The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 12 12

Chapter 12 12: Calming The Heat Down

Maria gasped as Nao’s mouth poured energy into her person.

It felt so good, so pleasurable for her that she found herself unable to even speak. Her mouth was being probed by a tongue and it caressed her own in a tasing way.

It made Maria wonder about Nao and her expertise in this field. Everything she did brought a fresh wave of pleasure to Maria and her pussy appreciated the rubbing motion Nao was doing with her hands.

“H-How does it feel? Is the heat more m-manageable?” Nao asked as she panted above Maria. Her voice sounded hoarse and wrecked which made Maria proud for some reason.

But when it came to speaking, Maria was unable to manage even a single word. Everything had turned into senseless words of pleasure for her and it made Maria feel like putty in those hands.

The mouth had moved from her lips and Maria leaned forward to catch those lips again. She did not want to let go of that taste so soon.josei

But she did not get a choice as Nao’s hands pushed her back the head and the hand on Maria’s pussy increased in pressure.

And then Maria felt it. The odd sensation of something breaching her lower lips with something cold and long.

“N-Nao?” Maria asked in a small voice. That was all she was able to manage to get out before her breath left her lungs. The finger inside her felt so huge and the heat inside Maria receded just a little.

“As I thought! The life force shared through Master Maria’s is not enough to sustain her. As such, I need to take a more drastic approach to this. Master should brace herself for it. I will try my best to prepare you for it” Nao panted out those words as her finger began moving about.

It was weird but the heat inside Maria made her enjoy the moment. She could feel her pussy leaking more and more with the finder’s moment inside her.

And then another finger joined the first one and Maria felt herself beginning to get lost in the pleasure. She needed more and her hips moved over the finger to signal for the same.

Maria clenched her pussy as the finders started to leave her. Maria did not want to take them out. If they left then the heat would come back and Maria knew how painful the heat had been.

This moment was embarrassing but it did not hurt her as the heat had.

“Master Maria, please release me f-fingers. I need to press this condensed life-force into you so that we can cure you for the time being” Nao explained as she held an egg-like shape in front of Maria.

It was a small elliptical object that was also egg-sized and Maria did her best to ease her grip on Nao’s fingers and it took a considerable effort from her side.

“Here we go” Nao held the smooth egg-shaped condensed energy against Maria’s pussy and pushed it in slowly. It was an antagonizing process but soon the ball was inside Maria.

But Nao did not rest there. She jabbed the ball deep inside Maria and made it collide with her G-spot.

It caused unspeakable pleasure to clash all over Maria and she felt herself leak.

And finally, the heat started to recede inside her.

Her pussy clenched around the egg inside it and Maria felt it dissolve a little bit at a time. She wanted to move but her body did not have any energy left to function.

All Maira could do was to turn her head a little and look at Nao. Her eyes faced Nao’s lower half directly and felt a yelp leave her lips.

Of course, Nao’s penis was there.

Every full demon and some half-demons had them since they were uni-sex but seeing one still turned Maria pink to see it.

And it was hard as well. Hard and big which was another point in Nao’s favor. It made MAria glad that she did not have to take it today or she would have been in serious pain.

Although, the remaining heat in her body liked the idea and she unconsciously clenched at the egg still inside her.

“You don’t need help with that?” Maira felt her face go pink as those words escaped her mouth.

She had not wanted to say them but she could no longer take them back as well. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place with nowhere to go.

The expression on Nao’s face was full of amusement mixed with embarrassment. The other had not expected to be asked something like that and it showed.

Nao blinked slowly and her brain seemed to be processing Maria’s words before she frowned and her eyes hardened a little.

“There is no need for Master to offer something like this to me. Master should rest since tomorrow would be a big day for us” Nao offered instead and Maria felt bad.

Nao was in a difficult position because of her and Maria should help her out with her lower problem.

But the bed was too comfortable to get up from and it called to Maria. She was no longer able to resist its sweet embrace and soon fell asleep.

The loss of painful heat also helped in its favor. It was all blissfully quiet around her. That was the only reason Maria was able to sleep the whole night away without any care in the world.

But it did not last long.

She was woken up by a sharp jab in her shoulder and instantly felt arms around her. Her face was being smashed into a pair of the heavy and soft mount of flesh that vaguely seemed familiar.

Maria lifted her hand to check the flesh out and squeezed the part.

The hands around her loosened and threatened to drop Maria and the rush of adrenaline from it instantly woke her up. It was then she realized what was happening around her.

Nao was carrying her and running at the same time. There seemed to be some kind of moment behind them but Maria was angled in such a way that she could not glimpse it.

“Nao?” Maria asked her retainer who ignored her call but did meet Maria’s eyes with a heavy look. Nao was asking Maria to trust her and Maria did trust her.

That was the only reason she did not ask any questions as Nao whisked them into the darkness of the night.

“Surrender now or we will be forced to retaliate. We don’t want to harm the oracle so please hand yourself in now” for a second Maria felt tempted to order Nao to surrender them both. She wanted to take the gamble that Neah would protect them both.

But as soon as the thought formed in her mind, it faded as well.

Her mind forced her to remember the words of those nobles and the sacrifice Nao had made to get her out. Nao would not be spared even if Maria remained unharmed and that was not a gamble Maria was willing to take.

“Lady Maria, this is our last chance to turn back. You need to make a decision now and I will follow through. No matter what you decide, I am with you all the way” Maria felt so glad that she had Nao as her servant.

Maria could not allow harm to come to Nao, even if it meant that she would have to suffer some hardships in the process. Maria would not allow her second chance at life to go wasted.

“Nao, make sure we disappear from the radar. We cannot allow those royal guards to catch us” and as soon as those words escaped Maria’s lips, she felt magic surround her and the voice of her system sounded in her ear.

[Path divergence attained successfully. User is once again reminded that they chose this on their own.

Any attempt to sue the system would not be entertained, nor would any complaints be heard. The user is on their own now]

It did not matter to Maria. She had always been on her own in this world anyway. She would manage to carve her way.

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