The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 359 - 357

Chapter 359 - 357: Visiting KSA

After the call to her niece and nephews, Celine heaved a sigh of relief knowing that Eunji at least answered the call.

But she felt like crying when Marco placed a pile of documents on Nathan's desk.

"Woah! Easy there Marco. I only need to check today's paper works, right?"

"Ahm, I'm sorry to disappoint you Madam CEO but these are all for today."

Celine's eyes almost popped out after hearing that.

"Don't worry. I already sorted them for you. And even highlighted the important points on every documents."

Then Marco placed another stack of documents in front of her.

"And please be sure to check these first. You'll need to read them for this afternoon's meeting."

"What? Why didn't you inform me yesterday about this?"

"I'm sorry Madam CEO."

Marco could only apologize to her. The atmosphere yesterday was very heavy so he thought it was better to announce this to her today.

"Don't worry CEO, I already placed some comments in the papers as your reference."

"Oh geez! I'm done for."

"Not really Madam. If you could think that as a manuscript of a movie, it may help you."

"Ha! Will try that. I hope that will work or else I'll really quit."

'I know you're not a quitter, though.' Marco kept this thought to himself.

"Please do tell me if you need anything else."

He then excused himself to go back to his table.

When the door finally closed, Celine then dialed Sam's number to check on Eunji.

Sam told Celine what Eunji was up to.

And then their conversation drifted to the pile of documents in front of her.

"Damn! You really is a CEO now, huh." Sam teased her over the phone.

"Stop that! You're not helping at all. I'd rather read a script than check on these documents the whole day."

"Then do it like that way."

"Oh my, you too?"

"If that would work on you, why not? Only you will be burdened if you'd procrastinate you know."

"I'm not. Can't you see I am multi-tasking here?"

"Of course you are. But I know you can do faster than that."

"Hahaha! Funny." Celine said with sarcasm.

"If you could, ask Eunjichan to go with you. Okay?"

"I will. And oh. You can do it! Believe in yourself. Don't worry, I'll give you a massage when you come home later."

"Okay. Thank you for that. Bye."


Celine decided to do their suggestion and somehow, it worked for her.

Meanwhile, Eunji grabbed on her laptop and used her entire morning in checking the development in the business world.

"Alora, track Asia's location for me please." She commanded.

"Okay Mommy. I'll do it."

At the same time she was tracking on the Luo Brothers.

Surprisingly, ever since they came back, there were no movements from their camp.

Whoever was the person helping them must have told the brothers to be cautious.

However, they still stayed in the same house. But this time, they trippled their security around the house.

Eunji then got her phone and called Angelina.

"I'm sorry." She immediately said after the call got connected.

"Why are you sorry Eunji?" Of course Angelina was surprised to hear her apologies immediately after she answered the call.

"I was not able to convict them with their crimes."

"It's okay. I trust your process. Just take your time, okay? Don't get upset because of that."

"I'm not upset because of it. It's just that I'm going through with something at the moment."josei


"Anyways, that's not why I called you. How's the project between Frederick's company and ours?" Eunji immediately cut her off and changed the topic.

"Oh, surprisingly, it was going smoothly."

"That's good."

"When you can, come to Beijing. We will put their sh*ty existence to end."

"Thank you Eunji."

"You're welcome." Eunji then ended the call and sighed deeply.

For the remaining time, Eunji decided to start researching for the ways on how to help Asia.


Meanwhile, Iris was reading the documentary reports that the agents under her made when her phone rang. It was her secretary on the other line.

"Hello, Stacy?"

"Good afternoon, Director. Head Agent Eagle's here for a visit." Her secretary over the phone.

"Oh! Is he alone?" Iris was hoping that he was with someone else.

"Yes, Director."

"Let him in." She said sadly.

She still kept believing to his promise that he would be with Eunji on his next visit.

"Idiot. There's many next in the world." She mumbled to herself.

"Pardon Director?" Her secretary thought that it was meant for her.

"Nothing. Please prepare some snacks and then bring it here in my office when you're done.

Upon knowing that Eagle was coming for a visit, she then placed the documents she was holding aside.

"Okay Director. Anything else?"

"That's all." After that, Iris ended the call.

Iris was appointed to be the Country Director of KSA-Beijing after she came back from their honeymoon.

After she had recovered her injuries that she suffered from the accident, she decided to leave KSA to focus on her family at the same time in helping Alice's businesses.

She felt bad knowing that she was not able to save Eunji from that accident. And the entire agency was on a rebuilding process after Eunji was "gone".

It was really chaotic. She heard that it was under a new management but she didn't care anymore.

However, little did she know that she had stayed as one of the Board of Directors of KSA for a long time and had piled up some unclaimed dividends for the past two years.

She thought she would never step her feet on this building again.

But when she came back from the honeymoon, Eagle came into their house and offered her the Country Director position.

She wanted to turn down the offer at first but when she heard that it was actually her Mistress' wish, she finally agreed.

And the rest was history.

She only wished that she could meet her (Eunji) again and have a conversation now that they knew was actually alive.

But seems like that would remain as a wish for now.

Then she heard a knock on the door and she pressed the button to unlock the door.

When the door opened, Eagle came in with a huge smile on his face.

"It's been a while Tiger."

"Eagle!" Iris stood up to greet him with a hug.

However she was stood rooted on her position when she saw another person getting inside her office.

"Mistress?!" Iris blurted out in shock.

"It's been a while Iris!" Eunji said as she removed the mask she was wearing.

Iris immediately ran towards Eunji and stopped when she was two feet away from her.

"Is that how you're going to greet me?" Eunji said and then she spread her arms wide for Iris to hug her.

And Iris threw herself to Eunji and hugged the latter tightly.

"Oh my God! Finally!" Iris cheered with tears of joy in her eyes. And then she looked at Eagle who was smiling back at her.

Iris then mouthed 'Thank You' to him and Eagle only responded with a wink.

After the tearful reunion, the trio settled down on the sofa with the snacks placed in front of them.

"How have you been?"

"All good."

Eunji then looked at Iris closely making sure that she was really fine.

"I'm glad that you're actually alive, EJ."

"Me, too. I'm glad that you survived that accident. Don't worry, I already made the perpetrators behind that accident pay for what they did to us."

"Really? It's such a shame I was not there to help you with it, EJ. After I thought you're dead, I left KSA because I felt guilty."

"I understand. I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes, though. So no harm done. If there's someone who should apologize here, that should be me."

"Iris, I know I'm back but I'll ask you to keep this a secret first." Eunji continued.

"Why EJ? Is there a problem? I heard that you have gotten divorced with brother-in-law. What happened?" Iris immediately asked her.

"Things had gotten complicated that I thought in order to protect Nathan, we have to divorce. My enemies, they didn't want us to be together."

'However, I never thought that he would actually make this separation into reality.' She continued in her thoughts.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" Iris was very curious to know the reason behind but if Eunji didn't want to share it to her, she would stop asking.

Eunji decided to have a different approach to her question.

"Actually, I'm here because of that."

"Okay?" Iris was unsure.

Then Eunji instructed Eagle to do something.

Eagle then opened his phone and showed Iris a picture.

"Isn't this you, EJ?"

"See? Look closely." She instructed and Iris did what she was told.

"Oh, who is she?"

"Good. Now that you recognized that it is not me, do you think our highest ranked agents will have a hard time distinguishing between me and her?"

Eunji raised the question.

"It's possible that they'll have a hard time. She resembled you so much. Good thing you have that ring which distinguished you from her. But if they'd replicate that too, it's hard."

"Of course. After all, she is my twin sister Iris."

"Oh! No wonder. Then EJ, does it mean that she had claims in the organization, too? After all this agency was formed to train special agents to protect you, a Kim."

"Good point, Iris." Eunji was sent into a deep thought.

"She may has part of this company in the future, but for now, nothing yet." She said after giving it a deep thought

"Is she in the enemy's side now?" Iris could tell from Eunji's expression that it was actually the case.

And she was right.

"Unfortunately yes. However, I'll do everything to take her back to my side."

"Do you need me to help you with that, EJ?"

"Hmm. Yes. But for now, I want you to gather the other Country Directors in a meeting and briefed them about her. And make sure that every agents under KSA is still loyal to us. Terminate those who aren't."

When she said terminate, eliminate them all.. No mercy allowed this time.

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