The second female lead Dual Cultivates

Chapter 128 126

Chapter 128 126: Fated Meeting - Part 1

"I'll give you the benefit of doubt since you have a familiar feeling about yourself. Then, tell me this. What does that old witch want with me?" Well, that was a good question, was it not? But Maria had a feeling that nothing she was going to say would matter in the end.

The other felt too inhuman, too inflexible, and too familiar for Maria to feel comfortable about this talk. Also, the other had not dropped the attacking pose which made Maria's hair stand on the back of her neck as well.

"Lady Elma asked us to rescue you from the prison. This continent is in danger of collapsing. No, it is fated to collapse within this week and we need your help to stop it" Maria explained, willing to take the gamble and open up about her position.josei

Whether the other would believe her or not would be a different story altogether. Although, Maria could feel the other paying rapid attention to her words. Maybe the princess did know something about this eventual collapse.

"If you're here to tell me this lie then you are more than welcome to but I don't believe you. imu is not that weak to fall just yet. I can still feel that it's healthy, " the princess replied without any doubt in her voice. Maria would have been content to believe in her words if she had not known the truth.

Now, how does one go about this situation? Even if she revealed herself to be the Oracle, would the other side even believe her on this topic? Unlike Gerna, the people of Imu had never really seen the Oracle. There had never been one born here either.

"Even so, can't you give me and Lady Elma the benefit of the doubt? This place must be suffocating to live in'' Maria tried another angle. Surely the other wanted to be free of all these bindings.

"Nice try but I'm not willing to trust you. Just leave" the princess ordered before she turned away. But there was something in her body language that worried Maria. It looked defeated and a little hunched back.

It looked as if the princess had lost all hope and was just waiting to be executed. This should not be right because the princess had been made out to be a powerful and prideful warrior that had never given in to anyone. She had not been this empty husk of emotions.

"I won't. Either you come with me or we both stay here" Maria knew she was being selfish here. She had Suna to go back to and a mission to accomplish and here she was, accompanying someone who didn't want her company.

The right thing to do would have been to wrestle the key out of the princess's hold and leave the binding cells. This way, they all got what they wanted and the continent would be saved. But instead, something in Maria asked her to stay here and to observe what was happening.

"Again, do what you want to but don't associate yourself with me. I'll deny any involvement with you when you get caught. They must know you're here by now" the princess informed Maria but Maria chose not to move out of the cells.

She had no intention of leaving the princess alone. The other was not a bad-hearted person, just a little lost on her way. Maria would make sure to free her from the chains that were binding them.

And it was not because this poor girl reminded Maria of Princess Neha. It was not because Maria wanted to see someone in the same position as her (former?) dear friend going through tough times. She just wanted to see people be happy and make choices that they wanted to.

The cells were quiet but it was not long before Maria heard the clinking sound of metal and marching footsteps coming their way. The guards were coming and one of them must be on their side to signal their coming.

"This is not good. Go and hide in the back. I'll take care of the incoming soldiers. Make sure you keep yourself hidden and do not scream" the princess shoved Maria lightly toward the back room and Maria wanted to protest.

Why did she have to hide? She had done nothing wrong here.

But she had. But only had she broken a lot of rules by coming here, but she had also knocked out Lucas in the washroom. The guards must have found him and someone must have put out two on two together.

"We're not done yet. I won't leave this place alone" Maria vowed before she entered the backroom. The room looked like a bedroom with a small study table and a queen-sized bed that looked occupied.

B-But that could not be right. The princess was outside and no one else should be in there except Maria. But the bed looked occupied and there was someone beneath the sheets that gave it a filled look and Maria felt herself panic.

'Who is that?' Maria asked herself, forgetting that she had a system that could answer for her.

[Scanning. Person identified: Trisha McWell detected]

Trisha McWell? The princess? Then, who had been that outside that had urged Maria in? A ghost? Someone Trisha had known beforehand and had accompanied her?

Maria felt the curiosity get the better of her as she removed the sheets from the princess's face, only to almost fall back in shock and bit her lips to not scream.

The face that looked back at her was the same as the one she had seen outside. If not for the age difference between the two bodies (as well as some obvious development), the two bodies could have passed for as twins.

But Princess Trisha was said to be an only child. Even Lady Elma had only talked about one princess and no one else. Maria felt like she was missing something.

Hesitantly, her hands moved to touch the sleeping princess to confirm whether this was reality or not. Maybe this was another illusion and would break if she touched the princess? Maria almost did make it to the princess's cheek before her hand was taken into a harsh grasp.

"Don't try anything funny. The guards are gone so you should take your cue and leave as well. I do not want you here she wakes up" the person from before, the princess look-alike said with a harsh grip and Maria felt herself bite her tongue. It hurt to have her wrist in that grasp. She was going to have marks, wasn't she?

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