The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 366 - 364

Chapter 366 - 364: Celine 2.0

Since Celine had no signs of waking up, Iris and Alice bid their goodbyes because they still had to go home to Vicky who was only left with her nanny.

Alice and Iris moved to the KSA compound after Iris became the Country Director.

As for Kelly and Mo Jing-sheng, they decided to sleep in the hospital and stayed in the lounge room in his office.

As for Angelina, Sam, Mei and Lee Yunha, they all decided to stay inside Eunji's VIP room since it was bigger.

Since she could not sleep, she let Mei to sleep on her bed.

Sam stayed outside the ICU in case she would wake up. She wanted to be the first person to inform everyone.

Angelina and Lee Yunha accompanied Eunji as she visited Marco who was still unconscious in the other room.

Since they almost occupied the rooms in the entire floor, the security in the floor was stricter because of the KSA agents posted in front of their doors and in at the end of the hallways.

This made the doctors to feel intimidated and a bit uncomfortable because they had not encountered this kind of situation before.

Eunji looked at Marco who was still unconscious and with various tube attached on his body. He was under observation too. He had suffered fatal injuries but not fatal enough to be placed in the ICU.

She checked on his pulse and decided to give him acupuncture to release any built up pressure inside his body and his blood flow would normalize.

"He'll be fine." Angelina teased Lee Yunha.

"I know. He promised me."

"I have no idea that you're both a couple." Angelina had to ask her since Eunji won't spill any details about this to her.

"I didn't expect it to happen either. It happened, too fast. We have been working on a long-distance relationship. And he promised when Master Bai would give him the vacation, he would come to meet me."

Lee Yunha was generous enough to share this to her.

"I see. So that's your love story, huh."

Lee Yunha blushed to Angelina's teasing.

After removing her needles one by one and kept it on her pouch, Angelina and Lee Yunha looked at her.

But then, they watched as his right index finger moved signifying that he had woken up.

Seconds later, his eyes opened and a moan came out from his mouth.

Lee Yunha went closer to him while Eunji stepped aside.

Angelina called on the doctors and a minute after they rushed inside the room.

Lee Yunha was asked to step aside while they were doing examination on him.

Finally, he's awake.

Since Marco was already awake, Eunji and Angelina decided to leave the room and went to accompany Sam.

While they were on the way, Angelina could not hold back and asked Eunji what really happened to her and why was she wearing a hospital gown.

"I don't want to talk about it so please?"

Receiving her response, Angelina decided to stay quiet and just watched Eunji's lonely back as she slowly walked toward Sam who was sitting on the bench outside the ICU.


"She's still not awake." Sam weakly told Eunji.

"I know. That's why I'm going to go and check her."

Eunji entered the ICU wearing the PPE.

Angelina and Sam decided to stay outside and watched them by the window.

Eunji planned to do the same thing to Celine.

She wanted to make sure and check her pulse.

Celine now had a good pulse. Better than the last time she checked.

Jane opened the bag that she was holding and took a white container.

She decided to remove the bandages, opened the lid of the container and scooped some cream on her hands and applied it to Celine's wounds.

She placed back the plaster and placed back the bandage.

When she was done, she did the acupuncture for Celine.

Celine's wounds would be better after twenty-four hours.

After she was done, Eunji was full of sweats on her forehead.

She had also checked on her broken leg.

After making sure that she's fine, Eunji pulled out her needles and placed it back on her pouch.

"Wake up Nee-chan. I'm sorry I was not there and not able to protect you." She whispered on her ears.

Eunji then walked out of the ICU. She promised to visit her everyday until she woke up.


Inside the KSA base, Eagle was yawning as he guarded Luo Mian closely behind the glass.

Luo Mian was not in good shape either.

But since Eunji didn't want him to die, the doctors did their best to revive him.


Luo Residence....

Meanwhile, Luo Tian was in a bad mood after his brother, Luo Mian had not come back home yet.

Therefore he called his assistant for an update.

"Are you sure you can't find him?"

"Yes, First Master. We found out that he brought half of our men to go somewhere."

"Ha! And now you're telling me you can't find them?! Track down the GPS of their vehicles. Or the GPS of his phone. Can't you do it?!"

"We're sorry First Master but we had already done that. Still we can't find him."

His assistant could only bow down his head. And then said something.

"However, I'm sure he had tried to abduct Miss Celine First Master."

"Don't you think I didn't know of that?"

He already had a hunch that Luo Mian would still continue that stupid plan the moment they came back.

Francais had sternly reminded him to not be reckless the moment they came back or else they would sink down to the bottom and then they would be on their own.

After all, the tied had already shifted and every one were already against them.

He and Luo Mian had to wait for their assignment from the Big Boss.

"Then gather our remaining men. We have to save him."

Though he had no idea where his brother was, he was sure that Nathan had his brother.

When his assistant left, his burner phone rang and so he answered it.


From his tone of voice, he didn't have to say his name to know who it was. It's Francais.

"Someone told me that you're brother's missing?" The man on the other line didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

"Nathan's men have him." Luo Tian also told the other man his guess.

"You guess?"

"Yes. Luo Mian left to kidnap his sister, Celine but he's not back yet."

"It's not Nathan. It's the KSA who has your brother."

"What?! How?"

"The KSA had been teaming up with Nathan's people ever since. I have heard from my reliable source that Nathan's not in the country."

"Oh. Don't be reckless. They're more systematized than us." Francais reminded Luo Tian.

"What are you trying to tell me?! You wanted me to just wait and do nothing?!"

That's not going to happen.

"It's not my fault. You didn't stop your brother from being stupid. Don't forget. This is Nathan's territory and besides, the KSA in this region has come back alive after being inactive in the past two years."

Luo Tian immediately ended the call. Francais was subtly telling him to give up on his brother.

The phone rang again but he ignored it. He angrily threw the phone on the bin.

His face immediately turned dark because of anger.

They're really in a tough spot if that's the case.josei


The following morning, Eunji transformed Sam's face into Celine's face.

Eunji used her talent in makeup transformation to turn her into Celine.

She reinforced it with prosthetics and created a mold out from Celine's face as the basis for her skin mask.

What she did was only temporary. Once her skin mask was done, Sam could wear it while she's disguising as Celine in going to the company.

After seeing Sam's transformation before her eyes, Angelina could not help but be worried of Sam.

"You have to be careful. Now that you showed up as Celine, their attention is going to be on you. However, I don't think they'd become so reckless to do anything stupid this time. I'm sure they're still looking for Luo Mian until now."

"Angie's right. I have already doubled the security around you. For the meantime, Lee Yunha would be coming with you."

Eunji made sure that Sam would be safe while she was out there as Celine.

"Come here Yunha-shi."

"Yes, Chairman."

Upon the mention of the name, Lee Yunha moved forward and walked towards Eunji.

Eunji asked her to sit down on the stool replacing Sam. Meanwhile, Angelina gave Sam a mirror and Sam gasped in surprise when she saw that she looked exactly as Celine.


Alice and Kelly who came to check on them were also dumbstruck the moment they opened the door.

"Celine?! You're awake?!"

"No, it's Samantha!"


Sam only smiled slightly as she herself felt it's surreal.

"What?!" The two newcomers blurted out in disbelief.

Then, they focused on what Eunji was doing with Lee Yunha.

With a few strokes using her brush, she slightly changed Lee Yunha's appearance.


Just like what Angelina did, she gave a mirror to her.

And Lee Yunha smile and thanked Eunji.

"You and Daejung-shi had been with me when I'm Devie. I'm afraid they could recognize you, too."

"Eunjiyah! I thinks you should open a salon. Didn't know you're so good at using make up." Kelly only had praises for Eunji.

"It takes years of practice Kel." She just said so casually.

Then, she frowned when she saw Kelly and Alice around.

"Both of you, didn't your husband and wife reminded you both to stay indoor? Especially you Kel."

"Don't worry we're very careful in coming here." Alice explained to Eunji.

"Still. That's not enough."

Alice and Kelly pouted because they knew Eunji's right.

"Just give them the masks Eunji." Angelina suggested.

That way, no one could recognize then when they're out.

"It's not simple. They're still staying in the same house. Everyone knew where they lived." She once again pointed it out.

"I'll try to visit you girls from time to time, okay?"

Then, she opened the bag that Angelina brought last night and took one of those modified phones that only the KSA agents had.

"Here. Keep this. If you miss me, call me."

"I know what this is. Iris has one." Alice blurted out after she examined the phone.

"Yes. Every agents depending on their ranks has one each. That way, it's easy for me to call their help if I needed it."

Eunji sighed and then held both of their shoulders.

"Girls. I'm strict because I'm just worried for your safety, right? I may act like I'm fine but if something happened to any one of you, I don't know what to do anymore. So please!"

They were her weaknesses. She can't just ignore them if something happens to them.

She had already kept her main family to safety. She had to make sure the safety of the extended ones, too.

"I'm sorry Eunji. We didn't think about that."

"En. It's fine. Just don't do this again, okay?"

Eunji gave each a hug.

She hugged Kelly longer because she whispered something which made her shocked.

"Stop being reckless. You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"How did you know?" She asked her again in a whisper.

"I happened to touch your pulse last time."

Kelly's mouth opened as if she's going to say something but decided to close it.

"I'll send you girls home after this. Okay? And you, Sam and Yunhashi have to go to Bai Corp. to report in the office."

"Okay Chairman."

"Okay Eunji."

They both heard a knock on the door and it was the doctor who insisted on admitting Eunji. She came to check her one last time before giving her the clearance to go.

"Okay. You're good to go Ma'am. Unlike on your first day of miscarriage, your bleeding is no longer heavy right?"

"Yes. Only spotting." Eunji confirmed it with the doctor.

"Okay. Do come back so we can clean you up fully when your body's ready. No more donating of blood okay? At least not yet." She sternly reminded her.

"Don't worry Doc. Aside from Neechan, no one in the room is my match."

After the doctor left, the atmosphere in the room shifted immediately.

"Damn! Why is it so hard to insist with this people that I'm fine! That's why I hate doctors."

After hearing her saying a thing or two, Angelina and Lee Yunha decided to stay silent. At least their questions since last night were already answered.

They watched Eunji disappeared into the comfort room and came back wearing a casual clothes.

Gray sweat pants and its matching top. She also wore a black face mask and cap.

"Let's go."

After that, they walked out of the room and lived in the hospital.

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