The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 316 - 315

Chapter 316 - 315: The Message

"Eomma, where's Appa? I have not seen him since earlier. Why is he not here?" Sophie asked her mother.

"Your Appa has some things to do. That's why he won't be here. But don't worry, as soon as he had settled it, he'll come here, okay?" She tried to explain.

"Don't worry little sis, I'm sure Dad won't miss our birthday." Little Midori said.

"Really?" Excitement was evident in Sophie's eyes and looked at Eunji.

But Eunji just smiled.

Meanwhile, on Nathan's end, Nathan was siting inside his office with Marco and his legal team accompanying him.

His day was very busy as he had forced to buy out the shares owned by those snakes sitting on the board of both of his companies.

Nathan had decided to conduct internal cleansing in both of his companies and he started it with his Board of Directors.

He made sure that no more snakes were left in the BOD position. Only the loyal and trustworthy ones should remain.

That way, no more conflicts would happen in the future.

He threatened those snakes that he would press charges against them for misconduct and fraud while they were still in his companies should they not sell their shares back to him.

Being afraid to face criminal charges on their belt, they had no other choice but to agree to Nathan's condition.

"Make sure to transfer the ownership of those shares to the people listed on that paper." He instructed.

Nathan had decided to give the shares he had acquired and divided it equally to his sister, wife and children.

"Yes, Chairman Bai!" His legal team said before they excused themselves as they still had other things to do.

"Update." Nathan spoke and Marco readied himself for that.

Marco started narrating on everything that had happened from the day Nathan left up to later this afternoon.

"Good thing those who were in critical condition after the incident are now stable. Also, we have convinced the families to not file complaints against the company and the management in exchange of monetary compensation." Marco started.

"The public opinion against the company had shown a positive change after the authorities could not find any evidence that could support the allegations thrown at you and the two companies. And since another scandal under the name of the Luo Brothers broke out, it overshadowed ours and they had become the talk of the town now."

"That's good!" Nathan paused then continued, "However, we should not wait for another issue to happen before we make our actions. We should show to the public that we are sincere in what we are doing."

"Yes, Master Boss. As instructed, we also pursued those who created troll accounts with the purpose of slandering you in the internet. We have already filed the appropriate cases against them and we are just waiting for the court to send out subpoenas to them."

"We have also found some anomalies with the media lately. Those companies who published negative articles against you are now in trouble."

"Don't mind them. It's probably your Lady Boss who did that." Nathan was sure that it was Eunji who did it as no one capable could do it.

"What about my secret task to you?" Nathan asked as he changed into another topic.

"As for Tang Hao. I found his actions very suspicious."

Nathan's expression had become more serious as he readjusted himself on his seat.


"I have found out that Tang Hao had been sending out confidential information into this dummy email account. When we traced it, it pointed us to this person." Marco then showed the document for Nathan to read himself.

"Luo Tian!" Nathan said in between his teeth as he read the name.

"That's not what I only found." Marco added as he handed another paper to Nathan.

"Tang Hao is actually related to Frederick Heart? How come you only find this now?!" He angrily said making Marco to kneel on the floor and asked for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Master Boss!" He said with his head bowed down.

"When I first checked on his record, there's nothing suspicious about it. It was clean from front to back." He said.

So he decided to not dig down on his background.

And besides, he idolized Nathan so why would he do something that would harm Nathan?

"Damn it!" Nathan threw the document on the ground and he loosened up his tie so he could breath.

If what Marco told him was true, then he was feeding a spy with vital informations regarding to his personal life and every confidential transactions in Bai Corp. all this time.

"Where is he?!" Nathan stood up from his seat as he angrily asked Marco.

"That...Tang Hao disappeared last night. And we could not track him." Marco said.

"B*llsh*t!" Nathan said as he lifted his swivel chair and threw it towards the center of the office making Marco to flinch.

Nathan also kicked the side of his desk.

"Go and do everything to locate that traitor!" He said and Marco got up immediately and bowed down his head.

"Yes Master!" Marco then left Nathan's office in a hurry.

Nathan was left alone in his office with an ugly facial expression.

Then, his computer screen turned black which meant that someone was hacking him.

Nathan wasted no time to counter the hacker and he tried to track his carbon footprints on the cyberspace.

Then a message showed on his screen which said:

***This is Silver. Meet me at *** at exactly twelve tonight.***

The message disappeared and another one appeared:

***Don't be late! I'll be waiting.***

Nathan's face turned serious as he read the message.

After that, his computer had returned to normal.

Back in Eunji's side, everyone was now getting ready for sleep.

Mei helped Eunji in bathing the children as it's quite a handful to have four naughty toddlers in a bathtub together.

The kids were giggling while the adults were applying soap on their backs.

Meanwhile, Mei and Angelina took turns in changing them with their diapers and pajamas.

After making sure that they were all dressed up, Mei and Layla went to the kitchen to prepare for their milk formulas.

Meanwhile, Angelina informed Eunji that Sophie had ran out of breast milk stored on the freezer.

So Sophie would have it raw tonight.

Though Sophie had her own room inside Eunji's penthouse, it had been their habit that every time Eunji was around, she would sleep beside her mom.

Also, the boys and little Eve wished to sleep with Eunji tonight.

And Eunji was more than glad to grant their wishes.

She then settled their sleeping arrangements so they could finally lay down on the bed accordingly.

From the right side was Little Aoi then next was Little Midori. On the center was Little Eve and next was Sophie and then on the right would be Eunji's position.

They were already having their milk bottles with them except for Sophie who said that she would wait after Eunji was done with her shower.

Seeing that his sister was not drinking milk, Little Aoi got up from the bed and offered his milk bottle to Sophie.

"Do you want to drink my milk? I'll share mine." He asked her.

"Thank you Oppa. But I'm good." Sophie politely declined.

"You don't like drinking milk Sophie?" Little Midori asked.

"It's not like that Oppa. Eomma will give mine when she's done."

Though they had no clue of what Sophie was talking about, the brothers decided to go back to their position and continued drinking theirs.

After Eunji was done with her shower, she changed into her pajamas and laid down next to Sophie so she could have her milk.

The two brothers became curious on what they were doing that they looked at them.

When they saw that Eunji had lifted up her shirt for Sophie to latch on her breast, Little Aoi immediately covered his brother's eyes while he looked away.

Little Eve was also curious that she took a peek at it.

Eunji giggled as soon as she saw how her two boys reacted.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. We don't mean to peek. Right, Little Midori?" He said making Eunji to laugh.

"Silly. Who taught you that?" She could not help but ask.

"It's Daddy, Mommy." Little Midori answered.

"He said, boys should not look at girl's private body parts without permission because it's bad." Little Aoi explained.

"Oh, did he?"


"That's good. However, you should finish your milk now. It's already late. You three should sleep now, okay?" Eunji said.josei


"Goodnight Mommy! I love you!" The three then got up and kissed Eunji on the cheeks before they returned into their original position.

"Goodnight babies! Sweet dreams." She said.

After the kids had finally fallen asleep, Eunji carefully got up from the bed and she took her phone from the bedside table and brought it with her out of the room.

She then went into the kitchen so she could have a glass of warm chocolate.

While waiting for the choco maker to be done, Eunji tried to call Nathan on his phone.

It took a few rings before the call finally connected.

"Wifey!" Nathan tried to answer her call as normal as he could.

"Hubby? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Eunji immediately asked as she could sense that something was wrong with Nathan.

"I'm fine." He said but Eunji didn't buy it.

"Hubby, please!" She pleaded.

Having no other choice, Nathan answered honestly.

"Silver messaged."

"What does he want?" She curiously asked.

"He wanted us to meet."



(A/N: Please do not read the next chapter after this. I happened to publish the same chapter twice accidentally and I could not remove it. My plan is to edit the entire contents so you won't waste your coins or fast passes on reading the same content.


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