The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 364 - [Bonus ] 362

Chapter 364 - [Bonus ] 362: Friendship That Won't Give Up

Eunji and Alice had that heart to heart talk. Eunji kept on apologizing to her many times and to Iris for being such a bad friend to them.

However, they understood her point. She's only doing that to protect her family. Those adorable kids who always reminded them of her.

Meanwhile, after hearing what happened to Celine and Eunji passing out, she just can't stay still in their house and wait for updates.

So she pestered her husband over the phone to let her visit the hospital.

She missed Eunji. And she didn't want the latter to disappear again without notice.

So while Alice and Iris were staying in Eunji's room to give her company, Kelly barged in with disappointment in her eyes.

"I only left you less than a day and here you are acting reckless things. Eunjiyah! Are you a masochist? Stop hurting yourself, will you?"

Alice and Iris' eyes widened in surprise when they heard Kelly's choice of words.

"I'm not a masochist. I don't have that preference."

"Oh geez! You, two. Stop. You're polluting my baby's ears." Alice immediately covered Iris' ears immediately.

"As if you had not polluted her mind and every senses of her, Alice. Stop being green-minded." Kelly refuted Alice.

"Seriously, Kels." Eunji suddenly became helpless with her.

Eunji watched as Kelly sat down on the space beside her on the bed.

"I thought you're just so lonely without brother-in-law that's why you're doing this."

"Ha! Now that I'm divorced and officially single, I can just grab whoever's available and fool around."

"Nice try. As if you could dare yourself to do that. You're still absolutely in love with him."

Eunji became silent because it's the truth.

"Your PR stunt really didn't buy us out you know. Why did you two even do that in the first place." Kelly and everyone in the room were so curious of why the married couple who were all over each other would one day file for divorce.

"I asked it."

"What?! Is the love no more?"

"They want us to divorce and I give that to them. But that didn't mean I'll leave him. When all the chaos are over, I still want to marry Nathan. Damn, I love that man. You know that. I won't get pregnant with four children all in all if I don't."

And she loved to grow their family together.

"It was complicated. I thought that was what's best. And maybe my plan backfired. I hurt him."

"Don't sulk there. I know brother-in-laws departure is to sudden. But I know, we all know he'll come back. That man's dumbstruck in love with you."

"You know what, we were really worried of him during the days that we thought you really died. But the boys and Evelien kept him to hold on. He's such a good father to the boys and to your little Evelien."

"I know. I have seen that. Funny when I thought he cheated on me with another woman when Lil Eve's actually our daughter."

The girls literally dropped their jaws as they heard her.

"Dang! I should have known better! She's like a spitting image of Little Midori."

"Right. That chubby cheeks and your green eyes."


"Vicky and Mo Yichen missed them already." Kelly felt bad.

"I miss them, too." She added.

"Oh! Remember the last time to arrange our kids to marry each other?" Alice suddenly blurted out.

"I have Vicky, Brother and Kelly have Mo Yichen. You and Nathan have two boys and a girl."

"Actually two girls." Eunji interrupted them making the girls to be shocked.

"You adopted a kid?!" Iris and Alice asked together.

However, Kelly didn't have much of a big reaction since she heard Celine talking about four children. She did think that she adopted a child.

"Anni- my daughter didn't die. She was miraculously saved by Master Liu just like me."


"No way!"

They were all in disbelief.

"I named her Sophie Bai. She has been my rock all those years I wasn't with all of you. She's such a sweetheart and reminded me of Nathan so much."

"Oh gosh! When can I meet my other god daughter?!"

"Soon, when everything's over." Eunji was pleased to know that they immediately accepted Sophie in the family without even meeting her yet.

"Do you have a photo of her?" Alice didn't hesitate to ask for one.

"Where's my phone?"

Iris then gave it to her and Eunji got it.

She opened her developed cloud storage on her phone where she stored all the photos that her camera had taken since day one.

She then selected the 'Fam Album' and the photo of Sophie since she was just a new born was displayed on the screen.

Eunji then gave to them her phone.

"Oh my! She's adorable!"

What shocked them was that the fact that Eunji even joined in some of the photos.

And oh my the mother and daughter looked adorable together in matching outfits.

Then, they saw Karina and Sophie in one frame.

"Who's she?"

"Oh, she's Karina. I saved her from a very dark situation that I could not even dare to say I'd would survive. I took her in. Hired a child therapist for her and I became her adoptive mother. But then I found her real mother who happened to be Angelina. The Music Instructor at Imperial Uni. So I gave her up and let Angelina to finally be reunited with her daughter."

"Wait, Angelina? Isn't she dead a long time ago?" Kelly felt the need to ask since she read that news two years ago. It was quit big back then.

"She almost."


They then saw Angelina and Karina in one frame and it could not be denied that they're mother and daughter.

Just like the others hearing Karina's story, these three women who were now mothers felt bad for Karina.

"Poor child. How's she?" Kelly was the one who asked.

"She's doing fantastic. Sophie loved her so much as a big sister. And I guess the boys and Little Evelien loved her, too."

"Oh! What a happy Panda Family we have here, yeah?" Kelly teased her after watching the picture taken at Safe Haven.

"Thank you."

"Wow! I love this place? Where is this?!"

"Oh! It's in Safe Haven." Iris blurted out since she had been there.

"Yeah. We celebrated their birthdays there."

"Oh, wow!" Alice and Kelly were really upset to know that they had missed out so much fun.

"Sexy!" Kelly teased her when she saw Eunji who had just gotten out from the sea and walking oh so seductively.

"Stop that!" All of a sudden, she got shy when her best friend teased her.

"Damn girl!" Alice even joined in the fun.

And Eunji turned beet red after that.

"See? I doubt brother-in-law would find another woman to marry. You're just a walking goddess."

"Oh gosh! Are you trying to flirt with me?" This time, it was Eunji's turn to tease Kelly.

And Kelly's reaction was just amazing. She was caught speechless.

Alice and Iris could not stop giggling.

"Oh my! That was smooth. No wonder you're a good matchmaker. You're a good teacher." Kelly could only refute back.

Eunji then looked at Alice and Iris and smiled warmly.

"I guess? I didn't do much. I happened to be a common friend. I was just the bridge. They're responsible for the 'work out' stuff."

"Yeah. Yeah. Fine. Whatever."

Kelly then gave the phone back to Eunji after there's no more photos to be shown.

"Honestly Eunji, you're just this type of person who walked into our lives. Without you, I don't know if we will be here with you. You're worth it Eunji-yah! So stop all those negative thoughts inside your head and come back strong. Cheer up!"

"I will!"

The three then gathered around her and give her a hug. "Gosh! I hate you girls!"

"And we love you, idiot. So let's try to stop the drama now, yeah?"

"I agree. Gosh! I can't believe we're already mothers yet here we are being so emotional."

"Hahaha! Right! I miss the old days."

While they were talking, Eunji then got up from the bed.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Kelly immediately stopped her.

"I want to go to the OR. I have to wait for Neechan's operation until it's done."

"Are you sure?" She asked her again.

"Yes. I have rested enough."

"Have some dinner first." Alice interrupted them.

Eunji had already slept for two hours and she had not eaten dinner.

"Thank you."

Alice then went to the other side of the room to preheat the food that Kelly had bought for her into the microwave.

While she was at it, Iris curiously asked Eunji something.

"EJ, I hope you don't mind but why didn't you not want to kill Luo Mian?"

"As much as I want to, I didn't want to. I'm not the right person to kill the man." Eunji replied with a sigh.

"If not you, then who?" Alice had become curious, too.

"I promised Angelina to help her getting revenge with him and Luo Tian."


"Their trafficking business was directly responsible of Karina's trauma. And that good for nothing b*stard almost killed Angelina had I not saved her in time."



"I tried use the law to get them captured yet again, just like all the villains in the movies, they were able to dodge it. They even dared to do this to Neechan!"

"Do you think they're connected to your enemies?"

"Most likely. As what the said, "The enemy of my enemies are my friends.""

They're ganging up against her.

"That's why all of your lives are in danger."

Kelly interrupted her before Eunji would once again told them that she's responsible should their lives be in great threat in the future.

"Here we go again. Like I said, we're ready to face the danger because no family should abandon a member, right?"

Kelly gulped down the pooling saliva down to her throat and continued, "All people die in this world. We have our time. And I'd rather risk my life knowing I have spent it for protecting you."

"But I'm not ready to see all of you got hurt. Think about your children. Aren't you afraid?"

"That made sense. However, I know you won't let that to happen to us. That's why even if I hated it, I had agreed with you and my husband's arrangements of having additional body guards and security around the house."

"You're right. So you better agree. Better, it's best if Iris and you would move in to Kel's house."

"Why?" Both Iris and Alice asked her in confusion.

"It's because of Asia. I don't know if they had her under control. But one thing's for sure, that alter of Ana's dangerous."

"Oh wow!"

"So, they have your sister against you now, huh?" Iris was really surprised to know this.

"It seemed to be the case." Eunji could only sigh.

The ding of the microwave broke the silence in the room.

"So, what's the plan?" It was Iris who asked.

"I won't give up on her."

"We understand. We got your back." Kelly said.

"Thank you girls."

"No big deal!"

After Eunji ate her dinner, the trio wheeled her outside the operating room.josei

"Damn! I told you girls to just let me walk. I can walk you know." However, the three just laughed at her.

Eunji decided to wear the skin mask that at least Kelly could recognize.

Kelly then went to Mo Jing-sheng and gave him a hug.

"Feeling better?"

"Nah, these girls kept on bugging me there." The three girls rolled back their eyes at her.

"Any update from the inside?"

"Not yet."

"How's Marco anyways?"

"He's still unconscious. I gave him a VIP room upstairs."

"That's good."

Then Eunji turned her attention to Sam whose eyes were glued on the door of the OR.

Eunji got up from the wheelchair and decided to approach her.

Then, Eunji placed Sam's head on her chest to comfort her.

"It's fine. You should rest. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." 'It's my fault why you're not with her.' She continued the last part on her head

It's not the time for pointing fingers here.

Maybe because Eunji was so calm when she said that to her that it made Sam to sob immediately.

"Shh! It's okay."

Kelly, Iris and Alice were looking at the scene.

Alice then leaned on her wife's shoulder and she said, "Look at her. She's so good at comforting other people when she's even more hurting inside. That's why I could not just turn my back away from her."

"Me, too." Iris then kissed her wife's temple.

"What if she won't wake up? I have so many things to tell her yet I might not be able to."

"Oho! Another hopeless romantic here are we?" Kelly whispered at Iris.

"Why didn't I realized it sooner."

However, compared to the two, Alice didn't react much. In fact, she actually had seen this coming.

"Jeez! You girls are just so slow. Sam looked at Celine the way I looked at you, Sweetheart."

"Really? I didn't realize that. Maybe because I only have my eyes set on you?"

"Oh come on! Go and get some rooms!" Kelly teased which made Iris and Alice to blush hard.

"No! That's not going to happen! Do you hear me? I won't let that to happen."

Then, the door swung open and the doctor came out with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Who is the family of the patient?"

"We're just close friends here. Her mom's on the way. But it's okay. You may tell us."

"Chairman! I didn't know you're here."

Given Mo Jing-sheng's approval, the doctor continued.

"The patient earned a concussion and severe trauma to the head. We have successfully removed the blood clot and also had successfully removed the sharp glass on her side."

Celine also suffered from a broken leg.

"We have placed her in the ICU for monitoring. Should she not wake up within the given period, I'm afraid she would be on a vegetative state."

"Thank you, doctor."

Upon hearing that Celine was still not out of the woods, Eunji was in a very sullen mood. Sam was no better.

"Eunji, can I have a request?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can I took part in torturing that man?"


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