench.

She then took her phone and decided to call her daughter.

It took a few ring before the call got connected.

"Eomma." Sophie's sad voice rang.

"Baby!" Eunji greeted her cheerfully.

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