The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 78 - 78

Chapter 78 - 78: I Want You

Kim Eunji stormed out of the hall and eventually out of the house leaving everyone speechless.

She had no plans on staying in such a crowded place any longer.

Man 2 who stayed outside immediately guided Kim Eunji to Nathan's car.

Kim Eunji immediately entered the car and let her emotions to settle down. She was breathing in and out to make herself calm. She didn't want to be in a terrible mood when she faced Nathan.

Minutes after, the door opened revealing Nathan's handsome face. Their eyes met with anticipation.

Nathan immediately entered and harshly closed the door behind him.

Without prior warning he reached out and grabbed her nape and kissed her hard on the lips.

It was like they were pouring all their pent up feelings in this kiss.

Nathan bit her lower lip until she could taste some iron like taste in it.

Nathan then broke off the kiss when he could feel that Kim Eunji was gasping for air.

Her chest was heaving up and down as she felt like her lungs lost all air.

Kim Eunji fiercely looked at him as if she wanted to get even with her husband.

She then suddenly grabbed his nape and without any warning she sucked his neck as hard as he could. She wanted to mark him as hers the same as how he wanted to leave his mark on his body.

She had witnessed how those eyes were ogling at him that she wanted to poke them one by one with a needle.

Nathan groaned as he could feel her teeth brushing through his skin. But he didn't care of Kim Eunji would leave a mark. On the contrary, he'd be proud to wear it everyday.

Kim Eunji did not stop until she she was satisfied with the mark she created.

"Happy?" Nathan asked her as he let her straddled on his lap facing him.

"En! Super!" Kim Eunji then smiled brightly to him.

"I'm glad that you are. I'm proud of you." Nathan proudly said.

Nathan then rolled down the window and immediately said, "Let's go!"

Man 2 and his chauffeur then entered the car and they drove off.

Of course he decided to let his men to drive for them.

Nathan did not let Kim Eunji to sit back on her seat and held her waist firmly in place.

"You're so beautiful tonight. Do you know that?" Nathan said all of a sudden.

"En. It's all thanks to Tiger's magical hands. I could not even recognize myself in the mirror when I checked myself earlier." She said.

"Yes. But somehow I'm upset that a lot of people saw you in this look. As much as I wanted to, I really wanted to keep you for myself only."

"Oh? Don't be upset. I'm all yours to keep." Kim Eunji coaxed the childish Nathan.


"Forever, my beloved." Kim Eunji said with finality.

"I love you." Nathan then held her hand and gently kissed her knuckles. A simple gesture that every woman liked their man to do.

"I love you, too." Kim Eunji held his face in between her palm and gently caressed it.

She then leaned her forehead on his as they enjoyed this romantic moment.

Though the partition was already up even before they entered the car, Man 2 and the chauffeur felt like they would be bitten by ants because of the couple's sweetness. The two suddenly felt like they didn't want to stay single any longer.

Kim Eunji thought that they would be heading straight to J's manor but she was wrong.

"Where are we going?"

"Man 1 told me that the food being served during dinner were mainly sea food dishes. So, I'm bringing us somewhere where we could enjoy a fancy dinner. Just the two of us. I haven't eaten dinner you know." Nathan simply said.

"Awe. Thanks hubby. You're the best!"

"You're welcome wifey."

The car then pulled over at the entrance of a private beach.

Nathan brought them to a private beach.

"Are we allowed to enter here?"

Kim Eunji asked as she saw the private property sign at the entrance.

"Yes, we are. Do you trust me?" Nathan asked her.

"Yes! Why do you ask?" Kim Eunji replied.

Kim Eunji then saw Nathan picking something out from his pocket. She smiled when she saw what it was. It was a velvet blindfold. Nathan then wrapped the blindfold around her eyes.

"No peeking okay?"

"Well, I'm not a cheater." Kim Eunji refuted.

Nathan made sure that she could not see anything by waving his hand in front of her face. After he was satisfied, the two then walked in the sand hand in hand. Since Kim Eunji was wearing high heels, she was having trouble in walking by the sand.

Nathan frowned when he saw his wife struggling.

"Wait a minute. Let me." Nathan then crouched and removed the shoes to free her feet.

"Ah!" Kim Eunji yelped when Nathan suddenly swooped her off and carried her princess style.

"I can walk you know!" Kim Eunji protested.

"I know you can but I'm afraid your feet may get hurt. What if there's something pointed buried on the sand. Now close your eyes and don't peek." Nathan expressed his point.

"Oh." Kim Eunji had no other choice but to obey him. She then wrapped her arms around his nape and did not protest any longer.

After walking for quite a distance, Nathan then gently placed Kim Eunji on the sand.

Kim Eunji could still feel the the coldness of the sea breeze despite Nathan's suit jacket that was wrapped around her body.

He then gently put her down and let her stand on the sand. Kim Eunji could feel that she was stepping on something. She could also smell a different kind of scent except the fresh sea scent.

"Ready?" Nathan asked her.

"En!" Kim Eunji nodded.

"Close your eyes. Open it when I say so." Nathan instructed.

"Okay hubby."

Nathan then slowly removed the blindfold and placed it back into his pocket.

"In a count of three, open your eyes. Okay? One...two...three."

Kim Eunji then slowly opened her eyes. Since she was looking down, the first thing that she saw was the rose petals spreading across her feet that created a path towards something. The next thing she saw was the candles placed on each sides of the petals.

She then looked up and saw where the petal path was heading to. It was a luxurious yacht.

"Hubby who owns that yacht?"

"Us." Nathan simply answered her.

Kim Eunji then looked at Nathan with teary eyes when she saw something painted on the yacht's body.


"Hmm?" Nathan hummed back.

"You named that yacht after me?" She emotionally asked.

"En. Why, you don't like it?"


Nathan frowned when he heard his response.

"Because I f*ckin love it!" Kim Eunji added which made Nathan heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"You never really failed to impress me hubby." Kim Eunji lovingly remarked.

"Of course. You deserved all of the best treatment my love." Nathan then winked to her.

Kim Eunji felt sorry to walk on the rose petals. She didn't want to ruin them by stepping on them.

"Does your feet ache?" Nathan asked her in concern as he saw her tiptoeing on the sand.

"No. I just didn't want to hurt the petals." She honestly answered which made Nathan to laugh because of how silly she was.

"Alright. You win." Nathan said.

Nathan helped her to board on the yacht.

As soon as they were on board, Kim Eunji saw countless of petals on the floor.

"Surprised?" Nathan lovingly asked. josei

"Yeah..." Kim Eunji was speechless beyond words. Her heart was deeply moved by him.

"Alright. Let's eat proper dinner first." Nathan said meaningfully and led her to the fancy dinner set up.


He then pulled the chair for Kim Eunji to sit.

"Thank you." She softly said.

Nathan then sat down and gestured for the waiting server to serve the food for them.

They had steaks and grilled broccoli and asparagus. Nathan only allowed Eunji to drink a glass of wine. Just enough to not make her drunk. Nathan had made sure that nothing could ruin their moment together.

Kim Eunji was wrapped by his warm embrace as the yacht went farther away from the island.

"Are you tired? We could retreat now inside." Nathan offered as he looked at the woman wrapped around his arms with her slim back against his broad chest.

"Nah. I wanted to stay like this for a while." Kim Eunji said but Nathan had other plans in mind.

"Hubby?" Kim Eunji softly called as she stared at the vast sea stretching ahead of them.

"Hmm?" He softly hummed as he rested his chin on top of her head.

"When did you plan all of these?" She knew that he was very busy at work that's why she was curious as to when did Nathan got the chance to arrange this fancy surprise.

"I bought the yacht on the day we got married. Honestly, I was planning to spend our first night as a couple here." Nathan confessed. Sadly they were not able to do it because some unfortunate events happened.

"On the other hand, setting the dinner, I had arranged this while I was on my way here. I thought I haven't treated you to this kind of set up. Did you like it?"

"I don't like it. I love it. It's just that I felt like I don't deserve it and I can't help myself from thinking that everything might be just temporary and in a blink of an eye, everything will be over. That everything was just like a dream." Kim Eunji said.

"Don't say that you don't deserve this because you're more than worthy for this. You're an amazing person my love...Wifey, don't belittle yourself. Okay? Instill that in your mind." Nathan then kissed her knuckles.

"Hubby." Kim Eunji was emotional maybe because she got drunk by just having a glass of wine.

"Why are you crying?" He worriedly asked as he turned her body and hugged her this time. He hated to see her cry. He hated to see her shed her tears over some trivial matters.

"I just want to. Why? Am I not allowed to cry?!" Kim Eunji cutely pouted as she slowly removed herself from the hug.

"Yes! Who said that you're not allowed to cry? You're my big baby. Of course you're allowed to cry but not only here in my arms and not in someone else's. Okay?"

"Are you jealous?" Kim Eunji suddenly asked him. She then decided to remove herself from the hug to see his face clearer.

Nathan gave it a good thought before he decided to answer his wife's question.

"Would you be upset with me if I said yes?" Nathan honestly answered.

Though his wife had managed to stop the engagement earlier, he could not help but feel the urge to eliminate the entire male population just so no one would covet his wife.

"Geez! Hahahahhahah!" Kim Eunji laughed. She could somehow guess what was on Nathan's mind.

"Are you still thinking about what happened earlier?" Kim Eunji added.

"--__--" Nathan was speechless.

"Don't mind what happened earlier. I have managed to burst their bubbles, haven't I? Those old folks really thought they could bind me with some ancient agreement. They're such a bunch of ungrateful people."

Before this incident, Kim Eunji had no plans to mess with them. She was not after the Jin inheritance after all. She thought that since his great grandfather had decided to take them as a part of the family, she should respect that. However, she never thought that they'd thought of her as some disposable? A useless pawn?

They even wanted to control her entire life!

"Do you want me to get even with them for your own sake?" Nathan coaxed her as he could feel her anger emanating from her body.

Kim Eunji turned around and looked back at the sea.

"Don't. I want to do it on my own. Not now but soon." Her eyes turned a shade darker when she said that.

"Okay. Always remember that I'll be behind you. I'll support your decision." He sincerely said as he brushed his lips on her nape making Kim Eunji to shiver even more.

Kim Eunji moaned in response as he snuck his hand around her belly area and the other massaging her breast.

Since she was being hugged from behind, Kim Eunji could feel that something was poking behind her making Kim Eunji to blush.

She felt guilty as she knew Nathan had been holding the desire to devour her for a long time now.

And she knew that the man would hold himself as long as he could just to not hurt her. Therefore she had to do something.

"Hubby..." She softly called him.

"Yes?" He huskily replied.

"I want you."


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