The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 326 - 324

Chapter 326 - 324: Being Welcomed, Forgiven And Accpeted

Mei then looked at Angelina who was also crying as she could no longer hold back the tears that she had been wanting to stop while remembering the painful and terrible memories that she and Karina had to go through from the day of their separation to the days of Karina's battle to recover from the trauma and addiction she had suffered.

They then gathered around to comfort Angelina.

They could not hold back their tears after seeing Angelina in this state. Even while she was talking earlier, she was biting her inner lip and been trying to look up so the tears won't fall.

"I'm sorry to hear that. That man deserve to be slashed into a thousand times." Grandma Sana said because of anger. It's rare for Grandma Sana to curse someone and when she did, that person must have really touched her bottom line.

Except for Nathan, Celine and Sam everyone present were all mothers and they could feel her pain. They had experienced being separated with their children at some point of their lives and recovering from that pain had never been easy.

Seeing your child suffering a terrible experience was like receiving a thousand stab straight to the heart.

Seeing Angelina silently crying while trying holding back a sob they could not help but admire how strong this young mother was for carrying everything on her shoulder and surviving it with her daughter.

"Me too. I should have known better. Ever since I have arrived in Seoul, I was with her most of the time. I should have known better."

Layla also felt terrible upon learning that Karina was almost ruined if not for Eunji's rescue.

No wonder Karina had such temperament. No wonder Karina had this deep trust for Eunji and deep care for Sophie.

The child knew that she owed her second life from Eunji.

"It's not your fault Eomma. It's just that I'm in no position to share her story." Eunji said while trying to comfort her mother this time.

Celine felt bad, too for Karina. Now that she knew Angelina's reason, instead of hating her, all she had was deep respect for the latter.

"Is she okay, now?" She asked while wiping her tears.

Sam was comforting her from behind.

"Yes." She said in between her sob.josei

"At first, we all feared of the long term effects and damages those drugs had caused on her body. Especially on her brain. But thanks to Eunji and Master Liu's treatment plan, she's now living like how a normal child of her age should." Angelina continued while trying to calm herself.

"That's good to hear!" Everyone uttered in unison as they felt relief.

"Well, we are still monitoring her in case she would suffer a relapse. She had a very special and sensitive case after all. But everything's fine so far. Sophie had become a great help for her, too. Sophie adored her Unnie so much." Eunji also added for Angelina.

"I hope that what I had said now won't change how you'll treat Karina in the future." Angelina addressed this to everyone but most especially to Layla since she Karina had gotten closer to Layla.

"Oh no! We have to delete that kind of thought from now on, okay? I treat Karina like my own granddaughter. So you don't have to worry about it." Layla sincerely told Angelina with a warm smile.

"That's right. Since we all asked Karina-chan to call us her elders we won't treat her differently. In fact, we will help you in looking after her." Layla added.

"I agree. And granting you my forgiveness was the right thing to do. I pray for you and Karina's healing. And that Karina will totally forget this darkest chapter of her life." Celine also said.

Angelina suddenly felt overwhelmed upon hearing that.

She didn't expect that her daughter would be welcomed and cared by these people who were not even related to them.

The only response she could give at the moment was to make a deep bow to show her gratitude to them and then said, "Thank you very much!"

"There's no need to thank us. You and your daughter are already close to Eunji so automatically, we are treating you as a part of the family." Mei said.

They then went back to their seats after making sure that Angelina was now okay.

Mona who had been accompanying them bid goodbye as she wanted to go home to rest. She's feeling sleepy already.

"How about you Eomma, Mom, Grandma?" Eunji checked on them. It's almost nine in the evening and the breeze was getting stronger and colder.

"We're still good. We have been resting ever since we arrived in the island." Mei honestly said.

"That's good! I know you all will like it here, too. It's really a good decision to be here amidst everything that had been happening lately." Nathan said.

"I agree. Especially for Eomma who have been in a vegetative for so many years. And to Grandma, too." Eunji also added.

"Right. Calling this place as Safe Haven really hit it on the mark. This is a good place for healing physically, mentally and emotionally. And I want to start my emotional and mental healing by apologizing to Angelina." Layla continued.

Angelina suddenly got an idea of what Layla was trying to do so she immediately stopped her.

"Mrs. Kim, it's fine. Eunji have already apologized to me."

"Still, as one of the leader of the mercenary group who accepted and executed the mission to kill your father, I'm partly to blame, too."

'They did what?!' Samantha and Celine could not help but exclaim in their mind.

Upon hearing that, Angelina felt helpless therefore she tried to seek help for Eunji.

However, Eunji encouraged her to forgive her mother.

"Honestly, I have long forgiven Eunji and now I'll accept your apology and give you the forgiveness that you're asking to me."

Angelina then continued by adding an explanation, "Yes, I was deeply saddened and hurt when my father died and I even wanted to seek revenge on Eunji for feeding him a lethal poison." Angelina said while holding back another batch of tears.

"It's fine if you'll cry." Eunji comforted.

'Oh! That was terrible!' Celine and Sam thought.

"Oh no! I promised to Dad that I will no longer cry. He didn't like seeing me cry." She said while trying to shook her head at the same time wiping her tears.

"You must be really close to your father back then." Mei remarked while giving her attention to Angelina.

"Yes! I'm proud to be a 'daddy's girl'!" She tried to smile but still failed miserably.

"He was very protective of me. He didn't want me to be in pain. That's why I realized that my father must have had chosen to drink the poison because he didn't want me to witness him battling a fight that was hard to win over. He felt already hopeless when he found out that he had stage four cancer. I wish I had met Master Liu sooner and ask for his help."

Angelina could only smile bitterly.

"And don't worry, I no longer hold any grudges on Eunji or in your family. All I have for her is deep respect and appreciation for all the help that she had given to me. She had given me the chance to have a new life and purpose. And she welcomed Karina and I unconditionally under her wing with no reservations. So how can I continue resenting her? I love Eunji..." she then paused and looked at Nathan's reaction.

'That's good!' Everyone also mentally said in relief.

The moment Angelina saw his face, she wanted to laugh because Eunji was right for calling Nathan 'the Vinegar King'.

"I love Eunji as a sister." She continued and she could see Nathan's face calming down.

This time she wanted to laugh.

'Niichan!' Celine yelled inside her head in disbelief.

Eunji could feel his reaction too that's why she squeezed Nathan's hand and told him to behave.

"Me, too. I love Angelina-" Eunji paused as she looked up at Nathan who was again having a sour face.

"-as a sister." She finally continued and gently poked Nathan's forehead for being an ***.

"Well then, if you both are treating each other like sisters, then, it's about time that you should stop calling me Mrs. Kim, right? Just call me Eomma just like Eve. From now on, you'll be the goddaughter of the Kim family." Layla proposed.

Everyone waited for Angelina's reaction.

"Um..." she was unsure on how to respond to that.

However, with Eunji's smile on the sideline, she gave in finally.

"Okay, Eo-mma."

"Good!" Layla happily said while clapping her hand.

"Can I get a hug, if you don't mind?" Layla asked Angelina.

And the latter gave it to the former.

Angelina immediately became emotional again upon receiving a motherly hug.

Ever since her mother died, she had already forgotten the feeling of being hugged and receiving a motherly warmth.

"What's wrong?" Layla asked.

"Nothing. I just miss my mother." She honestly said.

Everyone could feel her pain from that.

"My goodness! I feel like if I'll turn yours and Angelina-chan's story into a movie, it'll be a big hit." Celine said.

"Maybe. But who would want to watch the life of a striving former assassin who wanted to change the wrongdoings being done?" Eunji refuted.

"Right? And a fallen piano prodigy who had gotten pregnant by the son of the man who indirectly caused my mother's death. Then later on, almost lost her child because of traffickers and drug dealers." Angelina added with sarcasm.


"Well, I disagree! A lot would want to watch it." Sam also said in support to Celine.

"But it's all up to you if you would want to share it. After all, it's your stories after all." She continued.

"Anyways, let's go back to the Luo brothers, how are you going to make them pay?" Mei asked as she tried to change the topic.

"Mom, we will follow the rule of the jungle in getting them. The human law's punishment is too light for what they had done." Eunji said.

"Is there any way that you would not participate in killing them? You have your men who are more capable to do that, right?"

"No Eomma. I have to end them once and for all. I won't feel any relief if I won't do it myself." Eunji said as she took a shot of the coconut wine.

"Wow! This is good!" She said as she tasted the sourness at the same time freshness of it.

"I know you're worried about me Eomma. I know I told you and Appa that I hated killing. But if I won't do it, our family won't be peaceful." She continued.

Which was true. As long as there were threats after them, the first to suffer would be their children. And it's her responsibility as a parent to keep those threats away from them so they could have a close to normal life.

Minor threats would be manageable. Major threats should not be ignored.

"Don't worry Mom, I will not leave her alone in this fight." Nathan also reassured.

"Good! That's good. At least now you're no longer battling everything alone. This is the time that you and your sister should be together. I'm sure if she knew what you're going through, she won't just sit down and ignore everything." Layla said as she knew how overprotective Ana was to Eunji.

Eunji was silent as Mei was right.

Eunji was now having thoughts if she should let Layla knew about her.

Nathan had the rights to know, too. She had been stalling it for days now and she knew that Nathan had the right to know as this concerned them as a couple, too.

"Eomma." Eunji called her mom.

"Yeah?" Layla replied.

"Mom. Grandma."

She then looked at Celine and Sam.

"Yuki-neechan and future in-law."

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly acting weird?" Celine could not help but ask.

However, Eunji didn't answer her but continued on calling Angelina's name.


She then sighed deeply as she tried to gather the courage she would need to tell the truth.

And lastly, "Hubby."

"I'm here. Take your time." Nathan had the feeling of what was about to happen. Nathan also gently held Eunji's hands to express her support.

Eunji didn't utter any word but only looked at his bluish-green orbs and she got the courage she needed inside his eyes.

She sighed one last time then looked at the familiar faces of the people whom she had grown attached to.

"What is it? Are you going to tell us that you're pregnant?" Celine suddenly asked.

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