The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 339 - 337

Chapter 339 - 337: I Want To Play A Game

When they got in, Eunji walked in between the isle created by her people.

"Good morning Chairman!" Eunji's office workers chanted their greetings to her.

Eunji gave them a quick hum and she walked towards the private elevator with Nathan and Angelina.

When she was gone, everyone could not help but gossip about the man walking beside her.

It was the first time that they had seen him so they're reaction was only natural.

Too bad, Eunji never allowed them to look at her directly when she passed by unless being told to do otherwise.

They arrived at Eunji's floor in no time.

The elevator opened and Angelina decided go ahead of the couple since they still had to go to her penthouse apartment up top..

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked making sure that she was.

"I'm fine." She said shortly.

Aside from the pain that she was feeling down there, Eunji felt fine.

When they arrived in the penthouse, Nathan carried her bridal style.

"Nice place!" Nathan didn't forget to praise Eunji's place.

"Thank you Hubby. However, you may put me down now. I can walk."

"No! Tell me where to go and I'll bring you there." Nathan said and Eunji gave him the direction to her bedroom.

"Can you put me down now?" She asked him.

"As you wish Your Majesty." Nathan teased his wife.

Then Eunji walked towards the walk-in closet and started looking for the coat that she thought would do well in the persona that Nathan was portraying.

"Here." Eunji then turned around and handed it to Nathan.

Nathan didn't wait for Eunji's instruction and he wore it immediately.

"I knew it. It fits you well." She proudly said while Nathan was looking at the reflection in the mirror.

"Well, you know my size really well." He said hinting another subtle and shameless meaning.

Eunji got that and therefore her face blushed hard.

"Ahahaha! I mean my body. Not that..." Nathan was trying to be innocent.

"I know! Jeez!" She said while trying to hide her blush.

After rubbing those imaginary crease off from the fabric, Eunji then guided Nathan into her weapon room.

Nathan was shocked how complicated the pass codes just so she could get in.

She really had to draw a drop of blood unto the sensor just to open it

When the door opened, Nathan was amazed to see many daggers and kinves arranged in shelves.

There were swords and

There was also one super computer in there.

Nathan walked towards the shelf and started appreciating her collection.

"Did you use all of them?" He asked.

"Yes. Each dagger represented a person I killed with it." She said with full honesty.

Based on Nathan's estimation, there were almost a hundred daggers and knives inside those shelves.

"How about these Samurai swords?" He asked.

"Well, I like collecting them. But I used one to kill a Yakuza back then." She said.

"Do you know how to use them?" She asked.

"Yes. But when it comes to taking down my opponents, I prefer using guns. Daggers are good, too."

"Indeed. Back then, the members in our faction were not trained with guns. We're like those silent killers. Guns are troublesome to use even if you put silencer on it. Those with trained ears like mine could hear them even in a long distance. Killing using guns are only suitable for those small time targets." Eunji explained.

"Right. Your group was famous for those who wanted to take down the big shots in the underworld or the black market like those other mafia leaders back then." Nathan said.

"Right. That's why they feared us. They were threatened by our presence." Eunji mumbled.

"Anyways. Here." Eunji then handed him a mask that he would be wearing to complete his persona.

It was two colored mask. With both black and silver on it.

"I haven't used this mask. I plan to use this when attending some important events in the underworld. Like in the annual conferrence of the mercenaries around the world." She said while looking at Nathan's face.

Right. She had not told him yet that she was back in the underworld as Demi.

But still she hoped that he had a little clue or idea about this because he was a bigger person in that world.

"Wha-- Why? What are you going to do there?" Nathan asked her.josei

Since she brought him in this part of her place, she had also decided to tell Nathan about it.

Her movement would be limited if she won't tell him.

"I'm Demi." She blurted out.

Nathan frowned when he heard that name. It sounded familiar.

"Demi... you mean the assassin who currently ranked fifth of the world's best mercenary list?" Nathan had to ask.

"The one and only." Eunji uttered.

Eunji then looked down as she had already expected Nathan to be disappointed with her.

However, Nathan didn't show any of that. Nathan even hugged her tightly.

"Dang! No wonder I was very interested to meet her. It turned out to be you." Nathan said with a warm smile when she retracted from the hug.

Nathan then looked at her and expressed his worry given that his wife was back at that very dangerous world again.

"Don't worry. I didn't take the lives of innocent people. Though I am back in the field, I have only taken those missions which I thought was essential in my previous work as a CIA agent. But I already retired." Eunji studied Nathan's reaction. Making sure that he was not really upset about it.

"I only achieved that rank because I happened to kill the previous title holder." She tried to explain.

Nathan was surprised to hear that his wife was now a retired CIA agent. He figured that working as a double agent was her way to hunt down or gather intelligence about her enemies.

Especially the person backing the Ling and the Jin family to make her accident possible back then.

While he was grieving over her false death, she was out there, doing the things that he should be doing. To get justice from what had happened to them.

"I have heard about that. That's why I wanted to meet you when that news reached my ear. Now I know why you declined my invitation. It turned out that it's not the right time for us to meet again." Nathan said sadly.

"Yeah." Eunji said while she helped Nathan in wearing the mask.

"So, you will be attending the Annual Mercenary Conference this year?" Nathan asked her.

"Not sure yet. I do have the invitation with me."

With everything that's going on, she had no time to waste. She had to act fast.

"I see. If ever you'll attend, do let me know." Nathan reminded her.

"Will do."

Then Eunji reached out and gave Nathan a kiss.

After the couple was done getting the things they needed, they decided to go down.

Since no one was already watching, Nathan had decided to carry her bridal style going to her office.

Eunji didn't protest since there's no other person in the floor aside from the three of them.

And besides as much as possible, she wanted to be just in his arms and do nothing than to bath on his warmth and love.

J had been missing in action for almost two weeks now.

Eunji had no idea where he was at the moment. She also didn't innitatiate to contact him because she wanted him to do it himself. However, there was none.

The last thing she expected from him was his disloyalty and betrayal.

She had given J the chance to redeem himself to her.

If he did betrayed her at some point while they were together in this sisterhood, she hoped that he had a valid reason why he did it.

She didn't want them to have a misunderstanding. The worst case scenario would be that she had to kill him in order to protect herself and the people she cared so much.

Eunji would surely be hurt if he did betrayed her knowing that everything they had for almost a decade would be thrown down the drain.

Nathan saw that Eunji glanced at an empty cubicle and her face had become sad but then it shifted back to normal as if nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just missing J." She honestly said.

"J? You mean Jin Jie?"

"The one and only." She said with a sigh.

"I see." Nathan said with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Nathan placed Eunji in her swivel chair gently.

"Thank you." She said.

"Right. He is a part of the family after all. Which made me wonder why he was not with us when we celebrated the kid's birthday." He also added.


"I have to thank him for being a good uncle to Sophie. My princess kept on mentioning him when we had a conversation once you know." Jealousy was evident in his tone.

"And when was that?"

"When you stayed inside our room all day. Of course I have to reassure them that you're fine. So while you're busy, I got the chance to talk to her seriously for the first time."

Eunji was silent while listening to Nathan who was more like whining because he had missed those moments with her.

He should have been there with her and not another man, even if he was considered as family.

"To calm your jealousy, J never introduced himself to our child as a replacement, you know. He knew his place unlike your half-brother who wanted to replace J in my life." She said in J's defense.

Of course, she would defend the good things that J had done for her to anyone and Nathan was not an exception to that.

"Can we not talk about that horrible person? I don't have a good for nothing brother like him! It's a shame that you have killed him, too soon. I hope he's not at peace given the extremes that he had done just to be with you!"

Nathan could still feel himself having goosebumps when he recalled what Eunji had told him about it.

"Right. Let's not bring back the dead." Eunji said jn agreement.

"Anyways, where is he anyways?"

"I don't know, honestly. I just hope that when he got back, he has a good explanation. I have given him the mission to deliver Ling Bao's urn to his family and also to take care of the entire family."

Eunji said as she readjusted her position.

"After that, I didn't hear anything from him you know."

"I see. Well. Give him time. Maybe he was doing something to help you."

Eunji was surprised to hear Nathan saying something positive for J's defense.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'm not that impatient you know."

Angelina's knock on her door disrupted their conversation about other things.

"Did I disrupt anything?" Angelina asked especially when she walked in, Eunji was now sitting on Nathan's lap in the couch.

"No, you didn't." Eunji said with a red face.

"Frederick Heart and company are already downstairs." Angelina said without beating around the bush.

"What is that man doing here?!" Nathan immediately asked when he heard the name.

"Calm down. He's the client I'm having a meeting with." Eunji said while rubbing Nathan's arm to calm him down.

"Why? Why do you have to meet the man?" Nathan turned his attention to Eunji.

"Because... I want to play a game."

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