The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 356 - 354

Chapter 356 - 354: J's True Identity

After the doctor checked on J's condition, they all praised Eunji's skills for being able to save J.

Though they really want to have a conversation with her, seeing her tired face and her current condition, out of respect, they didn't pursue it.

Jin Jie was also transfered in the same room she had since it was quite spacious.

The Mo couple, Celine and Sam were in the room to accompany them.

Eujji decided to remove her mask since the room was secured, for now.

All the curtains in the room were kept shut just so no one would spy on them from the outside.

The Mo couple were sitting on the sofa while Celine and Sam were both standing by the window.

No one mentioned Eunji's miscarriage as they didn't want to upset her.

She seemed to be in the good mood after J woke up and they hoped to keep it that way.

Even if they knew that this was just one of her tough face.

Eunji was hiding all of her emotions behind it.

There's nothing they could do about that. Not when she's this stubborn.

The best thing to do was to look after her.

Making sure that she won't be making any reckless decision while she was in this state.

"Thanks for saving my life Eunji. I owe you this third life."

"Don't mention it." Eunji who was sitting on her bed facing J smiled at him.

J was sitting on his bed with his back stuffed with pillows to make him comfortable.

"What happened to you? Why are you here in the hospital? Where's your husband?"

He frowned when he saw Eunji wearing a patient's hospital pajama just like him.

Eunji only smiled sadly and didn't say anything.

She was hoping that her silence would make J to not pursue the matter.

"At least now, I can tell you everything that have happened. Is it okay to have a conversation now?" He asked her after understanding her silent response.

"I don't think it's a good idea. You have just woken up. Don't strain yourself." Celine butted in the conversation.

"And besides, Eunjichan is--"

"Thank you for worrying about me everyone but I'm fine, Yuki-neechan." Eunji then looked at them and she scoffed in disbelief.

"Geez! All of you didn't want me to sulk in the corner getting over this unbearable pain that I have felt inside my chest. And now you're stopping me to talk to J? Then what the hell I should I do then?!"

Eunji looked at them coldly but then she snapped out of it especially when she heard Celine's worried voice at the same time she felt herself being shaken.

"Eunjichan!" Celine yelled in her ear.

"Yeah?" She answered in confusion.

"What happened?" Kelly asked her.

"What happened?" She asked them back.

"You zoned out." Kelly and Celine answered at the same time.

"I thinks let's postpone this when you feel better, Eunji." J finally said.

"No! I want this to be done and over with! The more you delay this, the more I get anxious J."

She was at least in the mood to know what J was about to say.

And besides, she's tired. Very tired.

There's no other news worse than Nathan leaving her and the news of losing their child?

"Hey! Calm down." Celine looked at Kelly asking her in the eye on what to do.

They knew there's no way they could stop her. She's stubborn.

"I'm calm." Eunji refuted her.

"Yes, you're calm." Kelly said as if coaxing a child.

Facing Eunji's serious face, J sighed and gave in.

And besides, he really did want to talk to Eunji.

He wanted to be honest to her all for once.

Jin Jie then looked at the other people inside the room hoping that they could give them the privacy.

As for J, seeing that everyone were looking at him with pleading eyes as if saying "Postpone this conversation to some other day." It was obvious to him that something had happened.

Eunji saw the hesitation on J's face and she understood him well.

"It's fine. You can say it while they're here."

And besides, these people were no strangers to her. So out of consideration to their feeling, she let these four to stay.

"As you wish Eunji."

He didn't tell her immediately what had happened to him.

He decided to start on the very root cause of this. His cowardness to be brave and speak out the truth. He should have told Eunji his truth a long time ago.

"After we had that confrontation I felt guilty hiding secrets from you. I know you hated that but I still did. I know all I want is to protect you but in the end..." J could not finish that statement so he ended it with a deep sigh.

"I know you doubted me now because of that. So I have made the decision to keep my distance from you. To leave you."

Of course hearing that coming from J, Eunji was immediately triggered by it.

"Why? Why did you plan to leave me? I never said I hated you for that. I was just frustrated that you hid things from me."

Celine and Kelly immediately held Eunji's hand to comfort her.

They secretly threw warning daggers at J however J only smiled back at them with an apologetic smile.

He then continued, "I have discovered something about my true identity Eunji and I hid this from you for many months now."

"And that is?"

"I'm not a true Jin. My Mom had an affair with another man and I'm the result of that."

J dared not to look on that her face as he felt so small in front of Eunji.

"That's nonsense J! So what if you're not a Jin? Do you think I would no longer treat you the same way because you're not a Jin?"

That's not the main reason why he wanted to avoid Eunji.

"No, it was not the case. It's my real father's identity." He added.

Yes, his main reason was the identity of his real father.

"Then, who's your father that you acted that you have made that decision?"

"Fu Ye Feng."

Eunji's eyes widened when she heard that name.

"Yes, the notorious criminal whom you had killed many years ago and brought back his daughter with you."

Of course Eunji knew the man really well.

He was after all Carmela's father.

Then, he and Carmela were half-siblings.

Of course, J knew about Carmela since she once told him about her.

"A group of men whom introduced themselves as my grandfather's people approached me in secret not so long ago. That's when I learn about him as my dad."

However, that was not the biggest news that J dropped on her.

"However, I also learned that my biological dad was actually the son of the man who was only known by the name Xu Ying."

Eunji was stunned hearing that name.

Then, her gaze darkened and were filled with killing intent after she had recovered from the innitial shock.

She then balled her palm into a tight fist as she looked at J.

"Don't tell me you are that man's grandson?"josei

Everyone could not help but be curious about the identity of the names mentioned by J.

Especially when they saw a big reaction on Eunji.

"Yes I'm the grandson of that old man. That same old man that is now inside the International Prison. All thanks to you and your dad." He answered the most obvious fact now.

However, there was no trace of affection when he uttered that name.

"That's impossible! Xu Ying is not a Fu!"

Well, he was able to hide his name and his family very well to everyone.

Eunji refuted because she didn't want to believe at all. She hated that man deeply.

He was only lucky that she didn't kill him on their last encounter!

"You have killed my biological father. At the same time, you and your dad sent my grandfather to International Prison. I'm your enemy's family."

And he was ashamed of that fact.

He was told that he should be with his grandfather rather than staying with Eunji.

Eunji's expression turned colder and colder the more she listened to J.

For some reason, they knew about Eunji's existence.

"Let me guess, your grandfather ordered you to kill me, right?"

And J didn't deny that indeed, he was told to kill her.

"Of course! I didn't agree to their craziness. Trust me with that." J was almost pleading while looking at her while Eunji had remained calm.

Her reaction made everyone around her to be worried.

'Should I interrupt their conversation?' Celine asked herself.

What J said was actually true.

Though the other party kept on pestering him, Jin Jie tried his best to avoid them.

He could not dare to tell this to Eunji too because he was afraid that she would hate him.

"Then, should you find out the truth about me, things would go messy between us. So, I decided to hide it."

At the same time J looked like he was such a small child in front of Eunji and the rest.

"Anymore that you wanted to add? What about Ana? Kelly's father?" She asked him with a cold tone.

"My Dad?" Kelly butted in the conversation especially when she heard her father's name.

"I know you have a lot of questions about him but please, let me finish." J pleaded to her and Kelly decided to be quiet.

For the next minutes, J was the only one speaking while Eunji and the rest were listening.

"I did tell you that he was treating Ana while she was unconscious all this time. He said that he and another person were keeping Ana alive because they're close with your dad. And the naive me believe that."

"Until Ana woke up from her deep slumber. And I helped him hide Ana's secret. At the same time I feed them details about you. Including who you are now."

"How could you?!" Eunji got angry.

"I know! And I'm sorry. It's your sister after all and I trust that they didn't mean any harm to you!" J tried to explain himself.

"Of course! But didn't you realize things have become complicated because of what you have done? You revealed my current disguise!"

"I know! And I'm sorry. But please! Let me finish first." J pleaded even though he was starting feeling bad himself.

Eunji signaled him to continue.

"Little did I know he introduced Ana to this mysterious person who claimed to be a friend. Ana woke up with hatred towards Nathan. You knew about that. Yet instead of stopping her, they supported her decision."

"I knew since then that something was off. However, I could not just pin point what. I tried convincing Ana to not pursue with her plan. Especially that you'll get hurt, too. I knew you won't just sit back and watch them messing with Nathan."

"Until things became complicated. I didn't know what happened to Jonathan but after we met up in that bar back in Paris, something was off about him. So I had my suspicion but decided to keep it to myself."

"Even so, I have remained on Ana's side as much as I could. At least knowing that your sister was safe in my care, you won't hate me that much, right?"

J felt like he was having a monologue but he didn't care. He still continued.

"Even if she said you're just a clone and insisted that there's no way you were sisters. However, I know deep down she cared deeply for you. She just didn't want to admit it. After all, she was disappointed that you and Nathan ended up together."

Kelly who had no idea about this looked at Eunji with a shocked and then turned into pity. However, she then immediately looked down as she knew Eunji hated that.

"Then for some reason, Ana confronted Jonathan after her confrontation with Nathan. After their confrontation, she flew to the US to meet that person mysterious person. Had I known that she would go missing, I should have stopped her from leaving that day."

"Meanwhile, for me I came to ask Jonathan about her sudden departure but little did I know, men who came from nowhere apprehended me and locked me up somewhere I don't know."

Kelly who was sitting beside Eunji was holding back her tears in disbelief knowing that her father was alive.

However, she could not accept the fact that her father was capable of doing such things at the same time.

"I was locked up and didn't hurt nor tortured me." J continued.

They did release him one day only to meet Ana who had just gotten back from the US.

"Ana showed up in my cell the other day and she dragged me out of there. I thought she was going to save me but then she started getting violent and called herself as Asia."

"So, she did this to you?" Eunji asked him and without batting an eye, he responded.

"Yes. However...."

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