The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 6 - 6

Chapter 6 - 6: Tiger

"Then GM Lee…would this be enough?"

Gasped resonated in the entire lobby. They could not believe it in their eyes!

"A diamond card?!"

Yes, a diamond card which gave her the luxury just like Master Bai had.


"Woman! Where did you stole that from?!" Manager Jiang yelled in denial after she recovered from shock.

GM Lee inwardly cursed as soon as she heard Manager Jiang's words.

How far could her stupidity go? Unfortunately for Manager Jiang, she would find out very soon.

"One more accusation and I'll cut your tongue right here.. Right now..." Though she spoke in a calm tone, Kim Eunji's beautiful face still turned grim. She's not kidding when she warned someone.

If this was in the past, Manager Jiang would already lose her life for humiliating her since the beginning. She should be thankful that Kim Eunji followed and acknowledged the civil law now and not the mercenary law.

"GM Lee, I want you to suspend her immediately before-." However she thought of something then evilly smiled as she continued, "No... I want the people who humiliated me to permanently scram in this place now!"


[Who is she? Who is this woman who dares to command the General Manager of the QPRC into firing an employee? And besides, how come she's a diamond card bearer of this resort?]

The guests and the resort staff had the same thought in mind.

"I want you to fire them and with Master Ling..." her voice trailed as she looked at Master Ling. She smirked as she continued, "Cancel his membership. I don't like men who's eccentric enough to let his d*ck control his actions and emotions rather than his brain!" She emphasized her displeasure for what Master Ling had done to her.

"You!" Master Ling, Manager Jiang and the two guards were furious as they heard her.

"Who do you think you are?!" Master Ling bellowed!

However, Kim Eunji had already turned back from being indifferent once again.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You dare cause me trouble, then... you have to pay the price. And the price won't be that cheap..."

She then turned her attention to GM Lee who was still in disbelief of what was going on.

"If you have other questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact your Superior. And if you still want to keep your post, don't disturb me. Have a good day everyone!"

Kim Eunji then wore back her mask and cap, turned around and was about to leave when she heard Master Ling. josei

"Stop right there! We're not done yet!"

Master Ling felt the urge to teach Kim Eunji a lesson. He wanted her to know that he's not someone she should mess with.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you slander me in public!" Master Ling walked and was about to grab Kim Eunji's wrist but she beat him to it by grabbing his arm and the collar of his shirt.

The crowd were stunned for what happened next.

Unexpectedly, Kim Eunji lifted and flipped him in the air and tossed him with his butt first on the ground.

Kim Eunji's action was so quick that it caught everyone off-guard including Master Ling who did not expect such thing would happen to him.

He groaned as he felt the impact in his butt and back.

Kim Eunji squatted on the ground as she looked at Master Ling who was still in shock.

"Who you are is not a big deal to me at all. Background is nothing when your personality is rotten. Come at me if you want. I'm not afraid of someone with the likes of you. But... you have to bear the consequences for doing so. Are you up to it?"

Sometimes Kim Eunji wanted to do the mercenary way of teaching someone a lesson. Talking won't put sense into a person with a narrow mind or a person dominated by pride and ego. And above all, she hated talking. She felt like these people should have known common sense in the first place.

She didn't want to be resented by this world therefore she had to adapt to it. She didn't want to spend her days in jail for injuring or killing someone in open air.

"I guess that's a no. *Sigh* Well, if I were you, I won't lay still there and let everyone watch me. And, tell your subordinates to not dare point the nozzle of his gun on me if he didn't know how to kill me without spilling my blood on this golden floor."

Kim Eunji got up and left without turning back.

She was glad that she was not interrupted this time. Finally, she could rest.

After that incident, no one dared to question her anymore. Though her identity remained mysterious to the rest of the staff except General Manager Lee who received a call from the COO of QPRC, Inc. He was tasked to make sure Kim Eunji's stay was comfortable. She's considered as one of the VVIP of this resort. And they have to make sure that she's comfortable during her stay.

And just like that, Master Ling had lost his membership. Manager Jiang who was so proud of herself had lost her job. The saddest part for her was that GM Lee broke up with her. The two security guards also received their punishment. Among the two, Eric had a lighter punishment. He was re-assigned to another QPRC resort in South Korea. On the other hand, guard number 2's contract was terminated on the spot.

Regret? Yes, they regretted what they did but it was already too late.


Had she known that her choice of coming to QPRC would bring her trouble, she rather would have booked an accommodation through Airbnb. But she could not change that now. Besides, it just so happen that she had the membership with her so she rather utilized her resources well.

It's not bad to pamper herself from time to time considering she had stayed in the slums to live with ordinary people. She felt that those who had less in life are the most sincere and genuine types of people.

Why? They never forgot their values and morals. If they were given something that they thought they're not worthy receiving, they would return it to the giver and would ask them to give it to someone worthy.

They never lose the humanity in them. Unlike those rich people who were always blinded by money or anything that sparkles. They won't stop at nothing until they reached it even if it cost someone's life.

She hated herself for working with people like them in the past. Though indirectly, they were like the tools used by them to reach that goal.

Kim Eunji used the biometrics, not a key-card to unlock the door of her penthouse.

There were only two penthouse suite in this resort. Hers was the second one. She liked it as she had the best view.

Just like the lobby, the interior of her room had a touch of real gold in it. The furniture and the appliances were all modern and were customized to her liking.

The interior of her suite had a white and gold motif. Diamond crystals could be found in almost every lighting like the huge chandelier in her living room. The light switch, the knob of her bedroom, the lightings in the kitchen and the frames in the paintings hanged in the walls of the entire suite.

The kitchen had a complete set of modern smart kitchen appliances that every Master chef kitchen has.

Aside from the kitchen, it also had a Jacuzzi, a smart bathroom, a private swimming pool and a huge terrace with beautiful bonsai plants planted in it. There's also a helipad on top of her floor which could be accessed via the stairs on the terrace.

She sighed as she knew she would not be spending much time in this spot.

Since it's still three in the afternoon and the sun was still up and shining, she sat down on the couch in the terrace to appreciate the view. She knew that the view would even be more spectacular at night.

The couch was so soft and so comfortable that she didn't realize she had already drifted to sleep.


Kim Eunji woke up with a slight cold the following day because she had slept the entire time outside. She was so exhausted yesterday that she was not able to wake up to even have her dinner.

She groaned when she felt her stomach rumble.

She immediately went to the kitchen to see if there was anything that she could cook.

As she opened the cabinets, she saw nothing. The resort staff was not informed of her arrival, therefore they were not able to restock her fridge with food.

Also, since she's a VVIP, a master chef was already on standby to cook her meals. So does a few of the resort staffs to clean her suite and tend to her needs. Everything was arranged by GM Lee with the request of the COO.

Like just on cue, her door rang and Kim Eunji could see in the monitor that there were people waiting outside. They were the people specially arranged for her to make her stay comfortable.

She pressed the remote to unlock the door and let them come in.

"Good morning Miss Kim. I'm the head butler assigned to cater your needs while you're staying here in the resort. My name is Li Jie but you can call me Butler David. They will be your attendants from now on." Butler David said as he pointed out the five female attendants who were standing in line behind him with their heads bowed down.

Butler David was a young and handsome Chinese man. Aside from that, he emitted a different kind of aura. Kim Eunji knew right there and then who he they were. Warmth surged in her heart.

"Butler David, is it?" Kim Eunji raised her brow as she asked.

"I'm only staying here for a couple of days and will eventually leave afterwards. Don't worry. I'm not some tyrant. As long as you can prepare good food for me during my stay, there won't be any problem between us. Also, I don't need female attendants to be on my beck and call. Rest assured, since you're working to cater my needs, all of you will still be paid."

Kim Eunji did not set much rules. She trusted that man. She knew that he would select the best attendants for her. In fact he did.

Kim Eunji enjoyed her Western Style breakfast. She had some pancake, sliced strawberries and a glass of fresh milk.

After her breakfast, she took a warm shower. She changed into this knee length pastel dress with an A-line neckline. She pared it with her white shoes. She did not bring much on this trip since she won't be staying for long. She only had a duffle bag which contained 4 pairs of clean clothes, wallet, her phone, passport, return ticket and a camera with her. She didn't even bring her laptop with her.

She knew that Kelly would take good care of everything. Why? Because that's what Kelly's expertise.

Kim Eunji let her hair free on the back. She only put a blush on powder on her cheeks and some tint on her lips and she's good to go.

She had a mission to do. She made someone very angry yesterday therefore, she must woo her.

Earlier, she was stunned when she saw almost a hundred of missed calls on her phone and it was from Kelly. She tried to call her back but the latter's phone was turned off.

Eunji knew that she's in the wrong this time.

She took her wallet and phone with her and left the place to Butler David's care.

As soon as she went out of her suite, one attendant followed her.

"You don't have to follow me." She reminded her.

"Pardon Mistress but the Chief ordered us to make sure that either one of us would be by your side all the time. You had caught a lot of attention yesterday. This is to make sure of your safety." The female attendant explained.

"So that means you'll be following me even outside?"

The female attendant nodded in response. For Eunji, what's happening was pretty ridiculous. She didn't need any protection at all. In fact, her enemies should be the one who needed to get one to protect themselves from her.

"This is to make sure that you won't attract much attention."

She sighed in resignation as she looked at the female attendant who's name plate showed "Tiger".

"Alright, though it's unnecessary, my safety is in your hands now. But before anything else, may I know your name?"

"You can call me Tiger, that's my code name."

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